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Networking Design-Computer Science-Assignment, Exercises of Network Design

I uploaded assignments for many different subjects related my degree Computer Science. This assignment for Networking Design includes: Networking, Design, Behaviour, Drop, Communication, Circuit, Port, Techniques, TCP, Multiplexing, Primary, Polling

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Uploaded on 08/25/2012

jonny2 🇮🇳



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Download Networking Design-Computer Science-Assignment and more Exercises Network Design in PDF only on Docsity! WARNING 1. PLAGIARISM OR H IRING OF G HOST WRITER(S) FO R SOLV ING THE ASS IGNMENT(S) WILL D EBAR T HE ST UDENT FR OM AW ARD OF DEGREE/CERTIFICATE, IF FOUND AT ANY STAGE. 2. SUBMITTING ASSIGNMENT(S) BORROWED OR ST OLEN FR OM OTHER(S) AS ON E’S OWN WILL BE PE NALIZED A S DEFIN ED I N Course: Networking Design (3418) Semester: Spring, 2012 Level: Bachelor Total Marks: 100 ASSIGNMENT No. 1 Note: All questions carry equal marks. Q. 1 (a) What is the behavior of P-2-P and multi-drop circuit in communication network? Write a comprehensive summary on the functionalities of both. (b) Discuss the various communication ports with the help of their usage and importance. Q. 2 (a) Study the various modern techniques encountered for the control and accountability of communication traffic. Construct a summarized report of your study. (b) Study a recent research paper discussing the advances in token passing technique. Prepare a presentation about the actual research carried in the article and present it to your class. Q. 3 (a) Do a research and study the recent design problem in communication between various layers of OSI model. Write down your findings in form of summary report. (b) Discuss the goals of layered protocols in the communications of networks. Q. 4 (a) What are the fundamental features of TCP/IP? How TCP/IP facilitate other protocols work under it? (b) Enlist all the advantages of satellite network with the help of its functionalities. Q. 5 (a) How you differentiate between non polling primary and non polling secondary system? (b) Write down a detail note of the techniques used in conventional multiplexing. 2 ASSIGNMENT No. 2 Total Marks: 100 Note: All questions carry equal marks. Q. 1 (a) Explain the idea of teleport. Write note on the characteristics of teleport. (b) Study the techniques used for broadband and baseband LANs and write a summary of your study in form of a research report. Q. 2 (a) Discuss the history and characteristics of ISDN network. (b) Write a comprehensive study report on telephone switching system. Q. 3 (a) Study the behaviour of message switching in communication system. Write an article regarding your finding in your research. (b) Explain the techniques used in routing of message in communication system with the help of examples. Q. 4 (a) What is flow control? Write a summary on the techniques and characteristics of flow control. (b) Discuss the waveform of communication signal in detail. Q. 5 Describe the various services provided by the internet technology for facilitating the communication system. 3418 Network Design Credit Hours: 3 (3, 0) Recommended Book: Computer Networks Protocols, Standard, and Interfaces by UYLESS BLACK 2nd Edition Course Outlines: Unit No. 1 Introduction to Computer Network The Use of Networks, Advantages of Networks, Communications Networks, Point to Point and Multi-drop Circuits, Networks Topologies and Design Goals, Connecting the Analog and Digital Worlds, the Modem Synchronizing Networks Components, synchronization Codes, Asynchronous and Synchronous Transmission, The Communication Port, Additional Networks Components Unit No. 2 Communication between Computers and Terminals Traffic Control and Accountability, checking For Error, WANs, and LANs, Classification of Communication Protocols, Polling/Selection Systems, Selective and Group Polling, Stop and Wait, Sliding Windows, Nonpolluting systems, Request to Send/Clear, Xon/Xoff, TDMA, TDM, Registrar Insertion. Carrier
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