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This y talks about the Oliver LYTTLETON constitution of 1954, Assignments of Constitutional Law

One of the precolonial constitution of Nigeria by LYTTLETON,which made Nigeria a federal state in 1954, this document contains some of the features, MERIT AND demerits of the constitution

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Download This y talks about the Oliver LYTTLETON constitution of 1954 and more Assignments Constitutional Law in PDF only on Docsity! Who is Oliver Lyttleton Oliver Lyttelton,1st Viscount Chandos, was a British politician who served as the President of the Board of Trade, Minister of Production, and Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster during World War II. He was also involved in post-war reconstruction efforts and held various other government positions. Additionally, he was a member of the Conservative Party and made significant contributions to British politics during his career. The Oliver Lyttleton constitution of 1954, explained The Oliver Lyttleton Constitution of1954 was a Significant milestone in the constitutional history of Nigeria. It was named after Oliver Lyttleton, who was the British Secretary of State for the Colonies at the time. The constitution introduced a federal system of government to Nigeria, which granted significant powers to the regions while retaining some authority at the central level. Key features of the constitution included the establishment of a bicameral legislature at the center, with a House of Representatives and a Senate. It also provided for regional assemblies in the Northern, Western, and Eastern regions of Nigeria, each with its own legislative and executive powers. The constitution aimed to address the growing demands for self-governance and representation from the various regions of Nigeria. However, it also maintained certain powers at the federal level, particularly in areas such as defense, foreign affairs, and currency. independence. Weakness of the constitution The Oliver Lyttleton Constitution 0f1954, like any constitution, had its strengths and weaknesses. Some weaknesses of the constitution include: 1. Limited representation: The constitution maintained significant central control, which limited the extent of regional autonomy and representation. This led to concerns about the unequal distribution of power and resources among the regions. 2. Ethnic tensions: The constitution did not fully address the underlying ethnic and regional tensions within Nigeria, leading to ongoing challenges related to ethnic and regional representation and power-sharing. 3. Limited inclusivity: The constitution did not fully incorporate the input and perspectives of all ethnic groups and regions, which contributed to feelings of marginalization and exclusion among certain segments of the population. 4. Centralized power: While the constitution introduced federalism, some critics argued that the central government still retained significant powers, potentially limiting the ability of the regions to govern themselves effectively. 5. Limited provisions for future changes: The constitution did not provide a clear mechanism for addressing future changes and challenges, which could hinder its adaptability to evolving circumstances. It's important to note that the weaknesses of the Oliver Lyttleton Constitution contributed to ongoing political and social challenges in Nigeria, and subsequent constitutional developments have aimed to address these shortcomings. Merit and demerit of the constitution The Oliver Lyttleton Constitution of 1954 had both merits and demerits. Here are some of the key points: Merits: 1. Introduction of federalism: The constitution introduced a federal system of government, which aimed to balance power between the central government and the regions, allowing for some degree of regional autonomy. 2. Creation of regional governments: The constitution established three regional governments, providing a framework for regional representation and governance, which allowed for a degree of local
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