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Types of Wounds - Forensic Experiments - Lecture Slides, Slides of Forensics

Types of Wounds, Disruption of Continuity of Tissues, Types of Wounds, Abrasions, Blunt Force Trauma, Types of Abrasions, Importance of Abrasions, Fingernail Abrasions are some points from lecture of Forensic Experiments.

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Download Types of Wounds - Forensic Experiments - Lecture Slides and more Slides Forensics in PDF only on Docsity! WOUNDS DEFINITION OF WOUNDS Medical definition: Disruption of the continuity of the tissues produced by external mechanical force. Legal definition: Breach of the full thickness of the skin \ \ Tangential Abrasion Types of wounds Lom o c intradermal Bruise Laceration Incised bruise wound 1 ) ABRASIONS Abrasions • It is the most superficial type of injuries • that does not penetrate the full thickness of the skin (usually confined to the epidermis). • Usually caused by blunt force trauma. Types of abrasions 2- Tangential impact( brush abrasions) : • Loss or scraping of the epidermis due to friction against a rough surface (graze) or a sharp surface (scratch) • Broader surface This example of brush abrasions .It illustrates a motorcycle fatality, where the victim has come in contact with the road surface. • Example of a brush abrasion of the abdomen by scraping along a rough sooted and rusty surface of a metal tank during a fall. Types of abrasions 3- Fingernail abrasions • these are important because of their frequency in assaults especially child abuse, sexual attacks and strangulations . • Often associated with focal bruises. Fingernails abrasions are most often seen on the neck, face, and the upper arms and the forearm — ; Cy Sel www. i Importance of abrasions in forensics •Always reflects the site of impact. •Often indicates the causative agent. •Often indicates the direction of impact. •Helps in determining the time of injury: Cont.. • Helps in determining the time of injury: Fresh: hyperemia, oozing serum and usually without bleeding. Up to 36 hours: hyperemia and soft yellow crust of dried serum. 2-3 days: dry brown scab. 6-7 days: falling of scab leaving a red surface which disappears without leaving a scar within 2-3 weeks.
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