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Project Starfish: IVY LEAGUE Internship - Discovering Your Unique Path to Success, Exercises of Sociology

Project starfish offers world-class internships based on experiential learning for students seeking to study in top schools and make a difference. This platform guides students in assessing their dreams, passions, and strengths, and developing a roadmap to connect the dots between their goals and opportunities. With continuous mentoring and engagement, students learn to craft compelling applications and pitches, and hone their leadership skills through mock interviews.

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Download Project Starfish: IVY LEAGUE Internship - Discovering Your Unique Path to Success and more Exercises Sociology in PDF only on Docsity! Project Starfish: IVY LEAGUE INTERNSHIP WE CREATE WORLD CLASS INTERNSHIPS FOR A MODERN WORLD BASED ON EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING WORLDS #1 WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PLATFORM | subs@pstarfish.orgSTEP BY STEP UNDERSTANDING OF WHAT YOU GO THROUGH AND WHAT HELP YOU RECEIVE ( HIGH LEVEL ) 1. DO I REALLY WANT TO STUDY IN AN IVY LEAGUE / TOP SCHOOL 2. DO I WANT TO DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT; TO GET SOMETHING YOU DON’T HAVE, YOU NEED TO DO SOMETHING YOU NEVER DID! 3. EVERYONE WANTS TO BE SUCCESSFUL. ! BUT CHAMPIONS PREPARE FOR IT! YOU WILL NEED 5 HOURS A WEEK. 4. DO YOU HAVE THE PASSION, THE DREAM AND THE PERSISTENCE TO CREATE AN IMPACT IN THE WORLD? SETTING THE STAGE : WHAT IT TAKES TO LEAD AND DIFFERENTIATE DEVELOP THE PROJECT ROADMAP ( THE INTERNSHIP ) BY CONNECTING THE DOTS ( SEE NEXT SLIDE ) 1. YOU, YOUR PASSION, YOUR GOALS, WHAT YOU WANT TO STUDY, THE OPPORTUNITIES OF THE FUTURE 2. THE INDUSTRY, THE PEOPLE , WHO CAN HELP AND HOW TO CONNECT THE DOTS AND SOLVING THE PROBLEM 3. THE BUSINESS IMPACT OF YOUR ACTION AND ALIGNMENT WITH YOUR GOALS? 4. THE SOCIAL IMPACT, AND THE PROBLEM YOU SOLVE AND OPPORTUNITIES YOU CREATE WHEN YOU GRADUATE, THE SKILLS REQUIRED FOR WORK WILL BE BASED ON PROBLEM SOLVING ONLY _ Sy THE WORLD IN 10 YEARS FROM NOW WILL BE DIFFERENT STARFISH BECAUSE OF HIGH DEGREE OF AUTOMATION! — THE HINTS ARE HERE McKinsey Global Institute industry Relatively low Relatively high digitization index; 2015 or latest digitization digitization available data © Digital leaders within relatively undigitized sectors ROBOTS AND ARTIFICIAL INTEL 3D PRINTED HOMES : Big changes are coming to the labor market that people and governments aren't prepared for, Bill Gates believes. Sector ict? . . = = — r/! Speaking at Washington, D.C., CONNECTED VIRTUAL REALITY & HOLOGRAPHIC HIGHLY AUTOMATED 60m Media APPLIANCES AND DEVICES TECHNOLOGY OF WORK REMOTE TECHNOLOGY economic think tank The Professional services Finance and insurance Wholesale trade WHAT KIND OF INEQUALITY ARE WE IN? —— n Enterprise Institute on y, Gates said that within 20 years, a lot of jobs will go away, replaced by software automation Utilities ("bots” in tech slang, though Gates 5 MILLION aaa ace eno Chemicals and pharmaceuticals (I I =e Gaad Gis ath "aohwanĂ© 26 MILLION cu esa k ais Basic goods manufacturing a substitution”). 3 OPPORTUNITIES IN THE USA, MOST ARE TALENTED Mining Bill Gates secoce Ea selo ea mer Ate) Re ny AL oe) Real estate = This is what he said: ee a NO WORK OPPORTUNITY AFTERWARD “Software substitution, whether it's for drivers or waiters or nurses ... it's progressing. ... Technology over time will reduce demand for jobs, particularly at the lower end of skill set. «« 20 years from now, labor demand for lots of skill sets will be substantially lower. I don’t think people have that in their mental model.” WITH OR WITHOUT DISABILITIES, OF ANY GENDER Education MILLIONS OF VETERANS ARE OUT OF WORK Fiend acts MILLIONS OF YOUTH ARE OUT OF THE WORKFORCE Entertainment and recreation Personal and local services MILLIONS OF JUVENILES 4"E!NYAILS: Be Caen ae Healthcare He's not the only one predicting this gloomy scenario for workers. In January, the Economist ran a big profile naming over a dozen jobs sure to be taken over by robots in the next 20 years, including telemarketers, accountants and retail workers. ET ae ae a are Ba til ai AL RA ca east A Hospitality WHAT IF WE CAN BUILD A NEW BREED OF LEADERS? eter STARFISH MILLIONS OF PEOPLE DIE Agriculture and hunting 8% ARE ADMITTED: 92% REJECTED: WHY? MIT Sloan Alumni @W A aa Cone of Learning (Edgar Dale) cane ee ee or ENTREPRENEURALLY f—- MIT ican Alumel oMSicanAlan After 2 weeks Nature of CULTURALLY FIT? .@MattMcGannMIT cognitive & non- we tend to remember... Involvement : Cognitive skills, contribution to campus community & match to @MIT's culture are considered #SloanieReunion 10% ofwhat we READ Verhal Receiving HAVE A PROJECT TO a 20% ot wnat we HEAR BACK YOU UP TO BB “GhictinicGanrMiT how do we choose? 3 ‘of what we SEE / = . q ? look for predictors from a student's | ] V da 1) ote CO) background that will lead to success @MIT #SloanieReunion org org OR HAVE A PROJECT ee MIT Sioan Alumni ©h4TSiosnAlumet TO PROVE YOU AS y.Y J .@MattMcGannMIT no one is rejected by an “SOLVER” ae algorithm or a robot at @MIT #SloanieReunion + 8 „ WE FOCUS o a lS aS “@MattMcGannl Mi IT ifits important to a WHOM YOU IMPACTED student's story we will hear it in interviews & recommendations from teachers MIT Sloan Alumni ©M SPEAK FOR YOU? #SloanieReunion -@MattMcGannMIT What are your « so Edgar Dale, Audio-Visual Methods in Technology, Holt, Rinehart and Winston. strengths? What motivates you? Where WHAT IS YOUR r "@MattMeGannMIT Caen gathered would you fit in? #SloanieReunion PASSION includes transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, essay questions, portfolios, activity lists #SloanieReunion MIT Sloan Alumni a ‘@MattMcGannMIT think of the application HOW EDUCATION s ~ process as one of so ciscovery, part of tel Nea Colt 60m PASSION. THE WHY? SIGNOFF ON THE PROJECT 1. DO YOU AGREE IF THIS PROJECT IS RIGHT FOR YOU? 2. DID YOU HAVE A DISCUSSION WITH YOUR PARENTS OR TEACHER OR GUARDIAN? 3. THE TIME COMMITMENT BASED ON THE ROADMAP AND ACTIONABLE ITEMS + GOALS 4. ALIGN YOU WITH INDUSTRY MENTORS, IVY LEAGUE / TOP SCHOOL ALUMNI AND BUSINESSES DEVELOPING YOUR APPLICATION ( FOR MINIMUM 3 MONTHS ) 1. WRITING YOUR APPLICATION / ESSAYS, YOUR STORY AND PRACTICING IT 2. DEVELOPING YOUR PITCH: ACTIVITY, THE IMPACT MADE, RESULT ON SOLVING THE PROBLEM 3. CRAFTING THE RECOMMENDATION ( WHICH INCLUDES ONE FROM THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN IMPACTED ) 4. HIGHLIGHT : ACTIVITY + IMPACT = SPIKE OR UNIQUENESS MANDATORY WORK WITH A SUPERB COUNSELOR MANDATORY WORK WITH A SUPERB COUNSELOR MANDATORY WORK WITH A SUPERB COUNSELOR MANDATORY WORK WITH A SUPERB COUNSELOR MOCK INTERVIEWS : YOUR LEADERSHIP 1. YOUR PITCH 2. THE WHY? 3. THE HOW , IMPACT AND EVIDENCE 4. WHAT HAVE YOU INVESTED TO BE IN THE COLLEGE AND HOW YOU CAN TAKE THE WORLD FORWARD MANDATORY WORK WITH A SUPERB COUNSELOR MANDATORY WORK WITH A SUPERB COUNSELOR MANDATORY WORK WITH A SUPERB COUNSELOR MANDATORY WORK WITH A SUPERB COUNSELOR FINAL STEPS : FROM PROJECT STARFISH 1. OUTREACH TO ADMISSION OFFICERS 2. EXPLAIN WHAT YOU DID HERE, SUBMIT DETAILED PROOF 3. HAVE THOSE WHO HAVE BEEN IMPACTED EXPLAIN IT TO ADMISSION OFFICERS 4. WE ARE THERE FOR YOU IF YOU REALLY CREATED THE IMPACT. LET GOOD BE HIGHLIGHTED. AS A LEADER YOU DESERVE IT.
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