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FNP Boards Review Preps, Schemes and Mind Maps of Nursing


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Download FNP Boards Review Preps and more Schemes and Mind Maps Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! - Q U I C K R E F E R E N C E - Diabetes - Q U I C K R E F E R E N C E - * P L E A S E N O T E : T H I S I S A Q U I C K R E F E R E N C E G U I D E , N O T A N A L L I N C L U S I V E L I S T Sinusitis: AUGust Colds. (Augmentin or Penicillins) Strep Throat: Treat My throat Pain (Macrolides or Penicillins) Purulent Cellulitis: BCD (Bactrim, Clindamycin, Doxycycline) Dog Bitten = Augmentin Pregnancy: CAMP (Cephalosporins, Amoxicillin, Macrolides, Penicillin) (*Yes, Amoxicillin is a penicillin but it makes the mnemonic easier!) Pneumonia: MAD Lung (Macrolides, Amoxicillin, Doxycycline, Levaquin) MEMORY TRICKS C O N D I T I O N S T H A T D O N O T G E T A N T I B I O T I C S : Bronchitis* Allergic rhinitis Uveitis Any "-itis" of the musculoskeletal system (except osteomyelitis) Mononucleosis *unless pertussis Antibiotics DIAGNOSIS ANTIBIOTIC Trichomoniasis Bacterial vaginosis Flagyl Chlamydia Doxycycline Azithromycin Gonorrhea Syphilis Rocephin (IM) Penicillin G (IM) PENICILLINS (-cillin) Well tolerated! Pregnancy and infant safe! Amoxicillin: pneumonia, otitis media, group A strep throat, sinusitis, etc Augmentin: animal bites Dicloxacillin: mastitis CLASSES AND THEIR COMMON USES SULFONAMIDES ("Sulfa") Most common: Bactrim UTIs, purulent cellulitis, prophylaxis in AIDs patients, below the waist skin complaints Safety concern: Stevens-Johnson Syndrome MACROLIDES (-mycin) Side effect: GI upset common (can try another from this class) Pneumonia, pertussis Clarithromycin: Part of H. Pylori triple therapy Alternative to penicillins CEPHALOSPORINS (Contain "ceph" or "cef") Good for non-IgE mediated PCN allergy! Pregnancy safe Keflex: Above the waist skin complaints Post op wounds T E A M @ N P R E V I E W S . C O M N P R E V I E W S . C O M
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