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Overview of the Nervous System - Behavioral Neuroscience - Lecture Slides, Slides of Behavioural Science

Overview of the Nervous System, Anatomical Directions, Nervous System, Anatomical Directions, Four Legged Animal, Planes of Section, Dura Mater, Arachnoid Membrane, Features of the Nervous System, Choroid Plexus are some of points in Behavioral Neuroscience lecture.

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Download Overview of the Nervous System - Behavioral Neuroscience - Lecture Slides and more Slides Behavioural Science in PDF only on Docsity! 1 Overview of the Nervous System 2 Anatomical Directions Help Us Locate Structures in the Nervous System Planes of Section Rostral or anterior Sagittal section Dorsal or superior Ventral or inferior Coronal section Dorsal or superior Ventral or inferior Horizontal section Lateral Medial Caudal or posterior —+—> Lateral Medial Rostral | or anterior ey [> Caudal or posterior Medial Lateral D 6 Basic Features of the Nervous System  Meninges:  Dura mater:  Arachnoid membrane:  Pia mater: 7 Basic Features of the Nervous System  Ventricles:  Hollow spaces within the brain.  Each ventricle produces cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).  CSF supports the weight of the brain.  Prevents pressure on neurons, which would lead to false info  Helps reduce shock to the CNS caused by sudden head movements.  Choroid plexus:  The highly vascular tissue that protrudes into the ventricles and produces cerebrospinal fluid. 10 Copyright © 2004 Allyn and Bacon In rest of body In brain Blood-Brain Barrier (barrier #1) 11 Blood-Brain Barrier (barrier #2) THE NERVOUS SYSTEM The Organization of the Nervous (Bstem 15  Medulla  Cerebellum  Pons  Raphe Nuclei  Locus Coeruleus The Three Main Sections of the Brain: The Hindbrain 16  Tectum:  Superior Colliculus  Interior Colliculus  Tegmentum:  Periaqueductal Gray  Substantia Nigra The Three Main Sections of the Brain: The Midbrain 17  Thalamus  Hypothalamus The Three Main Sections of the Brain: The Forebrain - Diencephalon 20 Copyright © 2004 Allyn and Bacon • Cerebral Cortex The Three Main Sections of the Brain: The Forebrain - Telencephalon 21 Connections Between the Hemispheres  The corpus callosum  The anterior commissure 22 The Cerebral Cortex II Lobes:  Frontal  Parietal  Occipital  Temporal Functions:  Sensory  Motor  Association 25 Somatic Nervous System  The Cranial Nerves  Twelve pairs of cranial nerves exit the brain.  Provide sensory and motor functions to the head and neck.  The Spinal Nerves  31 pairs exit the spinal cord  Provide sensory and motor functions to the torso, arms, and legs Cranial Nerves 3, Oculomotor 4, Trochlear 2. Optic 6, Abducens Internal organs indies ct throat and ! ‘ larynx & Copyright © 2004 Allyn an Bacon
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