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Genetics Worksheet I, Exams of Genetics

Scientists have been investigating the genetic makeup of organisms in communities all over the planet. Use the information provided and your knowledge of ...

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Download Genetics Worksheet I and more Exams Genetics in PDF only on Docsity! Genetics Worksheet I Name: ______________________ Scientists have been investigating the genetic makeup of organisms in communities all over the planet. Use the information provided and your knowledge of genetics to answer each question. 1. For each genotype below, indicate whether it is heterozygous (He) or homozygous (Ho). TT _____ Bb _____ DD _____ Ff _____ tt _____ dd _____ Dd _____ ff _____ Tt _____ bb _____ BB _____ FF _____ Which of the genotypes in # 1 would be considered purebred? __________________ Which of the genotypes in # 1 would be considered hybrids? ____________________ 2. Determine the phenotype for each genotype using the information provided. Freckles are dominant to no freckles FF __________________ Ff __________________ ff __________________ Extra digits (fingers or toes) is dominant to five digits EE __________________ Ee __________________ ee __________________ 3. For each phenotype, give the genotype(s) that are possible. Dwarfism (D) is dominant to regular height (d) Dwarfism: __________________ Regular Height: __________________ Webbed fingers (W) is dominant to normal fingers (w). Webbed Fingers: __________________ Normal Fingers: __________________ 4. Bob & Susie met at a dance. Bob is heterozygous for his freckles, but Susie has no freckles. Create a Punnett square to show the possibilities that would result if Bob & Susie had children. Use the letter F/f. A. List the possible genotypes and phenotypes for their children. B. What are the chances of a child with freckles? _____out of _____or _____ % C. What are the chances of a child with no freckles? _____out of _____or _____ %
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