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Basic Code Generation, DAG Representations - Compiler Construction - Lecture Slides, Slides of Compiler Construction

Basic Code Generation, Data Flow Analysis, Variables, DAG Representations, Interior nodes, Optimization, Labeling algorithms are basic concepts discussed of course.

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Download Basic Code Generation, DAG Representations - Compiler Construction - Lecture Slides and more Slides Compiler Construction in PDF only on Docsity! Compiler Construction Lecture 45 2 Liveness information allows us to keep values in registers if they will be used later (efficiency) Basic Code Generation 5 DAG Representations A dag (directed acyclic graph) for a basic block has the following labels for the nodes: 6 DAG Representations  Leaves are labeled by unique identifiers.  Interior nodes are labeled by operator symbols.  Nodes can have multiple labels since they represent computed values. 7 DAG Representations BB DAG for x = y op z op x y z 10 Example 1 a = b + c t1 = a * a b = t1 + a c = t1 * b t2 = c + b a = t2 + t2 11 Example 1 a = b + c t1 = a * a b = t1 + a c = t1 * b t2 = c + b a = t2 + t2 b c + a 12 Example 1 a = b + c t1 = a * a b = t1 + a c = t1 * b t2 = c + b a = t2 + t2 b t1 c + * a 15 Example 1 a = b + c t1 = a * a b = t1 + a c = t1 * b t2 = c + b a = t2 + t2 b’ t1 c’ t2 + * + b * + c a 16 Example 1 a = b + c t1 = a * a b = t1 + a c = t1 * b t2 = c + b a = t2 + t2 b’ t1 c’ t2 + * + b * + + c a 17 Example 2 t1 = 4 * i t2 = a[t1] t3 = 4 * i t4 = b[t3] t5 = t2 * t4 t6 = p + t5 p = t6 t7 = i + 1 i = t7 if i <20 goto (1) a b 4 i’ 1 + * < [ ] [ ] * + p’ t6,p t5 t2 t4 t1,t3 t7,i (1) 20 20 Order #1 with 2 registers t1 = a + b t2 = c + d t3 = e – t2 t4 = t1 – t3 MOV a, R0 ADD b,R0 MOV c, R1 ADD D, R1 MOV R0,t1 MOV e, R0 SUB R1,R0 MOV t1,R1 SUB R0, R1 MOV R1,t4 ; 10 instructions 21 Order #2 with 2 registers t2 = c + d t3 = e – t2 t1 = a + b t4 = t1 – t3 MOV c, R0 ADD D, R0 MOV e, R1 SUB R0,R1 MOV a,R0 ADD b, R0 MOV R0,t4 ; 7 instructions 22 Order 1 t1 = a + b t2 = c + d t3 = e – t2 t4 = t1 – t3 Order 2 t2 = c + d t3 = e – t2 t1 = a + b t4 = t1 – t3  Reordering improved code because computation of t4 immediately followed computation of t1, its left operand.  t1 must be in a register and it is 25 Register Allocation Complications: • special purpose registers • operators requiring multiple registers. 26 Algorithm: K registers 1. Compute liveness information. 2. Create interference graph G • one node for each variable, • an edge connects two variables if one is live at a point where the other is defined 27 Example live a = b + c {a} t1 = a * a {t1,a} b = t1 + a {b,t1} c = t1 * b {b,c} t2 = c + b {b,c,t2} a = t2 + t2 {a,b,c} inteference graph 30 Example live a = b + c {a} t1 = a * a {t1,a} b = t1 + a {b,t1} c = t1 * b {b,c} t2 = c + b {b,c,t2} a = t2 + t2 {a,b,c} a b t1 c inteference graph 31 Example live a = b + c {a} t1 = a * a {t1,a} b = t1 + a {b,t1} c = t1 * b {b,c} t2 = c + b {b,c,t2} a = t2 + t2 {a,b,c} a b t1 c t2 inteference graph 32 Example live a = b + c {a} t1 = a * a {t1,a} b = t1 + a {b,t1} c = t1 * b {b,c} t2 = c + b {b,c,t2} a = t2 + t2 {a,b,c} a b t1 c t2 inteference graph 35 5. Assign colors - Starting with empty graph, rebuild graph by popping elements off the stack and assigning a color different from neighbors. 36 5. (continued) Potential spill nodes may or may not be colorable. Process may require iterations and rewriting of some of the code to create more temporaries. 37 Example, k = 3 a b t1 c t2 Assume k = 3 Remove t1 t1 40 Example c t2 Assume k = 3 Remove c t1 a b c 41 Example Assume k = 3 Remove t2 t1 a b c t2 42 Rebuild Graph Assume k = 3 t1 a b c t2 45 Example a b t1 c t2 Assume k = 3 R1 R2 R3 t1 a 46 Example a b t1 c t2 Assume k = 3 R1 R2 R3 R1 t1 47 Example a b t1 c t2 Assume k = 3 R1 R2 R3 R1 R2 chromatic number is 3
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