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Exams of ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY, Study notes of Engineering Chemistry

B.Tech Semester Supplimentary Examinations, June 2009 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY cold lime soda process and hot lime soda process, hardness, (a) Cathodic protection (b) Caustic embrittlement corrosion. (a) Galvanization (b) Cementation (c) Chromizing. i. PVC. ii. Polyethylene. iii. Silicone. iv. Polyester fibre. v. Bakelite Coke oven gas

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Download Exams of ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY and more Study notes Engineering Chemistry in PDF only on Docsity! Code No: R05010301 Set No. 1 I B.Tech Semester Supplimentary Examinations, June 2009 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY ( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production Engineering and Automobile Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† 1. Give an account of the various methods involved in the treatment of potable water. [16] 2. (a) Explain the cold lime soda process and hot lime soda process. What are the advantages of lime soda process? (b) 100 ml of a water sample contains hardness equivalent to 25 ml of 0.08 N MgSO4. [8+8] i. What is the hardness of water sample in ppm? ii. What is the amount of lime and soda required for the treatment of the water sample? 3. Write short notes on the following: (a) Cathodic protection (b) Caustic embrittlement corrosion. [8+8] 4. Discuss the following: [16] (a) Galvanization (b) Cementation (c) Chromizing. 5. (a) Identify the thermo sets and thermoplastics among the following: i. PVC. ii. Polyethylene. iii. Silicone. iv. Polyester fibre. v. Bakelite. (b) What is bakelite? How is it manufactured and mention its uses? [5+11] 6. (a) Bring out the differences between fluid film and boundary lubrications. (b) What is online point? Mention its significance. (c) Write a short note on thin-film lubrication. [5+5+6] 7. (a) What is meant by the term lubrication ? 1 of 2 Code No: R05010301 Set No. 1 (b) Define the following: i. lubricant ii. Friction iii. Seizure. (c) What is surface roughness, surface attraction and surface energy? [2+8+6] 8. (a) Explain the recovery of by-product from โ€˜Coke oven gasโ€™ (b) Give the comparison between solid, liquid and gaseous fuels. [8+8] โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† 2 of 2 Code No: R05010301 Set No. 4 I B.Tech Semester Supplimentary Examinations, June 2009 ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY ( Common to Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics, Production Engineering and Automobile Engineering) Time: 3 hours Max Marks: 80 Answer any FIVE Questions All Questions carry equal marks โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† 1. (a) What is hardness of water? How do you express the hardness? What are the units to express the hardness? (b) Give an account of the disadvantages of hard water. [8+8] 2. (a) What is meant by desalination? What is its significance? (b) Explain the different methods used for the desalination of brackish water. [4+12] 3. (a) Give an account of the various factors which influence the rate of corrosion. (b) Write a brief account on pilling-bedworth rule. [8+8] 4. Explain the following terms: [16] (a) Drying oil (b) Thinners (c) Driers (d) Fillers. 5. (a) What is Nylon and how is it prepared? (b) Explain any one of the mechanism of addition polymerization. Using a suitable example. (c) Describe the important uses of PVC. [6+6+4] 6. (a) Define flash and fire points. (b) Discuss the important functions of lubricants. [16] 7. (a) What is meant by the term lubrication ? (b) Define the following: i. lubricant ii. Friction iii. Seizure. (c) What is surface roughness, surface attraction and surface energy? [2+8+6] 8. (a) What is Transportation theory? Explain? (b) What is coal? How it is formed? 1 of 2 Code No: R05010301 Set No. 4 (c) Explain the classification of coal. [3+4+9] โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† โ‹† 2 of 2
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