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Handwritten Notes on Animal Behavior | BIOS 236, Study notes of Zoology

Notes 2-8-11 Material Type: Notes; Professor: Nelson; Class: Animal Behavior; Subject: Biological Sciences; University: University of Illinois - Chicago; Term: Spring 2011;

Typology: Study notes


Uploaded on 02/10/2011

omgyoungdollz 🇺🇸



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Download Handwritten Notes on Animal Behavior | BIOS 236 and more Study notes Zoology in PDF only on Docsity! ——ES ee: = Noles 2787 Test on Treg 21S — 13 Short answer Former - & Cheptrs ass Conticng Magnintation in Ke taceile Mode « yo vo a. GortTatl Mag mhitrtion One nights cure foped sunse Nema ald fag a larger Sechon of if reuin dWetcd to thet Sense. Adaptanens ava Prximate Mechanisms aF Benaviror + Stenson, iviFo is Filtemad Neural - cUlulay level seep. Veto iS Level «InFo permitted in is relevant +e animals biology oy, dogs can smeti Hnmas human’ can’t... they go aroma sraling everyting - Compared to humans , dogs Paola, have a very devel apes Be portron of \erain- "Blue ynroats Can adtect UV light Birds wl better reflectivity get ree mates Faster @ Olde M's Have more reflectivity 5a Signed of Waaith # survives aleiliny Humans ' Snoa hove some mechwmiams 4p help dteale NVI Ment » Puditony processing dids in language decoding ‘Visuag peree phan also aids WM language Clock Shif'ing 4 Myagration Inhumans inert 1s a gaeae genttic oasis +> Where gouire a Morning peren or a Mak person lout you can shiet wou Clk. uly is Ho Ushi +> awe We alaility +0 0 His? Ble seasons cheryp t's usefivl tp le aide +0 Change [ Wrem, jet lag, ete. Bees Bucs cCan--- cam bind food dar from hive A can 4eAl aathesiion_{ Scat > - Fl RB. An vemernilacy Alecia, Cam pelocare food J wive oe Cor BAR Bees forage Mrs, ine day. @ is sunligne me He te finding food 2 ——e Gea Notes 27B-(\l cont!A 1. Tram bees te drink sugar water” a criein distance from hive. alae ees 4 roe ene ive a rant 3. Reser Wee Clack Cleove cover Bh 4. Release 2x eri G Bees ge unere food “shoulda ~ be of Intermed clock ts wrong , se eskinnare @ arrorven is wrong % Cloak Shirmns Mn a homing pigeot — awe agility +0 find yneir way hare - Normal youte t& WW, clock-shiPicd lois -law N- Nawiganon is ofe ble hye A Aa Cinternal elecdc) is OFF. % Moneren Miagahbn — Most migmie +2 Mexico. Owe generanda sil be orn in WL , mee ko Mexice, wore Ae - \das loorn \® Meyizg WOR xo lL | tee. i Mamipalare lololagicae clock 2. Release monarchs 3+ hina Aicechon de ey qe? Normal clue lortiorpies go from NE to SW, Ccorcect’) chock - delayed loutten4eies ALow SE- (90% on srong aireenim) “WAV light varies @ alive. Hinrws of Amy 3 __ Modify louder pe ies? alot, Fo see UV 3 “UY filer preranks UW ron Luimeniney Agni Cage x G Butter Fics weecome disomented or Fail +2 migcare oy gine is a Necessary Ct Re maranan xe loegin eUV \caine Cate mignon ense+ : “Sun pasinon awe Mane dtrectyen ‘Polarized \ighr Vverps cre SUM positon | icechien Polarized Vigne affects srientahon of monarch M'granion Natural polarized Ug —? SW migoutvon Filter - siitted oie of War Joe —> morereds Snikded 30° as wll.
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