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Phantom of the Opera, plot, Appunti di Inglese

Trama de Il fantasma dell'opera

Tipologia: Appunti


Caricato il 13/04/2024

kevin-dimaio 🇮🇹

14 documenti

Anteprima parziale del testo

Scarica Phantom of the Opera, plot e più Appunti in PDF di Inglese solo su Docsity! THE PHANTOM OF THE OPERA, SUMMARY We are at the Opera House in Paris, 1880 There are some voices that talk about a misterious phantom who infest the Opera. He lives under the opera in a house around a big lake and he makes himself known sending letters to the directors and causing damages when he’s angry. For example, he brings down the chandelier hurting some spectators, or makes lose the voice at a singer, La Carlotta, during a famous show, Faust, because he fall in love with another singer, Christine Daaè, who also loves Raul, the Vicomte of Chagny and a childood friend of Christine. A day, Christine is kidnapped by the Phantom; he tells her his name, Erik, and reveals her love for her. When Christine takes the mask off the ghost, she see an orrible yellow face without nose and with deep-set eyes, like a dead. Christine tells Raoul that she was kidnapped by the Phantom; Raoul promises to kill the phantom and to run away with Christine. Unforunately, the Phantom hears the conversation and during an other show of Faust, Erik kidnaps Christine again and gives her a choice: marry him or he will destroy the entire Opera House. Christine refuses, but then she knows that Erik has trapped Raoul and the Persian (an old friend of Erik) inside a torture chamber, she agrees to marry him, and she kisses his ugly face. The Phantom is surprised and he leaves she free to marry Raoul.
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