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Carbohydrate Exercise Test Questions: A Study Guide, Study notes of Inorganic Chemistry

Exercise test questions related to carbohydrates to help students expand their knowledge and prepare for exams. Topics include enzymes, cell functions, and metabolic disorders. Useful for university students studying nutrition or biology.

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Download Carbohydrate Exercise Test Questions: A Study Guide and more Study notes Inorganic Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity! Connexions module: m41758 1 Carbohyhdrates III ∗ E. Pennington This work is produced by The Connexions Project and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution License † Abstract These are exercise test questions to help build your knowledge of carbohydrates lectures. This will help expand your knowledge on the topics to maximize learning at a deeper level, build condence and help you succeed in the course. 1. Which of the following enzymes digests starches and glycogen into small fragments in the mouth and intestines? A. Alpha-amylase B. Trehalase C. Beta-glycosidase D. Beta-glucoamylase E. Sucrase-isomaltase Table 1 2. Which of the following cells supplies the neurons with lactate to maintain ATP levels in both the fed and fasting states? A. Enterocytes B. Astrocytes C. Sertoli Cells D. Hepatocytes Table 2 3. Which of the following conditions is a genetic disorder that slows the rate of synthesis of bilirubin diglucuronide inside the liver cells? continued on next page ∗Version 1.1: Dec 15, 2011 12:54 pm US/Central † Connexions module: m41758 2 A. Hepatitis A or B B. Cirrhosis of the liver C. Hepatic carcinoma D. Gilbert's Syndrome Table 3 4. von Gierke's Disease is a severe disorder that causes hypoglycemia, lactic acidemia and hyperlipidemia in the fasting state. The defective enzyme is glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase. Which hepatic metabolic pathway IS NOT aected by this defective enzyme? A. Glycogenesis B. Glycogenolysis C. Gluconeogenesis D. Fructose degradation Table 4 5. Which of the following is a potential concern with feeding breast milk for the rst six months of life? A. Producing more than ve wet diapers daily B. Immunoglobulins provide immunity and help prevent food allergies C. Lack of iron will aect brain development D. Hormones, proteins, fats, minerals and vitamins are essential for growth Table 5 6. Which of the following statements makes insulin regulation unique in the fed state? A. Stimulates the synthesis of enzymes for glycolysis in both muscle and liver cells. B. Activates both glycolysis and glycogenesis in liver and muscle cells. C. Inhibits the enzymes of glycogenolysis in muscle and liver cells. D. Opens only transmembrane GLUT4 transporters in muscle cells. Table 6 7. Which of the following carbohydrate disorders WILL NOT impair liver function? A. Fructose Intolerance B. Fructosuria C. UDP-galactose-4-epimerase D. Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase Table 7 Connexions module: m41758 5 C. Fructokinase D. Phosphorylase E. Aldol reductase Table 15 16. Which of the following shows the health benets of insoluble bers? A. Form a gel that can be degraded by normal ora into gases B. Slows the absorption of glucose; thus, regulating blood sugar levels C. Prevents heart disease by reducing total and LDL cholesterol levels D. Draws water inside the intestines softening the stool for regularity E. Fiber fermentation produces short fatty acids for energy Table 16 17. A 7 days old full-term male is losing weight. He vomits and has diarrhea everytime he ingests breast milk. Current lab results show: impaired liver function, hypergalactosemia, hyperchloremic metabolic acidosis, hyperaminoaciduria and high urinary galactitol levels. Which of the following are the two possible defective hepatic enzymes consistent with these lab results in this patient? A. Aldolase B and fructokinase B. Galactokinase and aldose reductase C. Phosphoglucomutase and glucose-6-phosphatase D. Galactose-1-phosphate uridyltransferase and UDP- galactose-4-epimerase Table 17 18. Which of the following molecules may turn the urine dark in cases of intra-hepatic and post-hepatic jaundice? continued on next page Connexions module: m41758 6 A. Urobilin B. Biliverdin C. Conjugated bilirubin D. Unconjugated bilirubin Table 18 19. Which of the following enzyme levels would be aected in hepatic disease? A. Alpha-amylase B. Alkaline phosphatase C. Aspartate aminotransferase D. Gamma-glutamyltransferase Table 19 20. Which of the following uses the same signal cascade mechanism to help regulate glycogenolysis in both the liver and muscle cells during the fasting state? A. Epinephrine bound to an alpha cell receptor B. Epinephrine bound to a beta cell receptor C. Cortisol bound to its own cell receptor D. Glucagon bound to its own cell receptor Table 20 21. A 9 month old male suers from abdominal pain and bloating with frequent diarrhea after being fed solid foods. A stool acidity test is positive for fructose. Which of the following glucose transporters is defective in this patient? A. Muscle GLUT4 B. Hepatic GLUT2 C. Hepatic GLUT5 D. Intestinal SGLT1 E. Intestinal GLUT5 Table 21 22. Which of the following statements makes muscle regulation unique in the fasting state? A. Glucagon does not exert any regulatory eects in muscle in the fasting state. B. Calcium complexes stimulate glycogenolysis and inhibits glycogenesis. C. A cAMP mediated signal cascade stimulates glycogenolysis and inhibits glycogenesis. D. High AMP levels from muscle contraction stimulate both glycogenolysis and glycolysis. Connexions module: m41758 7 Table 22 23. Which of the following disorders aects the degradation of glycogen in muscle cells? A. Lewis' Disease B. Cori's Disease C. Hers' Disease D. Andersen's Disease E. McArdle's Disease Table 23 24. A 6 month old female is failing to thrive. Lab results show: hypoglycemia and hyperketonemia. She is diagnosed with Lewis' Disease. Which of the following is the defective enzyme in this disorder? A. Muscle glycogen synthase B. Muscle glycogen phosphorylase C. Hepatic glycogen phosphorylase D. Hepatic glycogen synthase Table 24 25. A 25 year old Hispanic female suers from fatigue, sporadic episodes of pain in the extremities, fever, jaundice and recurrent infections. Lab results show:Serum iron: 38 mcg/dL (Normal: 60 -170 mcg/dL )Plasma Conjugate Bilirubin (BC): 0 umol/L (Normal: < 8 umol/L)Plasma Total Bilirubin (TBIL): 85 umol/L (Normal: < 18 umol/L)Plasma Unconjugated Bilirubin (BU): 85 umol/L (Normal: < 10 umol/L)AST: 25 U/L (Normal: 5 - 45 U/L)ALP: 145 U/L (Normal: 50 - 260 U/L)Urine bilirubin: NegativeUrine urobilinogen: 4 mg/dL (Normal: 0.2 - 1 mg/dL)Fecal urobilinogen: 386 mg/24 hours (Normal: 50 to 300 mg/24 hours)Blood smear: Which of the following causes is consistent with these lab results? continued on next page
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