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Minimum Fluidization Velocity - Fluid Mechanics - Lecture Notes, Study notes of Fluid Mechanics

The key points are: Minimum Fluidization Velocity, Packed Beds, Pressure–Drop, Ergun's Equation, Fluidization Conditions, Weight of Solid, Intraparticle Forces, ‘Liquid–Like ‘Behavior, Incipience of Fluidization, Superficial Average Velocity

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Download Minimum Fluidization Velocity - Fluid Mechanics - Lecture Notes and more Study notes Fluid Mechanics in PDF only on Docsity! Objectives_template file:///D|/Web%20Course/Dr.%20Nishith%20Verma/local%20server/fluid_mechanics/lecture33/33_1.htm[5/9/2012 3:40:34 PM] Module 9: Packed beds Lecture 33: Minimum fluidization velocity Minimum fluidization velocity Objectives_template file:///D|/Web%20Course/Dr.%20Nishith%20Verma/local%20server/fluid_mechanics/lecture33/33_2.htm[5/9/2012 3:40:34 PM] Module 9: Packed beds Lecture 33: Minimum fluidization velocity Minimum fluidization velocity The minimum fluidization velocity can be calculated by equating the pressure–drop across the fixed packed–bed, calculated from Ergun's equation to that from the expression for fluidized bed under particulate (smooth) conditions. Let us calculate the pressure-drop from the 2nd expression: Under fluidization conditions, pressure–drop equals effective weight of solid, as intraparticle forces disappear and solids float in the bed exhibiting ‘liquid–like ‘behavior. For a fluidized bed of length of L and bed-porosity of , Weight of solid-particles–buoyancy Or , etc. where R-call: (Fig. 33a)
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