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Risk Assessment - Information Technology - Past Exam Paper, Exams of Information Technology

Main points of this past exam are: Risk Assessment, Information Technology, Reproduce, Printed, Document Complete, Document, Action Programme, Failure, Assist, Considered

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Download Risk Assessment - Information Technology - Past Exam Paper and more Exams Information Technology in PDF only on Docsity! Cork Institute of Technology Higher Certificate in Engineering in Building Services Engineering – Award (NFQ – Level 6) Summer 2006 Information Technology (Time: 3 Hours) Instructions Answer FOUR questions. All questions carry equal marks. Examiners: Mr. Joe Mason Dr. N. Hewitt Mr. D. Leonard Create a folder on the E drive using your first name and surname e.g. JOEMASON. Save all your work to this folder. At the end of the exam copy this folder to: H/Mech-pdc-nt1/Classes/Bis/Bis04/Bis2Summer2006 Also at the end of the exam save your files to floppy disks. Ensure that your name is on the disks and mark the disks 1 of 2, 2 of 2 if there is more than one disk. Save your answer to each question as a separate file e.g. Question1.doc Save your work at regular intervals. 2 Question 1: Using MS Word, reproduce the following “Safety and Welfare at Work” document complete with all formatting. The document should be sized so that when printed it will fit onto one page. (25 Marks) Safety and Welfare at Work The Safety, Health and Welfare Act, 2005 reinforces the measures taken to ensure that safety in the workplace is paramount. The act emphasises the need for employers (including the self employed) to manage safety and health in order to prevent workplace injuries and ill health. The basis for the management of safety and health is the written safety statement. This document sets out an action programme, and should be prepared with the cooperation of the workforce. The Safety Statement must comprise: 1. A list of control measures to be taken to avoid the risks 2. The names of those responsible for implementing the measures 3. Plans to deal with an emergency A key part of the process is developing the “Risk Assessment”. Having identified the hazards, the likelihood of harm occurring due to that hazard, and the severity of the consequences if it does occur, are assessed. Together they are considered in order to quantify the level of risk. A simple table can be created to assist with the assessment: e.g. Lifting operations Risk Hazard Severity Likelihood Priority A Failure of lifting gear 5 2 Medium B Moving parts on winches 6 3 High C 3rd Party entering lift area 3 2 Medium D Load falling 6 3 High Hazard severity: 1-Minor injury, 2-Chronic illness, 3-Accident requiring first aid, 4-Reportable injury, 5-Major injury, 6-Death. Hazard likelihood: 1-Remote, 2-Unlikely, 3-Possible, 4-Likely, 5- Probable, 6- Highly probable. Risk = Severity x Likelihood 1-5 Low priority, 6-16 Medium priority, 17-36 High priority. Appropriate control measures can then be put in place to combat the level of risk, based on a clear understanding of the priority. 5 Question 4. Reproduce the following PowerPoint presentation. (25 marks) Mallow Bakeries Munster’s Monster Food Company Profile • Founded in 1972 • Current turnover €1.75 million • Full-time staff 15 • Number of Retail Outlets: 3 Organisation Chart Jim Smith Managing Director Angel Williams Finance Director Joan Byrne Production Manager 3 Accounts Clerks 7 Preparation Staff John Brown Purchasing Manager Buyer Monthly Sales 46,960Total Sales 6,780Evening deliveryPizzas 16,430All dayFilled Rolls 11,450LunchHot Baguettes 12,300Office /Business (in-house) Fresh cut sandwiches Turnover (€)MarketProduct Future Expansion • Widen distribution network • Increase product lines • Develop in-house bakery 6 Question 5. (a) Using an Excel spreadsheet enter the values in Table 5a in the cells specified. Define the cells with the corresponding variable name e.g. Cell B1 is to be defined with the name a, cell B2 is to be defined with the name s etc. (5 marks) Variable (Defined name) Value Cell Reference a 9.81 B1 s 3.45 B2 t 16.3 B3 u 12.4 B4 v 23.3 B5 x 6.23 B6 y 4.5 B7 z 7.66 B8 Table 5a (b) Enter the equations in Table 5b onto the spreadsheet and complete the calculation. The equations must be entered using the defined names, and the results calculated to 3 significant figures. (20 marks) Eqn No. Formula Answer 1 = v - u 2 = u + at 3 = ut +½ at2 4 = asu 22 − 5 = a x22π 6 = 2 32 )( yx sytx − + 7 = xln 3 8 = 4.0432 )( −++ zyx Table 5b
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