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jamb literature syllabus, Exercises of Law

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Download jamb literature syllabus and more Exercises Law in PDF only on Docsity! LITERATURE IN ENGLISH GENERAL OBJECTIVES The aim of the Unified Tertiary Matriculation Examination (UTME) syllabus in Literature in English is to prepare the candidates for the Board’s examination. It is designed to test their achievement of the course objectives, which are to: • stimulate and sustain their interest in Literature in English; • create an awareness of the general principles of Literature and functions of language; • appreciate literary works of all genres and across all cultures; • apply the knowledge of Literature in English to the analysis of social, political and economic events in the society. DETAILED SYLLABUS TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES OBJECTIVES 1. DRAMA a. Types: i. Tragedy ii. Comedy iii. Tragicomedy iv. Melodrama v. Farce vi. Opera etc. b. Dramatic Techniques i. Characterization ii. Dialogue iii. Flashback iv. Mime v. Costume vi. Music/Dance vii. Décor/scenery viii. Acts/Scenes ix. Soliloquy/aside x. Figures of Speech etc. c. Interpretation of the Prescribed Texts i. Theme ii. Plot iii. Socio-political context iv. Setting Candidates should be able to: i. identify the various types of drama; ii. analyse the contents of the various types of drama; iii. compare and contrast the features of different dramatic types; iv. demonstrate adequate knowledge of dramatic techniques used in each prescribed text; v. differentiate between styles of selected playwrights; vi. determine the theme of any prescribed text; vii. identify the plot of the play; viii. apply the lessons of the play to everyday living; ix. identify the spatial and temporal setting of the play. TOPICS/CONTENTS/NOTES OBJECTIVES 2. PROSE a. Types: i. Fiction • Novel • Novella/Novelette • Short story ii. Non-fiction • Biography • Autobiography • Memoir iii. Faction: combination of fact and fiction b. Narrative Techniques/Devices: i. Point of view • Omniscient/Third Person • First Person ii. Characterisation • Round, flat, foil, hero, antihero, etc. iii. Language c. Textual Analysis i. Theme ii. Plot iii. Setting (Temporal/Spatial) iv. Socio-political context 3. POETRY a. Types: i. Sonnet ii. Ode iii. Lyrics iv. Elegy v. Ballad vi. Panegyric vii. Epic viii. Blank Verse, etc. Candidates should be able to: i. differentiate between types of prose; ii. identify the category that each prescribed text belongs to; iii. analyse the components of each type of prose; iv. identify the narrative techniques used in each of the prescribed texts; v. determine an author’s narrative style; vi. distinguish between one type of character from another; vii. determine the thematic pre- occupation of the author of the prescribed text; viii. indicate the plot of the novel; identify the temporal and spatial setting of the novel; ix. identify the temporal and spatial setting of the novel; x. relate the prescribed text to real life situations. Candidates should be able to: i. identify different types of poetry; ii. compare and contrast the features of different poetic types:
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