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Energy Monitoring and Targeting - Bureau of Energy Efficiency - Quiz, Exercises of Energy Efficiency

This lecture is from Bureau of Energy Efficiency. Key important points are: Energy Monitoring and Targeting, Elements of Monitoring System, Benefits of Targeting System, Benchmarking, Internal and External Benchmarking, Type of Energy Monitoring, Type of Targeting Systems

Typology: Exercises


Uploaded on 01/31/2013

farooq 🇮🇳



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Download Energy Monitoring and Targeting - Bureau of Energy Efficiency - Quiz and more Exercises Energy Efficiency in PDF only on Docsity! 8. Energy Monitoring and Targeting 170Bureau of Energy Efficiency QUESTIONS 1. What is the difference between monitoring and targeting? 2. Explain briefly the essential elements of a monitoring and targeting system. 3. What are the benefits of a monitoring and targeting system? 4. What do you understand by the term "benchmarking" and list few benefits? 5. Explain the difference between internal and external benchmarking. 6. Explain how a CUSUM chart is drawn with an example. 7. Narrate the type of energy monitoring and targeting systems in your industry.
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