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Phase Locked Loop I-Analog Communication-Matlab Codes, Exercises of Analog Communication

This is code in MATLAB. Its soution to lab assignment by Sir Bhanuprasad Venkatesan at Shree Ram Swarup College of Engineering and Management for Analog Communication course. It includes: Phase, Locked, Loop, Close, Input, Argument, Frequency, Amplitude, Sampling, Filter, Cutoff

Typology: Exercises


Uploaded on 07/30/2012

gajkaraan 🇮🇳



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Download Phase Locked Loop I-Analog Communication-Matlab Codes and more Exercises Analog Communication in PDF only on Docsity! % Phase Locked Loop: close all % Input Arguments: t = 0:0.002:2; A = 10; % Amplitude of Message Signal wm = 2*pi*20; % Frequency of message signal fs = 500; % Corresponding Sampling frequency oi = 2; % phase shift in input filter_order = 70; % filter order of LPF wcut = (2*5)/(fs); % Cutoff frequency of LPF wc = 2*pi*40; % Free Running frequency of VCO e0 = 10 ; % Initialization for loop with a random value c = 1; % Constant multiple of e0 B = 10; % Amplitude of the signal generated by VCO % Working: % u --->(x)---->[ H(s) ]---+--> y % | | % ------[ VCO ]<----- % H(s) = Low Pass loop filter % VCO = Voltage Controlled Oscillator % (x) = A multiplier working as a phase detector % Input Signal: u=A*sin(wm*t); w=-250:(2*250)/1000:250; U=fftshift(abs(fft(u))); figure, plot(t(1:20),u(1:20)), title('Message Signal'),xlabel('time'),ylabel('Amplitude') figure, plot(w(501:1001),U(501:1001)), title('Spectrum of Message Signal'),xlabel('frequency (Hz)'),ylabel('Amplitude') a = length(u); for k=1:1000 % VCO: wt = wc*t(c*(e0)); v = B*cos(wt); % for plot of e0: x(k) = (oi-(c*e0)); y(k) = e0; % Multiplier: m0 = u.*v; % Low Pass Filter: Filter = fir1(filter_order,wcut,'low');
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