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VHDL Implementation of an 8-bit ALU using a 1-bit ALU Slice, Exercises of Verilog and VHDL

Instructions for designing a structural description of an 8-bit alu using a 1-bit alu slice in vhdl. Three different methods for creating the architecture: using eight component instantiations, using instantiations for the 0th and 7th slices with a generate statement for the remainder, and using nested generate statements. The document also includes instructions for setting up the simulation and turning in the required files.

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Uploaded on 05/07/2013

anjaliy 🇮🇳



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Download VHDL Implementation of an 8-bit ALU using a 1-bit ALU Slice and more Exercises Verilog and VHDL in PDF only on Docsity! Project Assignment #3 2) Write a STRUCTURAL description for a 8 bit ALU using your 1 bit ALU slice. a. Write an architecture using 8 component instantiation statements b. Write an architecture using component instantiations for the 0th and 7th slice and a Generate Statement for the remainder. (reference: Navabi - page 130, Figure 5.22 or refer to index) c. Write an architecture using nested generate statements (reference Navabi, page 131, Figure 5.25 or refer to index) Suggestion: Get the architecture using the 8 component instations working first, then step b, and then step c. You will need to use 3 configuration (FOR label: ) statements, one for each architecture. (reference Navabi pp127-140, specifically fig 5.33). Note that all three architectures will use the same entity. Instantiate all three architectures into the testbench for simulation. In this way you can easily verify that the output from all three architectures is the same. Note that the output of each “architecture” is a different signal (Za,Coa,Zb,Cob,Zc,Coc). Make sure to list these three output signals as shown below. The easy way to do this is to use the “.do” files. These files contain commands for the simulator that will set up the list and wave windows as desired. Start the simulator (vsim) and load the “ps3_tb” for simulation. Make sure to use “ns”. Also, in the simulator_options set the “default radix” to hexademical. Then use the “main” simulator window to bring up waveform and list windows (ViewList and ViewWave). Do not bring these windows up from the “signals” window. When they come up they will be blank. Once these windows are open, go to each in turn and use the “Load Format” option on the File pulldown to load the setup. Use the file for the Wave window and the file for the List window. Now you run your simulation. 3) Turn in: READ THIS!!!!! a) copy of the complete VHDL source i.e. (for all three architectures and testbench). b) copy of VHDL code for generic unit, and single bit slice. c) copy of a complete waveform on 1 page.!!!!! The simulation needs to run for 17000 ns to be complete. The easy way to do this is to enter the command >run 17000 ns in the main command window d) copy of a file listing the results of the simulation as set up by the .do files. BE SURE THAT THE PRINTOUT DOESN’T LINE WRAP!!!!!! ns delta oper pval kval rval a b cin za zb zc coa cob coc 0 +0 OP_A C F C 00 00 0 00 00 00 0 0 0 0 +1 OP_A C F C 00 00 0 00 00 00 0 0 0
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