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VIRGINIA WOOLF, Summaries of English Literature

riassunto vita, opere e pensiero di Virginia Woolf fatti in modo accurato!

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Uploaded on 10/10/2014

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Download VIRGINIA WOOLF and more Summaries English Literature in PDF only on Docsity! VIRGINIA WOOLF Life She was born in London in 1882. At the age of 13, she suffered for the death of her mother and she had a nervous breakdown. Then she went to Bloomsbury where she founded a group in which there were also Forster, Leonard Woolf whom she married. Her first novel was "The voyage Out", "Orlando", "Mrs Dalloway". She died in 1914. Mrs Dalloway, plot The protagonist of this novel is Clarissa Dalloway, who went out to go buying some flowers for the party of evening. This day is contrasted by Septium Smith, a disturbed man who killed himself. This take Clarissa to think on the importance of the life. Features and themes In this story, time is dilated and a single moment can last for a long time. The indirect interior monologue represents the difference between chronological and interior time. Woolf is interested in female subjectivity. The beginning of the novel is an example of the way Virginia portrays interior time in contrast with chronological time. When she walks around London, she is throw into the past and the future. Her impressions were interwoven with her memories. Clarissa and Septium became mutually dependent. Like Clarissa Septium too moves about London, he is unable to hold all the threads of experiences.
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