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The Global Marketplace - Marketing - Lecture Slides, Slides of Marketing Management

In the following Lecture Slides, the Lecturer has put emphasis on these fundamentals of marketing : The Global Marketplace, International Trade, Economic, Cultural Environments, International Marketing, Entering International, Marketing Mixes, Marketing Organization, Background, Consistent Positioning

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Download The Global Marketplace - Marketing - Lecture Slides and more Slides Marketing Management in PDF only on Docsity! Chapter Fifteen The Global Marketplace 1. Discuss how the international trade system, economic, political-legal, and cultural environments affect a company’s international marketing decisions. 2. Describe three key approaches to entering international markets. 3. Explain how companies adapt their marketing mixes for international markets. 4. Identify the three major forms of international marketing organization. Major International Marketing Decisions  Looking at the global marketing environment.  Deciding whether to go international.  Deciding which markets to enter.  Deciding how to enter the market.  Deciding on the global marketing program.  Deciding on the global marketing organization. Looking at the Global Marketing Environment  The International Trade System: – Restrictions—tariffs, quotas, embargos, exchange controls, and nontariff trade barriers.  The World Trade Organization and GATT: – Helps trade—reduces tariffs and other international trade barriers.  Regional Free Trade Zones: – Groups of nations organized to work toward common goals in the regulation of international trade. Economic Environment  Industrial Structure: – Shapes a country’s product and service needs, income levels, and employment levels.  Four types: – Subsistence economies – Raw material exporting economies – Industrializing economies – Industrial economies Deciding Whether to Go International  Reason to consider going global: – Foreign attacks on domestic markets. – Foreign markets with higher profit opportunities. – Stagnant or shrinking domestic markets. – Need larger customer base to achieve economies of scale. – Reduce dependency on single market. – Follow customers who are expanding. Deciding Which Markets to Enter  Before going abroad, the company should try to define its international marketing objectives and policies. – What volume of foreign sales is desired? – How many countries to market in? – What types of countries to enter?  Choose possible countries and rank based on market size, market growth, cost of doing business, competitive advantage, and risk. Market Entry Strategies  Exporting: – Indirect: • Working through independent international marketing intermediaries. – Direct: • Company handles its own exports. Deciding on the Global Marketing Program  Standardized Marketing Mix: – Selling largely the same products and using the same marketing approaches worldwide.  Adapted Marketing Mix: – Producer adjusts the marketing mix elements to each target market, bearing more costs but hoping for a larger market share and return. Global Product Strategies  Straight Product Extension: – Marketing a product in a foreign market without any change.  Product Adaptation: – Adapting a product to meet local conditions or wants in foreign markets.  Product Invention: – Creating new products or services for foreign markets. Global Promotion Strategies  Can use a standardized theme globally, but may have to make adjustments for language or cultural differences. – Communication Adaptation: • Fully adapting an advertising message for local markets. – Changes may have to be made due to media availability. Global Distribution  International firms must take a whole- channel view of distributing products to final consumers.  Differences in the numbers and types of intermediaries serving each foreign market requires time and money to navigate.  Size and character of retail units differ as well, presenting challenges. Deciding on the Global Marketing Organization  Organize an export department  Create international divisions – Geographical organizations – World product groups – International subsidiaries  Become a global organization 1. Discuss how the international trade system, economic, political-legal, and cultural environments affect a company’s international marketing decisions. 2. Describe three key approaches to entering international markets. 3. Explain how companies adapt their marketing mixes for international markets. 4. Identify the three major forms of international marketing organization.
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