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Link Between Size & Distance in Vision: Size Constancy & Depth Perception, Study notes of Brain and Cognitive Science

The concept of size constancy and depth perception in vision. It discusses the physiological basis for stereopsis, the discovery of cortical neurons that code for retinal disparity, hubel & wiesel's depth-sensitive cortical cells, and clinical tests for stereopsis. Additionally, it covers the relationship between size perception and perceived distance, size constancy, and its importance in accurate size judgments. The document also includes various visual illusions that result from the misapplication of constancy scaling.

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Download Link Between Size & Distance in Vision: Size Constancy & Depth Perception and more Study notes Brain and Cognitive Science in PDF only on Docsity! 1 1 2 3 Coding depth 4 The physiological basis for stereopsis • How can cortical neurons process disparity information? • Barlow, Blakemore and Pettigrew discovered cortical neurons that could code for retinal disparity • Their receptive fields were selective for the positions of the images on the two retinae 5 • Individual neurons were “tuned” for different amounts and directions of disparity 6 Hubel & Wiesel’s Depth-Sensitive Cortical Cells 7 Clinical tests for stereopsis • Can be tested by ophthalmologist/optometrist • Polaroid or red/green filters • May have poor stereopsis due to vision problems – often due to binocular vision problems as a child • Strabismus (eye-turn) • Amblyopia (lazy eye) • cataract 8 Size Perception, Perceptual Constancies, and Visual Illusions 9 Size Constancy • The perception of size and the perception of distance are closely related • This relationship forms the basis for the phenomenon of size constancy. It allows for the accurate perception of real size despite changes in the size of the retinal image • In general, constancies are the visual system’s response to a continuously-changing retinal image 10 • Constancies represent a mechanism that takes into account the fact that an object remains constant even though its image on the retina may change substantially • A failure in the constancy mechanism may produce an illusion • Several classes of constancy: – Size – Shape – Lightness 2 – Colour 11 Size constancy Why does someone walking away not appear to shrink? 12 Size constancy and size perception • Refers to the tendency to see objects as their true size, despite changes in retinal image size • Requires that distance of targets be taken into account • Misplaced constancy can lead to visual illusions 13 Relationship between size perception and perceived distance: • Generate afterimage on retina • View afterimage against surfaces at different distances • Note changed size of afterimage 14 • This picture looks odd because the size and distance cues are in conflict 15 Size constancy: • Given the size of the image on the retina (visual angle) and its distance, it is possible to compute the physical size of an object • Size constancy is the mechanism that makes this computation • Holway & Boring demonstrated the crucial importance of depth perception in an experiment 16 The Holway-Boring experiment: • Observer views Test Disks located at different distances • Task is to adjust size of Comparison Disk to match physical size of Test Disk 17 • Test disks all set to subtend 1o of visual angle 18 Constancy scaling • Richard Gregory proposed that size judgements in general were controlled by a constancy scaling mechanism • In brief , this means that perceived size is a simple product of retinal image size and perceived distance S = k(R x D) where S = perceived size
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