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Chemicals in Drugs-Analytical Chemistry-Project Reports, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Analytical Chemistry

This project report is for Analytical Chemistry course. It was submitted to Nandini Sarabhai at Acharya Nagarjuna University. It includes: Chemical, Drugs, Natural, Synthetic, Medicine, Chemotherapy, Classification, Pharmacological, Biochemical, Process

Typology: Study Guides, Projects, Research

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Download Chemicals in Drugs-Analytical Chemistry-Project Reports and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Analytical Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity! INTRODUCTION Of all the science, CHEMISTRY, in general, and organic chemistry, in particular has played a vital role in improving the quality of human life. Many substances which we use in our daily life are chemical compounds. For example the material we use for cleaniness such as soaps, detergent, household bleach, tooth paste etc. Are all made up of chemical compounds. Similarly clothes (cotton, wool, silk, terylene etc.) we wear and dyes we use to brighten and beauty them are again made up of chemical compounds. Likewise the food (carbohydrates, proteins, oils and fats etc.) we eat are all organic compounds. Most of the medicines (antibiotics drugs, anti malarials etc.) we use to protect us from diseases and ailments, are all organic compounds. Similarly explosive fuels rocket propellants etc. are also made up of chemicals. In nut shell, we can safely say that chemistry has influenced our life so much that we do not even realise that we come across chemicals at every moments that we ourselves are beautiful chemical creations and all our activities are controlled by chemicals.In this unit, we shall briefly discuss the application of chemistry in two important and interesting area such as medicine and good materials. CHEMICALS IN DRUGS DRUGS: Chemical substances of natural or synthetic origion which are used for curing disease and reducing suffering from pains are called Medicines or drugs. CHEMOTHERAPY: The branch of chemistry which deals with the treatment of disease using suitable chemical is known as chemotherapy. CLASSIFICATION OF DRUGS Drug may be classified in a number of different ways. Some of these are discussed below: a) BASED ON PHARMACOLOGICAL EFFECT: The choice or selection of the drug in linked with it’s pharmacological effect. FOR EXAMPLE:- Analgesics have pain killing effect, antiseptics kill or arrest the growth of the microorganisms which cause the disease. 1) NARCOTICS: Drugs which produce sleep and unconciousness. They are used as analgesic in serve again pain. FOR EXAMPLE:- Morphine and Codine. 2) NON-NARCOTICS: These are not as effective as opium derivatives in relieving pain. But as these are not habit farming, these are preferred over narcotics. It has many more applications. Because of its ant blood clotting action,it is given to the heart patient. FOR EXAMPLE:- Aspirine e) ANTIBIOTICS: The substance which kill or destroys microorganism. FOR EXAMPLE:- Salvarsan f) ANTIMICROBIALS: The chemical substances produced by microorganism that can inhibit the growth or even destroy other microorganisms. FOR EXAMPLE:- Bacteriacidial  Panicillin, ofloxocin Bacteriostatic Chloramphenicol, tetracycline. g) ANTISEPTICS: These are used to prevent the growth and spread of microorganisms on cuts, wounds, burn etc. They do not harm the living tissue. FOR EXAMPLE:- Dettol(a mixture of chloroxylenol and terpencol), Iodine. h) DISINFECTANTS: These are used to completely destroy the microorganisms and are harmful to human tissues. FOR EXAMPLE:- Are phenol, chlorine, potassium, sulphur dioxide, bleaching powder etc. i) ANTI-FERTILITY: The antifertility drugs are mostly hormonal contraceptives and available for the female only. CHEMICALS IN FOOD All those chemicals which are added to food to improve its keeping qualities, appearance, taste, odour and nutritive (food) value are called food additives. Some important food additives are: 1. Food colours 2. Flavours and sweetness 3. Fatemulsifier and stabilizing agents 4. Flavour improvers – antistaling agents and bleaches 5. Antioxidents 6. Preservatives 7. Nutritional supplements such as minerals, vitamins and amino acids a) PRESERVATION OF FOOD BY CHEMICAL: A preservative may be defined as the substance which is capable of inhibiding or arresting the process of fermentation, acidification or any other decomposition of food. The commonly used fruit preservatives are sulphur dioxide, and benzoic acid. b) FOOD COLOUR: Natural colour in vegetables and fruits due to chlorophyll (green). A large number of dye’s were synthesized and some of them were used as colouring agents. Most of these are harmful and their use is not permitted. The drugs which are used as food colour should fulfill the following characterstics:-
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