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lectures biology igcse for all cambdiegr, Lecture notes of Biology

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Download lectures biology igcse for all cambdiegr and more Lecture notes Biology in PDF only on Docsity! 0 level IGCSE 2022-2023 Nihal Cabr Biology Team Seven life process for any living organisms Movement | Change in place or position of an organism or part of the organism ®@ ee We DONT USE ENERGY FOR RESPIRATION = LY Respiration — al We get ENERGY FROM RESPIRATION lucose + oxygen carbondioxide + water + (energy) Redotants Products Chemical reaction Involves the break down of food mainly glucose To release energy Sensitivity [ts the ability to detect a stimulus ( change in the environment ) and show a response. Growth Permanent increase in number and size of cells as well as dry mass ( mass without water ) Reproduction | Making more of same kind 16/11/2022 Part I Cells and specialised cells Animal cell Cell organelle Internal structure of cell Cell membrane Made from proteins and lipids A) act as a Barrier B) keep the cell contents inside C) controls the movement of substances in and out of the pell. Transport material around the cell / out of cell Cytoplasm Attached to the Site of a chemical reaction endoplasmic reticulum Site of protein synthesis. Site of aerobic respiration to |. Contains the genetic material release energy 2. Control cell activities 3. Controls cell division Regular shape Plant cell Cell wall Made from cellulose Gives strength and support BT Prevent the cell from 47 bursting And help keep its shape and stay turgid Vacuole Contains a sap solution ( water with dissolved salts and sugars Keep the cell TURGID ( provide turgor pressure) where the vacuole press outwards on the cytoplasm and cell wall Turgor pressure Cell membrane [. Contains chlorophyll 2. Which absorbs light energy 3. To carry photosynthesis Attached to the endoplasmic Cytoplasm reticulum Site of protein synthesis Site of a chemical reaction Located at the edge / periphery Site of aerobic respiration to release energy Specialised cells Cells that have specific shape and function Specialised animal cells 01093850599 Function : transport oxygen around body cells Adaptation : |. Biconeave shape : to provide larger surface area for faster gas exchange 2. No cell organelles : to provide more space for more haemoglobin to transport more oxygen 3. Almost size as that of capillary : to move slowly for efficient gas exchange . 4. Flexible : to squeeze through the tiniest capillary . 2. Ciliated epithelial celle: Explain how these cells keep the lung clean : {. Goblet cells secrete mucus 2. Mucus ( sticky) traps dust and bacteria 3. Cilia beats to sweep / move mucus out of the lungs ..back to to the throat to be swallowed and killed by acid in the stomach . Coblet cell 3. Sperm cells Nucleus Flagellum Middle part full of A rogome Swimming / to mitochondria site of erosom move the sperm aerobic respiration Segrete enzymes to dissolve to release energy Jelly like layer /material around 4.Egq cells for movement . the egg to help penetrate the egg. Nucleus elly coat / jelly like material 0@ VX Cell membrane Cytoplasm With food storage for early development of the embryo ( ball of cells) r= Sperm Egg Sperm ig smaller in size Flagellum Acrosome Cytoplasm with no food storage Movable / motile / mobile Many sperm cells produced from testes Larger in size xX Xx Cytoplasm with large food storage No motile One egg per month Produced in ovary 3. Xylem vessels Tissue made of dead cells Cell wall from cellulose = Thickening to the wall with lignin ( water proof / prevent leakage of water ) Pits ( non lignified Sg of the wall) Be LO Transport water and minerals , and give support to the plant |. Vessels are made from dead hollow cells with no cytoplasm , no nucleus , and no cell organelles ...10 allow water to flow freely with minimum resistance . 2. No end walls allow free water flow with minimum resistance in a continuous water column . 3. Thick wall with lignin ......for support 4. Lignin in walls .......... water proof substance that prevent leakage of water 5. Pits ( non lignified parts in walls ) ...-to allow lateral movernent of water to near by cells Mitochondria Cell membrane Vesicles Nucleus Animal cell Ribosomes Endoplasmic Mitochondrion reticulum Command words Direct Explain answer .....knowledge from notes Describe Direct kill Direct A) information ( same as explain but with more details ) Skille 8) graphs and tables Thinking Suggest to your understanding Direct State .brief short direct answer to the point Direct Outline .... like explain more brief Discuss Describe data ‘Skil Evaluate | — Evidence ( for and against } Analyse Explanation Comment on validity and the reliability of data
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