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Early History of Jerusalem and Its Religious Significance, Slides of History

An overview of the early history of jerusalem, from the ancient canaanite period to the emergence of christianity. It covers key events such as the settlement of the israelites, the reign of various kings, the building of the first temple, religious persecutions, and the arrival of jesus christ. The document also mentions various religious figures and empires that played a role in jerusalem's history.

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Download Early History of Jerusalem and Its Religious Significance and more Slides History in PDF only on Docsity! Jerusalem An early history Ancient Canaan 1700 - 1386 B.C.E  Pharaoh Amenhotep ruled over Egypt and Canaan  The Pharoah Ramses III forced the Philistines to settle in Canaan  In 1750 B.C.E - The12 tribes of Israel settled in Egypt from Mesopotamia, the bands of ancient Hebrews descended from the patriarch Jacob Kingdom of Israel The kingdom of Israel reached the height of its existence and included the most territory under the reign of King David (1000– 961 B.C.E). Its borders stretched far beyond present-day Israeli borders and included parts of what is now Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt. The First Temple is Built  King Solomon, the second son of David had the first temple built on Mount Zion in Jerusalem. (reigned 961-922 B.C.E)  By 970 B.C.E, Jerusalem was a very powerful city.  The Temple housing the Ark became the House of Yahweh for the Israelites.  After Solomon's death, Israel split into two: Israel and Judah.  During this time, Isaiah prophesies that a Messiah is to appear on earth as a savior of humankind. Nebuchadnezzar II destroys Jerusalem  The Babylonians worshipped Marduk.  Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon defeated Assyria and Egypt in 605 B.C.E  During his 43-year reign, Nebuchadnezzar II expanded the kingdom of Babylonia by conquering much of south-western Asia.  He also captured Jerusalem, taking many of the captive Jews to Babylon.  He had the Temple destroyed and the Ark of the Covenant disappeared.  Most of the Jews where forced into exile and Jerusalem became a wasteland. ANTIOCHUS III bans the practice of Judaism 223 – 190 B.C.E  First religious persecution in history, Sabbath and temple gatherings forbidden  Renamed Jerusalem ‘Antioch”  Many Jews forced to go into hiding  One of the great Jewish generals, Judas Maccabee retook Jerusalem three years later.  He purified the temple and restored the Jewish faith  This purification and restoration is commemorated by the Jewish festival Hanukkah. King Herod 39 B.C.E  Herod the Great was the Roman-backed king of Judea who, according to Matthew 2:16, tried to kill the infant Jesus by ordering the massacre of all male babies in Bethlehem.  King Herod rebuilds the temple with huge walls Jesus Christ  Ministry of Jesus  After receiving his baptism from John the Baptist on the shore of the Jordan River, Jesus began three years of ministry. During that time, Jesus travelled throughout the provinces of Judea and Galilee—areas now part of Israel and the West Bank. At the conclusion of his ministry, Jesus travelled to Jerusalem, where he was crucified.
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