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Umldiagramforhospitalmanagementsystem 140425070951 phpapp02, Study Guides, Projects, Research of Database Management Systems (DBMS)

uml diagram for hospital management systems

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Download Umldiagramforhospitalmanagementsystem 140425070951 phpapp02 and more Study Guides, Projects, Research Database Management Systems (DBMS) in PDF only on Docsity! BY NARESH PRAJAPATI (Roll No: 517) SANDIP PATEL (Roll No: 504) HITUL PATEL (Roll No: 518) JAYKISHAN PATEL (Roll No: 520) SEMESTER -IV INCHARGE NAME ASST. PROF. HITESH PANCHAL COMPUTER DEPARTMENT Faculty of Engineering & Technology Computer Department Gujarat technological University May 2011 GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY GROW MORE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Computer Department 2010-11 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Naresh Student of B.E. Semester IV, Roll No. 517 has satisfactorily completed his term work of the subject Object Oriented Analysis and Design (140703) during the academic year 2010-11 and submitted on 25-04-2011. Staff in charge Head of department . GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY GROW MORE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING GUJARAT TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY GROW MORE FACULTY OF ENGINEERING Computer Department 2010-11 CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Mr. Jaykishan Student of B.E. Semester IV, Roll No. 520 has satisfactorily completed his term work of the subject Object Oriented Analysis and Design (140703) during the academic year 2010-11 and submitted on 25-04-2011. Staff in charge Head of department . INDEX 1. Abstract 2. Requirement 3. Introduction of Tool used to draw diagram (MS-Visio) 3.1 Use Case Diagram 3.2 Class Diagram 3.3 Object Diagram 3.4 Activity Diagram 3.5 State Diagram 3.6 Sequence Diagram 4. List of Diagram 4.1 User’s View Diagram 4.2 Structural View 4.2.1 Class Diagram 4.2.2 Object Diagram 4.3 Behavioral Diagram 4.3.1 Activity Diagram 4.3.2 State Diagram 4.3.3 Sequence Diagram 5. Conclusions 6. Reference 1. Abstract This Module handles the activities such as deleting Doctor/Staff information into the database. 8. PRESCRIBE TESTS This Module handles various activities such as Doctor Diagnoses the patient, gives treatment & gives suggestions to the patients, & prescribes laboratory tests & medicines. 9. WARDWISE BED STATUS It deals with the maintenance of the wards, inter- and intra- ward transfers. 10. ADMISSION/DISCHARGE REPORTS This Module helps in generating patient’s discharge summary, which includes patient’s health at the time of discharge, medical history, various diagnosis and drug prescriptions, history of present illness and course in hospital. 11 . PATIENT INFORMATION This Module helps in generating the patient information Which is provided by doctor. 3. Introduction to tools 3.1 Use Case Diagram An actor is a direct external user of a system, it is not part of system Actor can be person, device, & other system. Ex. Patient is an actor of hospital management system. A use case is a coherent piece of functionality that a system can provide by interacting with actors. Ex. Check up patient by doctor. System boundary is a rectangle in which use case mentioned in & it have system name also. Ex. Hospital Management system. The include relationship incorporate one use case within The behavior of other use case. The extend relationship adds increment behavior to a use case. An arrow indicates the relationship among actor & use case. 3.2 Class Diagram A class describe a group of objects with the same properties (attributes), behavior(operation),kinds of relationship, Semantic. Ex. Hospital is a class. An association is a description of group of links with common Structure & common semantic. Ex. A person works for a company. An aggregation is a strong form of association in which an Aggregate Object is made of constituent parts. In decision if one condition is satisfied, it’s arrow indicate The next activity to perform. Ex. Pay fees of doctor is a guard condition. Fork pseudo state enable to take a single event transmission & split it into several control parts. Join pseudo manages multiple transmission part into one Transmission. Final state is a notation of ending of activity. 3.5 State Diagram Fork pseudo state enable to take a single event transmission & split it into several control parts. Join pseudo manages multiple transmission part into one Transmission. A state is an abstraction of the values and links of an Objects, sets of values and links are grouped to gather Into a state according to the group behavior of object. Ex. Prescribing is a state. Drawn as a line from the origin state to the target state. An arrowhead points to the target state. Note: Final & Initial state are as same as in Activity diagram. 3.6 Sequence Diagram In Sequence diagram each actor, object or system is represent by vertical line called object life line. An Activation describe that the system is in process by means system in use. Messages extend from the lifeline of one object to the lifeline of another except in the case of a message from an object to itself, in which case the message begins and ends on the same lifeline. 4.2 Structural View 4.2.1. Class Diagram Class Diagram shows a set of classes, interfaces, and collaborations and their relationships. They are important for visualizing, specifying, and documenting structural models and also for constructing executable systems through forward and reverse engineering. In class diagram of hospital management there are many classes like Hospital, Patient, Doctor, Receptionist, Nurse etc. the relationship among classes are association, generalization, composition, aggregation. 4.2.2. Object Diagram An object diagram shows individual objects and their relationship .Object diagram are helpful for documenting test cases and discussing example. A class diagram correspond to infinite set of object diagrams. In object diagram there mainly consist name of system. 4.3. Behavioral Diagram 4.3.1. Activity Diagram An activity diagram shows the sequence of steps that make up a complex process, such as an algorithm or work flow. It focus on operation. 4.3.2. State Diagram A state diagram is a graph whose nodes are states & whose direct arcs are transition between states. A state diagram specifies the state sequence caused by event sequence. 5. Conclusion According to Unified Modeling Language, we use UML diagram For represent the complex system in simplest and compact form. In short time we describe the flow of system. It is easily understandable by user. 6. References Michael R Blaha, James R Rumbaugh. The Object-Oriented Modeling and Design with UML, Second Edition. Dorling Kindersley, India: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2010.
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