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Reading and Writing SHS, Study notes of Law

A reviewer for the reading and writing subject in senior high school, overview of topics and examples

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Download Reading and Writing SHS and more Study notes Law in PDF only on Docsity! Selecting and Organizing Information Brainstorming - helps people establish a pattern of ideas and develop new ways of thinking Graphic Organizers - visual representation of concepts that structure information into organizational patterns Types of Graphic Organizers Fishbone Diagram - used to better understand the causal relationship of a complex concept • the problem is written in the head and the causes are written between the bones Venn Diagram - used to compare and contrast concepts or ideas Problem-Solution Table - displays the nature of a problem and how it can be solved • describe the problem on one part of the table and give its corresponding solution in the next part Cycle - describes how a series of events interact to produce the same result repeatedly example: Life Cycle of a Frog Plot Diagram - a tool used to map the events of the story • exposition, conflict, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution Timeline - used to show how events occur chronologically Network Tree - is used to represent hierarchy, classfication, or branching Spider Map - is used to enumerate the various aspects of a central concept or idea Patterns of Development the logical arrangement of ideas Signal Words help writers organize their text in a logical structure Definition - explains a concept or idea and answers the question "What does it mean?" example: is defined as, to define, to illustrate Exemplification - states the general statement and provides examples example: as an example, such as, like the following Description - provides details about the idea in a spatial manner example: above, across, against Chronology Narration - states events that are arranged chronologically Process - has steps regarding the execution of something or how something was done Comparison and Contrast - lists down similarities and differences of ideas example: like, in comparison, in contrast Cause and Effect - shares the details such as the cause or the effect of an event, can either highlight only the cause, only the effect, or both example: as a result, therefore, because Problem-Solution - presents some facts about why an idea is a problem, and provides the solution in the closing statement example: the problem is, one solution, one way Classification and Division - organizes ideas into categories or divisions based on criteria or standards example: classified as, is a kind of Persuasion - organizes ideas to show how a set of evidences leads to a logical conclusion or argument example: in fact, for this reason, to repeat Paragraph and Essay Paragraph - A group of sentences • topic sentence, supporting details, closing statement Essay - A group of paragraphs • thesis statement, body, conclusion I. Introduction Thesis Statement
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