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Numeric Analysis Engineering, Assignments of Mathematical Methods for Numerical Analysis and Optimization

euler method modified euler method runge kutte

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Download Numeric Analysis Engineering and more Assignments Mathematical Methods for Numerical Analysis and Optimization in PDF only on Docsity! # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on Fri Mar 15 15:15:44 2024 @author: """ import numpy as np from matplotlib import pyplot as plt import math # u'=0.5(x-u) # i-) Euler Yöntemi; h= 0.25 ve h=0.1; 0<=x<=1 # u(0)=1 # u(x+h)=u(x)+u'(x)*h # h=0.25 için h1=0.25 x= np.arange(0,1.00001,h1) u = np.zeros(len(x)) u[0]=1 for i in range(0, len(x) - 1): u[i + 1] = u[i] + h1*0.5*(x[i]-u[i]) print("") print('_' * 30) print("") print("EULER YÖNTEMİ") print("") print("") print("h=0.25 için") print("") for i in range(len(u)): print("u(",x[i],")=",u[i]) print("") print('_' * 30) print("") plt.plot(x, u,'g-') plt.grid plt.xlabel('x values') plt.ylabel('u values') plt.title('EULER YÖNTEMİ-h=0.25') plt.tight_layout() # h=0.1 için h2=0.1 x1= np.arange(0,1.00001,h2) u1 = np.zeros(len(x1)) u1[0]=1 for i in range(0, len(x1) - 1): u1[i + 1] = u1[i] + h2*0.5*(x1[i]-u1[i]) print("") print('_' * 30) print("") print("EULER YÖNTEMİ") print("") print("") print("h=0.1 için") print("") for i in range(len(u1)): print("u(",round(x1[i],2),")=",u1[i]) print("") print('_' * 30) print("") plt.plot(x1, u1,'g-') plt.grid plt.xlabel('x values') print("") for i in range(len(u4)): print("u(",round(x1[i],2),")=",u4[i]) print("") print('_' * 30) print("") plt.plot(x1, u4,'g-') plt.grid plt.xlabel('x values') plt.ylabel('u values') plt.title('MODİFİYE EULER YÖNTEMİ-h=0.1') plt.tight_layout() # aynı grafikte plt.plot(x, u3,label='h=0.25 için') plt.plot(x1, u4, label='h=0.1 için') plt.grid plt.xlabel('x values') plt.ylabel('u values') plt.title('MODİFİYE EULER YÖNTEMİ-h=0.25 ve h=0.1 için') plt.tight_layout() plt.legend() # iii-) Dördüncü Derece Runge-Kutta Yöntemi; h= 0.25 ve h=0.1 # h=0.25 için x= np.arange(0,1.00001,h1) u5 = np.zeros(len(x)) u5[0]=1 k11=np.zeros(len(x)) k22=np.zeros(len(x)) k33=np.zeros(len(x)) k44=np.zeros(len(x)) for i in range(0, len(x) - 1): k11[i]=0.5*(x[i]-u5[i]) k22[i]=((0.5*h1+x[i])-(u5[i]+0.5*h1*k11[i]))*0.5 k33[i]=((0.5*h1+x[i])-(u5[i]+0.5*h1*k22[i]))*0.5 k44[i]=0.5*((x[i]+h1)-(u5[i]+k33[i]*h1)) u5[i+1]=u5[i]+(k11[i]+2*k22[i]+2*k33[i]+k44[i])*h1/6 print("") print('_' * 30) print("") print("Dördüncü Derece Runge-Kutta Yöntemi") print("") print("") print("h=0.25 için") print("") for i in range(len(u5)): print("u(",x[i],")=",u5[i]) print("") print('_' * 30) print("") plt.plot(x, u5,'g-') plt.grid plt.xlabel('x values') plt.ylabel('u values') plt.title('Dördüncü Derece Runge-Kutta Yöntemi-h=0.25') plt.tight_layout() # h=0.1 için x1= np.arange(0,1.00001,h2) u6 = np.zeros(len(x1)) u6[0]=1 k1_1=np.zeros(len(x1)) k2_2=np.zeros(len(x1)) k3_3=np.zeros(len(x1)) k4_4=np.zeros(len(x1)) for i in range(0, len(x1) - 1): k1_1[i]=0.5*(x1[i]-u6[i]) k2_2[i]=((0.5*h2+x1[i])-(u6[i]+0.5*h2*k1_1[i]))*0.5 k3_3[i]=((0.5*h2+x1[i])-(u6[i]+0.5*h2*k2_2[i]))*0.5 k4_4[i]=0.5*((x1[i]+h2)-(u6[i]+k3_3[i]*h2)) u6[i+1]=u6[i]+(k1_1[i]+2*k2_2[i]+2*k3_3[i]+k4_4[i])*h2/6 print("") print('_' * 30) print("") print("Dördüncü Derece Runge-Kutta Yöntemi") print("") print("") print("h=0.1 için") print("") for i in range(len(u6)): print("u(",round(x1[i],2),")=",u6[i]) print("") print('_' * 30) print("") plt.plot(x1, u6,'g-') plt.grid plt.xlabel('x values') plt.ylabel('u values') plt.title('Dördüncü Derece Runge-Kutta Yöntemi-h=0.1') plt.tight_layout() # aynı grafikte plt.plot(x, u5,label='h=0.25 için')
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