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Test II. CASE STUDY: Please read the passage carefully and answer each question in 7 to 12 sentences (50 Points) Mr. John Cruz is a professional conference organizer assigned to put together the needs of the 900 foreign local delegates to the 2017

Answer the questions below:1. Is Mr. Cruz's company at fault in this situation? Why?2. What are the responsibilities of conference organizers especially when there are foreign delegates in an event?3. Can Dr. Alonzo demand payment from the conference organizers for the new airline booking he had to make because of the incident?

2.1Elaborate on the motivation for this paper, highlighting the focus of inquiry (i.e. the broad question of interest). 2.2Comment on the strategic relevance of Kier and McMullen’s (2018) findings and highlight TWO (2)ment on the strategic relevance

Below is the title and abstract of an article which was published in the Academy of Management Journal, Vol. 61,No. 6, page 2265 – 2295. Critically reflect on the abstract and answer the questions that follow.Entrepreneurial Imaginativeness in New Venture IdeationAlexander S. Kier and Jeffery S. McMullenAbstractAlthough theories of entrepreneurial action regularly acknowledge the importance of imagination, the ability is rarely definedor measured, and thus effectively treated as uniform in degree and type. Using a creative problem-solving lens, we identifyand measure three different cognitive skills—creative, social, and practical imaginativeness—that vary across individuals.Each skill combines the ability of imagination with the knowledge needed to mentally simulate various task-relatedscenarios used in generating and selecting ideas for new value creation. We then conduct a quasi-experiment to examineeach skill’s relative effect on new venture ideation. We find that the three imaginativeness skills vary across individuals andthat they predict new venture idea quantity and quality differently over and above the effects of motivation, knowledge, andexperience. We conclude with implications for theory development in entrepreneurship and creative problem-solving.​2.1Elaborate on the motivation for this paper, highlighting the focus of inquiry (i.e. the broad questionof interest).​​2.2Comment on the strategic relevance of Kier and McMullen’s (2018) findings and highlight TWO (2)ment on the strategic relevance of Kier and McMullen’s (2018) findings and highlight TWO (2)key shortcomings of most quasi-experiments.

Can I ask for a reviewers copy of Gender and Society for 2nd year students exam?

Can I ask for a reviewers copy of Gender and Society for 2nd year students exam?

To what extent do these duties help to balance the reasonable expectations of buyers and sellers in uganda

How does the law relating to sellers dyties in relation to quality, fitness for purpose, description and durability under the sale of goods act balance the resonable expectations of buyers and sellers in uganda​

Manufacturers react by spending substantial amt of money on Consumer - directed _ to maintain Strong brand preference.

Options are1. Advertising only 2. Promotion only 3. Advertising and Promotion 4. **None of these above **
almost 11 years ago

question test

this is a question test
1-6 of 448

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over 11 years ago

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What is the maximum amount of accommodation charges a student has to pay in Glasgow University?
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