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Single Slice Spiral - Computed Tomography - Lecture Slides, Slides of Computed Tomography

Computed Tomography is an imaging method which uses in X-Rays. This course is part of Radiology courses. This course is basic and important course for Medical students. This lecture includes: Single Slice Spiral, Spiral Ct, Conventional Tube Rotation, Non-Spiral Intergroup Delay, Limitations of Conventional, Faked Image, Volume Scanning, Data Acquisition, Helical Reconstruction Complication, Data Acquisition Challenges

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Download Single Slice Spiral - Computed Tomography - Lecture Slides and more Slides Computed Tomography in PDF only on Docsity! Single Slice Spiral - Helical CT Oh no, not more physicsโ€ฆ Spiral CT ๏‚— Incentives for development ๏‚— Shorter study times ๏‚— Improved 3D imaging ๏‚— New technology required ๏‚— Slip ring ๏‚— Allows continuous gantry rotation Non-spiral Intergroup Delay ๏‚— Scans grouped for single breath hold ๏‚— Inter-scan delay causes long study ๏‚— Because of delay, studies may require >1 group ๏‚— Reduced scanner throughput Limitations of Conventional (non- spiral) Scanning ๏‚— Long exam times ๏‚— Inter-scan delays ๏‚— Table motion ๏‚— Inter-group delays ๏‚— Breathing ๏‚— Limitations for angiography ๏‚— Few scans made during maximum contrast enhancement Faked Image ๏‚— Respiration variations from group to group can cause ๏‚— Anatomy omissions ๏‚— Slice-to-slice misregistration ๏‚— Inaccurate 3D images ๏‚— Step-line contours Helical Reconstruction Complication ๏‚— Patient moves as gantry rotates ๏‚— No two fan beams at same z coordinate โ€œzโ€ direction As Gantry Rotates, Fan Angles Repeat ๏‚— Distance between repetitions is movement of table during one rotation โ€œzโ€ direction Data Acquisition Challenges ๏‚— Projection data not confined to single slice ๏‚— Streak artifacts ๏‚— appear with โ€œstandardโ€ or โ€œconventionalโ€ (non-spiral) reconstruction ๏‚— caused by motion ๏‚— special algorithms required Position at start of rotation Position at start of rotation Position of interest Spiral Reconstruction Algorithms ๏‚— Uses interpolation for ๏‚— input projection data ๏‚— output slice attenuation data ๏‚— Slice can be calculated at any position from raw projection data = real data point coordinate of interest Interpolated data Interpolation ๏‚— Estimates value of function using known values on either side When x = 50, y = 311 When x = 80, y = 500 What will be the value of y when x=58? ? y = 311 + (500-311)* (58-50) / (80-50) (x1,y1) (x2,y2) (x,y) y = x1+ (y2 โ€“ y1)* (x โ€“ x1) / (x2 โ€“ x1) 58 80 50 500 311 Disadvantage of Interpolation ๏‚— Can increase effective slice thickness ๏‚— Calculation averages data measured at many z values โ€œzโ€ direction Redundant Data ๏‚— Can reduce slice thickness averaging substantially by using only 180o worth of data 180o rotation 360o rotation * 180o Reconstruction for Spiral Scanning ๏‚— Substantially reduces effective slice thickness ๏‚— Better z-axis resolution ๏‚— Increases image noise ๏‚— Image based on only 180o instead of 360o of data ๏‚— Redundant data reduces noise Spiral CT Challenges ๏‚— Requires special interpolation reconstruction ๏‚— More computing-intensive Spiral CT Advantages ๏‚— Shorter acquisition times ๏‚— no inter-scan delays ๏‚— shorter study times ๏‚— entire organs / volumes scanned together ๏‚— Better throughput ๏‚— BUT: Larger demands on tube ๏‚— Much less cooling time Spiral CT Advantages ๏‚— No gaps in data acquisition ๏‚— slice can be reconstructed for any axial position ๏‚— Patient motion artifacts reduced Spiral CT = Faster Scanning: Advantages ๏‚— Less potential for motion ๏‚— Less effect of varying respiration ๏‚— spiral scan done in single breath hold ๏‚— Less effect of shifting anatomy between slices ๏‚— Improved contrast protocols possible ๏‚— faster scanning; less dilution ๏‚— more uniform contrast concentration ๏‚— Greater accuracy for multiplanar & 3D images Single-Slice Detectors ๏‚— Many detectors rotate around patient ๏‚— Single row in z-direction ๏‚— Slice thickness determined by collimation Z-Axis Single Slice CT: Changing Slice Thickness Z-Axis Thin Slice Z-Axis Thick Slice Pitch = 1 table motion during one rotation Slice Pitch = --------------------------------------- slice thickness ๏‚จ Pitch = 1 means slices abut one another Spiral vs. Conventional CT & Patient Dose ๏‚— Dose is strongly dependent on pitch Please explain. Inquiring minds wanna know Pitch = 1 ยฉ equivalent dose to non-spiral oD Pitch >1 ๏‚— lower dose for spiral if table increment per rotation > one slice thickness
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