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Poster, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Biology

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Download Poster and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Biology in PDF only on Docsity! ADHD MEDICATIONS (ADDERALL & RITALIN): STUDY TOOLS FOR STUDENT ?By Francesca Sim Xin Ni and Liew Yee Fun School of Biosciences, Taylor’s University Lakeside Campus No 1, Jalan Taylor’s, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan • Attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD) is a condition in which a person has trouble paying attention and focusing on a tasks, tends to act without thinking and has trouble sitting still. It may begin in early childhood and can continue into adulthood. • Dopamine and norepinephrine are neurotransmitters that affect both mental and emotional functioning. • Adderall and Ritalin are the most commonly prescribed medications for ADHD. These psychostimulants increase dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain to improve concentration while decreasing fatigue. INTRODUCTION HOW DO ADHD MEDICATIONS (ADDERALL AND RITALIN) WORK AS STUDY TOOLS? Ritalin : Act as Ritalin, norepinephrine- dopamine reuptake inhibitor inhibitor increased the amount of neurotransmitter in the brain by blocking dopamine transporter (DAT). Inhibition of Inhibition of DAT prevents removal of DAT dopamine from the synapse as ADHD patients tend to have lower neurotransmitter. Stimulation Stimulations of dopaminergic activity of increase levels of dopamine resulting in dopamine elevation of attention and motivation. Adderall : Reversion Adderall reverses the DAT by entering of DAT presynaptic neuron to build a membrane potential. Inhibition Adderall inhibits the enzyme,monoamine of enzyme oxidase (neurotransmitter breakdown) leading to accumulation of neurotransmitters. Elevation Adderall rapidly increases levels of the of neuro- monoamine neurotransmitters reducing trasmitter inattention and hyperactivity. WHY ADHD MEDICATIONS (ADDERALL & RITALIN) SHOULD BE USED AS STUDY TOOLS? • Full-time college students were twice as likely to have used Adderall non-medically as their counterparts who were not full-time students, according to a National Survey on Drug Use and Health report released in 2009. (Arianna Yanes, 2014) Figure 1: Percentage reporting to have ever taken Adderall non-medically, by age group. (NSDUHH, 2013) • Students consume these drugs so that they can stay awake for longer periods, increase their ability to focus, concentrate on work and enhance memorizing. ADHD medications (Adderall & Ritalin) are also being used to curb appetites for weight loss. Some also use them to get high. (University of Utah Health Care, 2013) Figure 2: Reasons for ADHD medications to use as study pills. (BASIS - STASH Vol. 4 (11), 2008) CONCLUSION • ADHD medications (Adderall & Ritalin) are safe and effective to use in small doses as studies have proved them to be therapeutic under the proper regulations. • The up growth of these drugs is a development concern among colleges and universities. • To prevent the illicit use of prescription ADHD medication, dosages should be closely monitored to limit the extra pills that students have and pass on to friends. School and prevention programs would also benefit from changing their courses to include information about the physiological dangers of abusing prescription medication. • ADHD medications (Adderall & Ritalin) are not advisable without appropriate perceptive implications of medications use. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT • We specially thank to Ms Nur Liyana Mahamad, our lecturer for Information Literacy. • We also want to thank the authors, Emma Pierson, Arianna Yanes, University of Utah Health Care and National Surveys on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) for providing us number of useful information. • Without these invaluable guidance, constant encouragement and immense motivation that sustained our efforts at different stages, we would not achieve this successful completion of this research poster. REFERENCES Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, viewed 13th April 2016 <> Austerman. J, Muzina. DJ, 2014. Turning Attention to ADHD, viewed 11th April 2016 <http://> Consumer Reports. 2012, Evaluating Prescription Drugs Used to Treat : Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), viewed 9th April 2016 <> Drugs for ADHD : Types, Uses and Side Effect, viewed 11th April 2016 <> Gerdes. L, 2009. Behavorial Disorder (Opposing Viewpoints), United States : Gale, p.113 Mayo Clinic Staff, Attention-deficit/hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, viewed 15th April 2016 <> Medication Guide, 2015, viewed 29th April 2016 <> Upaddyaya. HP, 2007, Managing ADHD in the Presence of Substance Use Disorder. <> Yanes. A, 2014, Just Say Yes? The Rise of Study Drugs in College, viewed 8 May 2016 <http ://> University of Utah Health Care 2013, Abuse of Prescription ADHD Drugs Rising on College Campuses, viewed 8 May 2016 <>
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