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Facebook Data Schema Design: User's Profile and Wall, Study notes of Introduction to Database Management Systems

A task to design a schema for holding structured portions of facebook's data, focusing on a user's profile and wall. The goal is to create intuitive, convenient, and non-redundant relations. Xml is also considered as an alternative for certain data. Ignore sponsored material and repetitive instances.

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Uploaded on 07/15/2012

sajja 🇮🇳

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Download Facebook Data Schema Design: User's Profile and Wall and more Study notes Introduction to Database Management Systems in PDF only on Docsity! Schema Design Activity - Monday October 3 Your Task: Design a schema for holding Facebook's data  For the structured portions of the data, design a set of relations that are intuitive, convenient for querying, and capture relationships without introducing too much redundancy.  Is any of the data amenable to using XML rather than relational tables?  To scope the problem and start with something fairly easy, begin with the information on a user's Profile (Info) page. Next try the information on a user's Wall. In both cases, it's fine to ignore the Sponsored material on the right-hand side. Also, if there are many instances of different information that all take the same form, feel free to capture just a representative set of them.  If you finish both of those pages, pick some other facet of Facebook's data that's different or more challenging in some way. There is no correct answer to this problem, but some answers are better than others.
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