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Darwinism-Theory of Evolution-Lecture Slides, Slides of Theory of Evolution

This lecture is for Evolution course. It was delivered by Prof. Gorakh Varma at Aligarh Muslim University. It includes: Darwinism, Theory, Organic, Evolution, Profession, Accumulating, Assimilating, Species, Creationism, Promulgation

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Download Darwinism-Theory of Evolution-Lecture Slides and more Slides Theory of Evolution in PDF only on Docsity! Darwin, Charles Robert • 1809—82, English naturalist, firmly established the theory of organic evolution known as Darwinism. • He studied medicine at Edinburgh and for the ministry at Cambridge but lost interest in both professions during the training. • His interest in natural history led to his friendship with the botanist J. S. Henslow; through him came the opportunity to make a five-year cruise (1831—36) as official naturalist aboard the Beagle. • This started Darwin on a career of accumulating and assimilating data that resulted in the formulation of his concept of evolution. • He spent the remainder of his life carefully and methodically working over the information from his copious notes and from every other available source. Darwinism • Special creation of each species was the prevalent belief in the first half of the 19th cent (Biblical creationism taught ). • by A. R. Wallace and Charles Robert Darwin, simultaneously set forth the concepts that came to be known as Darwinism. • In 1859 appeared the first edition of Darwin's Origin of Species. • In the years following the promulgation of Darwin's theory of evolution, many accepted and many denied its validity. • The theory found an opposing force in some religious creeds. • It became a target for attack by both church and educational authorities. • The theory of evolution slowly became firmly entrenched as a scientific principle. MODERN EVOLUTIONARY THEORY • In 1901, de Vries presented his theory that mutation, or suddenly appearing and well-defined inheritable variation (as opposed to the slight, cumulative changes stressed by Darwin), is a force in the origin and evolution of species. • Mutation in genes is now accepted by most biologists as a fundamental concept in evolutionary theory. • The gene is the carrier of heredity and determines the attributes of the individual; thus changes in the genes can be transmitted to the offspring and produce new or altered attributes in the new individual. THANKS Please chalk out a comparison of various theories of evolution
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