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Literature of the Lost Generation, Exercises of Literature

The lost generation was a term coined by. Gertrude Stein to describe young American artists (mostly writers) who rejected American ideals in the 1920s and moved ...

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Download Literature of the Lost Generation and more Exercises Literature in PDF only on Docsity! MODERNISM Literature of the Lost Generation Modernism ✴Some 0f you may be feeling a little confused about modernism. ✴ You might be asking yourselves, “What are the characteristics of modernism?” ✴You are in the same mind frame of those alive in the early 20th century. ✴People began to question the world around themselves. ✴People felt the need to feel freedom from their reality and daily lives. The Rise of Modernism ✦Langston Hughes ✦Zora Neale Hurston ✦Countee Cullen ✦Jean Toomer ✦Richard Wright ✦Nella Larsen The Writers✦Ernest Hemingway ✦F. Scott Fitzgerald ✦William Faulkner ✦John Steinbeck ✦Gertrude Stein ✦T. S. Eliot ✦E. E. Cummings ✦Robert Frost ✦Ezra Pound Some Harlem Renaissance writers: characteristics of American Modernism ✴ Emphasis on bold experimentation in style and form, reflecting the fragmentation of society ✴ Rejection of traditional themes and subjects; poetry/stories were ambiguous (had ambiguity) ✴ Unreliable narrators and fractured stories ✴ Loss of faith in religion and society ✴Sense of disillusionment and loss of faith in the American Dream ✴New perspectives are introduced
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