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traduzione dublin, Traduzioni di Inglese Giuridico

traduzione dublin

Tipologia: Traduzioni


Caricato il 03/11/2012

carlaespinosa 🇮🇹



6 documenti

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Scarica traduzione dublin e più Traduzioni in PDF di Inglese Giuridico solo su Docsity! The first half of the twentieth century was an age of extraordinary and irreversible trasformations. It was marked by two atrocious wars, witnessed the launch of the atomic bomb, new and faster means of transport and communication were discovered, psychology assumed a scientific status. All this wiped out the old certainties and cast man into the depths of anguish and disillusionment. A profound cultural crisis had been growing since the last two decades of the nineteenth century and led to the end of the system of Victorian values. The pervasive feeling was that material gain implied spiritual loss. The private morality of the Victorians had been strict and taboo-riden, decency should been maintained, whatever went on under the surface; the positivistic faith in progress and science had led people to believe that all human misery would be swept away. Yet the First World War, in which almost a million British soldiers died, left the country in a disillusioned and cynical mood: stability and prosperity proved to belong only to a privileged class, consciences were haunted by the atrocities of the war. The gap between the generation of the young and the older one, regarded as responsible for the waste of lives during the war, grew wider and wider. An increasing feeling of frustation led to a remarkable transformation of the notions of Imperial hegemony and white superiority as a result of the slow dissolution of the Empire into a free associations of states, the Commonwealth. Nothing seemed to be right or certain; even science and religion seemed to offer little confort or security. Scientists and philosophers destroyed the old, predictable universe which had sustained the Victorians in their optimistic outlook, and new views of man and the universe emerged. The first set of new ideas was introduced by Sigmund Freud in his essay The Interpretation of Dreams (1900). Freud explained that the development of the human psyche is deeply affected by the unconscious; the discovery that man's action could be motivated by irrational forces of which he might know nothing was very disturbing. Freud's theory also maintained tha the super-ego, that is to say the constraints imposed on the individual by society, education, and moral laws, can profoundly distort man's behaviour. The effects in the sphere of family life were deep: the relationship between parents and children was altered; the Freudian concept of infantile sexuality focused attention on the importance of early developments and childood regained a status it had previously had only in the pages of Jean-Jacques Russeau; the conventional models of relationship between the sexes were readjusted, also thanks to the struggles of the movement for women's suffrage. Freud's new method of investigation of the human mind through the analysis of dreams and the concepts of "free association" influenced the writers of the modern age. La prima metà del XX secolo fu un'epoca di trasformazioni straordinario e irreversibile.E 'stato segnato da due guerre atroci, ha visto il lancio della bomba atomica, le nuove epiù veloci mezzi di trasporto e di comunicazione sono stati scoperti, la psicologiaassunto uno status scientifico. Tutto questo spazzato via le vecchie certezze e gettatol'uomo nel profondo di angoscia e disillusione. Una profonda crisi culturale era in aumento, dato che gli ultimi due decenni del XIX secolo e ha portato alla fine del sistema di valori vittoriani. La sensazione diffusa erache il guadagno materiale implicava la perdita spirituale. La morale privata dei vittorianiera stata rigorosa e riden-tabù, la decenza dovrebbero stata mantenuta, quale che siaandato a sotto la superficie, la fede positivista nel progresso e la scienza aveva portatoa credere che tutta la miseria umana sarebbe spazzata via. Eppure la prima guerra mondiale, in cui quasi un milione di soldati britannici sono morti, hanno lasciato il paesein uno stato d'animo disilluso e cinico: la stabilità e la prosperità dimostrato diappartenere solo ad una classe privilegiata, le coscienze si aggirasse per le atrocitàdella guerra. Il divario tra la generazione dei giovani e il più grande, consideratoresponsabile della perdita di vite durante la guerra, è cresciuto sempre di più. Unacrescente sensazione di frustrazione ha portato ad una notevole trasformazione delle nozioni di egemonia imperiale e superiorità bianca a causa della lenta dissoluzionedell'impero in una libera associazione di Stati, il Commonwealth.
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