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Concrete Mix Design - Civil Engineering - Quiz, Exercises of Civil Engineering

The civil engineering is very important subject and these quizzes are really very helpful, hope you note the key points:Concrete, Fine Aggregate, Coarse Aggregate, Mortar, Grout, Admixture, Thermal Shrinkage, Heavyweight, High-Strength, Lightweight

Typology: Exercises


Uploaded on 05/07/2013

anindita 🇮🇳



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Download Concrete Mix Design - Civil Engineering - Quiz and more Exercises Civil Engineering in PDF only on Docsity! 1 Concrete Mix Design 1. Know how to perform a concrete mix design on paper according to the ACI (Absolute Volume) method. You should know the specific gravity of cement and density of water by heart. 2. How do we verify or make the necessary adjustments in a concrete mix design? Admixtures 1. What are the effects of air-entraining admixture on (A) the workability of fresh concrete, (B) the strength of hardened concrete, (C) the density of hardened concrete, and (D) the durability of hardened concrete, if the proportioning of the other mix ingredients is kept the same? Explain why air entrainment in concrete can improve its durability. 2. What are the effects of the following admixtures on the properties of fresh and hardened concrete, if the proportioning of the other mix ingredients are kept the same? (A) Water reducing admixture (B) Accelerating admixture (C) Retarding admixture (D) Gas forming admixture (E) Corrosion inhibitor (F) Fly ash (G) Ground blast-furnace slag (H) Silica fume 3. What are the differences between a normal water reducing admixture, a superplasticizer and a plasticizing admixture? Special Types of Concrete 1. What are the typical ranges of density and 28-day compressive strength of Structural Lightweight Concrete? 2. What is the difference between an all-lightweight concrete and a sanded-lightweight concrete? 3. List a few aggregates that are commonly used in making lightweight concretes. 4. How is a structural lightweight concrete different from a normal concrete in terms of the most important factor affecting its strength? 5. Are there any difference between the slump requirement for lightweight concrete and that for
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