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Rejection Technique-Stochastic Process-Lecture Slides, Slides of Stochastic Processes

Main topics for this course are Stochastic process, random variables, linear congruent generators, pdfs and cdfs, rejection method, metropolis methods, sampling techniques, random walks and genetic algorithm. This lecture includes: Rejection, Method, Probability, Distribution, Method, Inverse, Direct, Normalization, Uniformly, Range, Efficiency, Algorithm, Technique

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Download Rejection Technique-Stochastic Process-Lecture Slides and more Slides Stochastic Processes in PDF only on Docsity! 2 Lecture: Rejection Technique Monte Carlo Methods 3 • When the invertible cumulative probability distribution function is there the direct method is always possible, • There are cases when it is not practical to calculate the inverse because it may contain mathematical structure that is difficult to find. • Then Another approach is used and it is called the rejection method. Rejection method 6 The efficiency of the rejection technique is defined as: ∫= b a dxxp xp )( )( 1 max ε Rejection Technique p( x) X 7 Example 1: Rejection Technique Let us consider a pdf: 10; 1 14)( 2 <<+ = x x xf π 10;.1 110 <<= ξξx The algorithm to sample such a pdf using rejection technique is following: 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 f(x ) x-value It is a monotonically decreasing function on (0, 1) range and its maximum value is 4/π. 10;4.2 221 <<= ξξπ x 1ξ;1 14.3 21 ox xIf + ≤ π Accept xo , else repeat step 1. 8 Example 1: continued The algorithm can be rephrased as Another much more precise way is: ;.1 10 ξ=x ; 1 14.2 22 ox If + > π ξ Then repeat step 1. uniformandgenerate ;.1 21 ξξ . ;1)1(.2 1 2 12 ξ ξξ = >+ oxelse repeatIf 11 Example 2: Rejection Technique Consider a singular probability distribution function: 10; 1 12)( 2 << − = x x xf π This function is unbounded. Straight forward rejection technique is not appropriate. Instead, we write: ( ) ( ) 10; 11 12)( << −+ = x xx xf π ; 12 1)( x xgLet − = ( ) 10;4 1 14 )( )(, <<≤ + = x xxg xfThen ππ This function is has now a least upper bound that is equal to 4/π and this can be sampled using rejection technique. 12 Then Choice for function is STEP 2: If STEP 1: First generate two uniform random numbers. Then sample x from g(x): Accept the x; else reject it and repeat step 1. Step 2 can also be written as ; 1 1 /4 )(/)()( x xgxfxh + == π ; 12 1)( x xg − = That is use sampling function, from cdf: ;1 21ξ−=x ; 1 1 2 x+ ≤ξ ( ) ;1122 ≤+ xξ Example 2: Rejection Technique 13 % Program name; rejection_tech2.m % Sampling from a pd Function % function is 2/(pi*sqrt(1-x*x)), 0<x<1 % random numbers from rand function % in interval [0, 1] N = 50000 ; max_bins = 1000; rand('state', 0) % initialize the generator to zero for j=1:max_bins % initialize ibin(j) = 0; xmid(j) = 0; ntheory(j)=0; end for i= 1:N % Start Monte Carlo loop g(i) = 0.0; r1 = rand; x = 1.0 - r1^2; r2 = rand; gg =r2*r2*(1.0 + x); if(gg <= 1.0) g(i) = x; end end max_f = max(g); % find max value of func estimated size_bin = max_f/max_bins; % find size of bins for kk=1: N l_limit=0; u_limit=0; for ii=1: max_bins l_limit = (ii-1)*size_bin; u_limit = ii*size_bin; if((g(kk)>l_limit)&(g(kk)<=u_limit)) jj=ii; end end ibin(jj) = ibin(jj) + 1; % one more for the bin end Example 2: MATLAB PROGRAM 16 Direct method: The cumulative probability distribution functions in this case are: Inverting gives: where the ri are random numbers on the range [0; 1]. The code segment that would accomplish this looks like: rho = rho_0 * sqrt(rand ) phi = 2e0 * pi * rand x = rho * cos(phi) y = rho * sin(phi) where rand is a function that return a random number uniformly on the range [0, 1]. Example 3: Circularly Collimated Parallel Beam 17 In this technique, a point is chosen randomly within the square -1 < x < 1; -1 < y < 1. If this point lies within a circle with unit radius the point is accepted and the x and y values scaled by the collimation radius ρ0 . The code segment that would accomplish this looks like: Rejection method x = 2e0 * rng() - 1e0 y = 2e0 * rng() - 1e0 IF (x**2 + y**2 .gt. 1e0) goto 1 x = rho_0 * x y = rho_0 * y Example 3: Circularly Collimated Parallel Beam 18 • Actually, both methods are equivalent mathematically. • However, one or the other may have advantages in execution speed depending on other factors in the application. • If the geometry is not cylindrically symmetric or all the scoring that is done does not make use of the inherent • cylindrical symmetry, then the rejection method is about twice as fast as the direct method • It is due to the fact that the trigonometric functions are not employed in the rejection method. Which One is better? Example 3: Circularly Collimated Parallel Beam 21 • Imagine that the probability distribution function is too difficult to integrate and invert, • Then it is ruling out the direct approach without a great deal of numerical analysis, and • that it is “spiky", making the rejection method inefficient. • Many probability distributions have this objectionable character. The mixed method is a combination of the previous two methods. It is used when we have following problems: Mixed methods 22 Mixed methods The mixed method is a combination of the previous two methods. However, imagine that the probability distribution function can be factored as follows: p(x) = f(x)g(x) where f(x) is an invertible function that contains most of the “spikiness", and g(x) is relatively flat but contains most of the mathematical complexity. The recipe is as follows: 1. Normalize f(x) producing f(x) / fmax such that 1max)/)(( =∫ b a dxfxf 23 2. Normalise g(x) producing g(x)/gmax such that this normalized function remains less than or equal to one in the range [a, b]. 3. Using the direct method described previously, choose an x using normalized f(x) as the probability distribution function. 4. Using this x, apply the rejection technique using normalized g(x). That is, choose a random number, r, uniformly in the range [0; 1]. If normalized g(x) is less or equal to r, accept x, otherwise go back to step 3. Remarks: With some effort, any mathematically complex, spiky function can be factored in this manner. The art is the appropriate choice of normalized f(x) that leaves a normalized g(x) that is nearly flat. Mixed methods
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