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Mastering Self Management - Education Development - Lecture Slides, Slides of Educational Psychology

Mastering Self Management, Procrastinators, Acting on Purpose, Habits of Highly Effective People, Use of Quadrants, Time and Self Management, Time Management Tools, Monthly Calendar, Next Actions List, Tracking Forms are learning points from this lecture.

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Download Mastering Self Management - Education Development - Lecture Slides and more Slides Educational Psychology in PDF only on Docsity! Mastering Self Management Once you accept the responsibility for choosing and creating the life you want, the next step is taking purposeful actions that will turn my desires into reality. Procrastinators • What is procrastination? • Case study • What does acting on purpose mean? Use of quadrants Will what I am doing today positively affect my life one year from today? Creators • Spend most of their time in I and II. • Schedule conferences, rewrite notes, form study groups, and study nearly everyday. Predict test questions and answer them. • They create urgency by commitment by to purposefully acting to achieve their valued goals and dreams; thus, staying on course. • Say no the III and IV Victims • Spend most of their time in III and IV. • Repeat unproductive actions such as blaming, complaining, excusing, and wasting time. Consequently moving farther off course. Time and Self Management -The secret to effective self management is making choices that maximize the time you spend in I and II. -You will need to experiment to see which tools help you to accomplish positive outcomes which help you stay on course and accomplish your valued dreams and goals. Time Management Tools • Monthly calendar • Next actions list • Tracking forms Tracking Forms • This form helps you to coordinate many actions all directed at a common goal. • At the end of 7 to 14 days you will see exactly what you have and have not done to achieve your goals. • The tracker keeps the inner defender from fooling yourself into thinking you are doing what you need to do to stay on course when you really are not. Rewards • If you can remember everything you need to do, I guess you’re not doing very much. Some people would rather be right than successful. • Univ. of Ga. Found that students’ self management skills and attitudes are better predictors of the their success than SAT or ACT scores. • Do the best you can to form a habit of using a self management system and see how much more you accomplish and how often you are on course. Develop Self Discipline • Self discipline involves persistent small steps. • Success = self discipline; which is the willingness to do whatever has to be done, whether you feel like it or not, until you reach your goals and dreams. • Our actions reveal whether we have the self-discipline to stay on course in the face of tempting alternatives. • Remember wanting and doing are 2 different things. • To develop self discipline you must have commitment, focus, and persistence. Persistence • Self discipline in action • Do I love myself enough to keep going? You will reap the rewards of your efforts and suffer the victory of defeat. • Failure is guaranteed if you quit, but success is not guaranteed simply because you persist. Remember, if you are doing the same thing over and over, getting the same result, but expecting something different you need to try something new. Self Management At Work • Known as “doing diligence” in the workplace. • In college “doing diligence” impresses potential employers by you having an excellent GPA and work ethic. • To impress potential employers, quadrant II actions, gain experience through part time jobs, volunteer work, internships, and leadership through student government, clubs, or other activities that relate to your career. • Soft skills will help you to get and keep a job along with using time management skills effectively. Job Hunting • Make a list of potential employers and careers that interest you. • Attend a resume writing workshop. • Develop good telephone skills. • Make cold calls to see if a company may have unadvertised openings. • Develop a resume and tailor the cover letter to meet the job requirements while highlighting your assets. • Participate in mock interviews. • Visit the Career Services Office on campus. • Do not become discouraged during this difficult time. Focus on the Inner Guide to get you through and develop a support group to help. • K now that as you learn the nature of your new job that the tasks will take you longer than the veterans.
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