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Technological Strategy - Engineering Innovation Management - Lecture Slides, Slides of Innovation

The major point discuss in these slides of the engineering innovation management are:Technological Strategy, Marketing Defines, Marketing Roles, Marketing Mix, Types of Markets, Consumer Market, Industrial Market, Categories of Goods, Less Pricing Flexibility, Product Life Cycle, Product Portfolio

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Download Technological Strategy - Engineering Innovation Management - Lecture Slides and more Slides Innovation in PDF only on Docsity! MSE602 ENGINEERING INNOVATION MANAGEMENT Technological Strategy WHAT IS MARKETING? Marketing defines what to provide, how to ensure customers know about it and buy it, and how to get it to the customers. It is important to realize that customers do not buy products or services; they buy perceived benefits. TYPES OF MARKETS CONSUMER INDUSTRIAL CONSUMER MARKET CATEGORIES OF CONSUMER GOODS/SERVICES • CONVINIENCE GOODS/SERVICES • SHOPPING GOODS/SERVICES • SPECIALTY GOODS/SERVICES INDUSTRIAL MARKET - 1 CATEGORIES OF USERS OPERATIONS PRODUCT/SERVICE INCORPORATION RESALE PRODUCT LIFE CYCLE Market development Maturity Cumulative cash flow aoe ' Decline Time Market growth PRODUCT PORTFOLIO Boston Matrix Portfolio Analysis High Low Stars Question marks | Cash cows High Low Market share PRODUCT AND MARKET STRATEGIES Product Market Existing New Existing Penetrate market further Develop new market Displace competition Create demand Increase market share ‘Tweak’ product Expand market Sell company image New Build on existing brands High risk Build on reputation Diversification Needed for growth ® TECHNOLOGICAL STRATEGIES faa T ms, Strategy s | ¢] 4 2 2 = | = $ | Ss QoS Function Nondirected M uM x Fundamental Research. ; Applied Directed Research. H M NUN Experimental Development 4 H N LM and Design. Advanced Development H H H 4 aré Design, | Full Production, M M Ho] MI Quality Control! , j Product Design. M M H M Patents and ‘ boy i Licenses. , 4 M L M “After-Sales” Services, H M H u ucation and i M L a | Advisory Services. : Long-Term H M L u : Planning. Koy: Mone. Low. Medium liga. TECHNOLOGICAL FUNCTIONAL DEPLOYMENT PROCESS W. DALE COMPTON - 1997 • Analogous to quality functional deployment (QFD) process tool used in concurrent engineering • Creates a technological road map for the enterprise • Objectives are: 1) The development of a consensus understanding of a technology strategy that fully supports the business strategy 2) The commitment of the necessary resources in the business plan to support development of the technologies
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