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This consist of pharmacology quiz, Quizzes of Health sciences

This is a introduction to Pharmacology quiz

Typology: Quizzes


Uploaded on 04/13/2024

joel-cobbinah 🇬🇭

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Download This consist of pharmacology quiz and more Quizzes Health sciences in PDF only on Docsity! UNIVERSITY OF EDUCATION, WINNEBA FACULTY OF SCIENCE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH ADMINISTRATION AND EDUCATION HADE123: INTRODUCTION TO BASIC PHARMACOLOGY TRIAL TEST 1 INSTRUCTION: Answer all questions on the question paper. 1. The dissolution phase of drug in pharmacology is also known as... A. Pharmacokinetics phase B. Pharmaceutic phase C. Pharmacodynamics phase D. Pharmapeutic phase 2. Select the odd one from the list in relation to First pass effect A. Oral B. Sublingual C. Intrathecal D. Intravenous 3. Which of the following is not an important of Time Release Preparation A. Maintenance of a therapeutic effects B. Presence of certain body conditions C. Better compliance D. Reduction in the frequency of administration 4. Maximum absorption of drug takes place in the ............. of the small intestine A. Liver B. Cecum C. Duodenum D. Microvilli 5. The route of drug administration which does not give less than 100% bioavailability is ... A. Intramuscular route B. Subcutaneous route C. Intravenous route D. Buccal route 6. The following factors influence the rate of drug absorption excluding A. Concentration of the drug B. The formulation of the drug C. Type of transport D. The distribution of the drug 7. What happens when Tetracycline is taken with milk. A. The Ca in the milk forms complex with the the drug which facilitate absorption B. The Ca in the milk forms complex with the drug which impedes absorption C. The Ca in the milk dissolves the drug which impedes absorption D. The Ca in the milk dissolves the drug which facilitate absorption
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