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Klassenarbeit Englisch: Grammatik, Übungen von Englisch

Übungsarbeit für Klasse 6 mit Lösungen

Art: Übungen


Hochgeladen am 01.07.2020

Verena_Antretter 🇩🇪



Unvollständige Textvorschau

Nur auf Docsity: Lade Klassenarbeit Englisch: Grammatik und mehr Übungen als PDF für Englisch herunter! ___ /7P ___ /5P 6. Klasse / Englisch Klassenarbeit - Grammatik Simple Past; Unregelmäßige Verben; Fragewörter; Going to Future; Possesivpronomen; Vergleichen Aufgabe 1 Irregular verbs: Fill in the gaps. Infinitiv: simple past: Übersetzung: to fly flew fliegen to kaufen to werfen to reiten to gehen to lehren to finden to geben Aufgabe 2 Have a look at the children’s answers and write down Mrs. Rose's questions. Use the simple past. The underlined parts may help you. Mrs. Rose: _________________________________________________________________ Anna: I went to London. Mrs. Rose: _________________________________________________________________ Daniel: We lost our bag near the Old Bishop’s Palace. Mrs. Rose: _________________________________________________________________ Ben: The bag was in the museum. Mrs. Rose: _________________________________________________________________ Lea: The Romans lived in London 2000 years ago. Mrs. Rose: _________________________________________________________________ Alan: We met a Roman soldier on the city wall. ___ /8P Aufgabe 3 Make sentences with going to. 1. you / come? Mrs. Dunn: _____________________________________________ to the party next Saturday? 2. Who / make? Mrs. Eliot: Of course. _____________________________________________ the cake? 3. But I / not do Mrs. Dunn: Lea and Kate. _____________________________________________ the washing-up for them this time. 4. Paul and Anna / bring Mrs. Eliot: _____________________________________________ the music. 5. But they / not bring Mrs. Dunn: That’s good. _____________________________________________ their Rock 'n' Roll CDs, I hope! 6. Oh - Mrs.White / buy? Mrs. Eliot: I’m not sure. _____________________________________________ the lemonade? 7. She / not buy / We / get Mrs. Dunn: No. _____________________________________________ the lemonade. _____________________________________________ it, remember? ___ /8P Aufgabe 3 Make sentences with going to. 1. you / come? Mrs. Dunn: Are you going to come to the party next Saturday? 2. Who / make? Mrs. Eliot: Of course. Who is going to make the cake? 3. But I / not do Mrs. Dunn: Lea and Kate. But I am not going to do the washing-up for them this time. 4. Paul and Anna / bring Mrs. Eliot: Paul and Anna are going to bring the music. 5. But they / not bring Mrs. Dunn: That’s good. But they are not going to bring their Rock 'n' Roll CDs, I hope! 6. Oh - Mrs.White / buy? Mrs. Eliot: I’m not sure. Oh, is Mrs. White going to buy the lemonade? 7. She / not buy / We / get Mrs. Dunn: No. She’s not going to buy the lemonade. But we are going to get it, remember? Viel Erfolg!! Viel Erfolg!! Viel Erfolg!! Gesamt: ____/29P ___ /3P ___ /6P Aufgabe 4 Anna, Sarah and Claire are looking for some things in the lost property room (Fundbüro) at school. Mr Brown, a teacher, is helping them. Complete the dialogue. Mr. Brown: OK. Whose coat is this? Anna: Oh, I think it's mine. Mr. Brown: And is this tartan scarf yours too, Anna? Anna: No, it isn't. Perhaps it's Sarah's scarf. She can't find hers. Sarah, is this yours? Sarah: No, it isn't. Mine is green and blue, not red and blue. We can ask Ben, maybe it's his. Aufgabe 5 Comparisons Compare your and your neighbours things. Try to use possessive pronouns. (= genauso; + Komparativ; * Superlativ) Example: cat / old + Our cat is older than theirs. 1. garden / to be / nice = Our garden is as nice as theirs. 2. Their car / to look / expensive + Their car looks more expensive than ours. 3. Their dog / to be / dangerous * Their dog is the most dangerous. 4. His son / to be / old + His son is older than me. 5. Our house / not to be / big = Our house is not as big as theirs. 6. His cat / to run / fast * His cat runs fastest. Note 1 1- 1-2 2+ 2 2- 2-3 3+ 3 3- 3-4 4+ 4 4- 4-5 5+ 5 5- 5-6 6+ Punkte 26 25 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 15 14 13 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 3