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Chemical Modification - Functional Genomics - Exam, Exams of Genomics

Chemical Modification, Techniques and Organisms, Sustain Bacterial Life, Minimal Set of Genes, Expression of Genes, Proteomics Methodologies, Benefits and Limitations, Proteomics Approach, Omics Technologies, Investigation of Gene. What description should I write more when I have done so much work already?

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eshwar 🇮🇳



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Download Chemical Modification - Functional Genomics - Exam and more Exams Genomics in PDF only on Docsity! Page 1 of 2 ARHOLIADAU EXAMINATIONS SEMESTER 1 EXAMINATIONS 2010 IBERS (BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES) BS34520 FUNCTIONAL GENOMICS TIME ALLOWED: TWO HOURS ANSWER ONE QUESTION FROM EACH SECTION SECTION A 1. Describe the techniques and organisms that are being used to determine the minimal set of genes required to sustain bacterial life. Discuss the benefits that are likely to arise from our understanding of the minimal set of genes required for life. (20 marks) SECTION B 2. Explain how the chemical modification of DNA is integrated into the control of expression of genes. (20 marks) 3. Describe how proteomics methodologies are being used to investigate protein function. What are the main benefits and limitations of the proteomics approach? (20 marks) 4. Compare two ‘omics technologies for investigation of gene function and highlight their advantages and disadvantages. Explain how these techniques are being developed and indicate the benefits that are likely to emerge. (20 marks) 5. Describe the process by which the High Resolution Melt (HRM) method can be used to determine the presence of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms in a DNA sequence. What are the main benefits of this approach compared with other SNP detection methods? (20 marks)
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