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777 KSV Review -with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025-tutor verified, Exams of Advanced Education

777 KSV Review -with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025-tutor verified

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Available from 05/25/2024

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Download 777 KSV Review -with 100% verified solutions 2024-2025-tutor verified and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! 777 KSV Review -with 100% verified solutions 2024- 2025-tutor verified What is minimum crew on the 777-200ER? 8 What is minimum crew on the 777-300ER? 10 On the 777-200ER, which FA is responsible for operating 2L? FA7 What is the passenger capacity for 777-300ER? 304 On the 777-300ER, which FA is responsible for operating 3R? FA6 On the 777-200ER, which FA is responsible for operating 4R? FA3 On any 777, with minimum crew onboard, no FA has a secondary exit responsibility. True On the 777-300ER, which FA is responsible for the Exit Seat Briefing? FA8 and FA9 What are the designated exit seats on the 777-200? 26ABC 26JKL On the 777-300ER, the Cabin Door Status is used by FA1/Purser to: Confirm the doors are closed and locked With the exception 3L/R on the 777-300ER, which of the following is an indicator that a door is armed? Girt bar indicator flag viewing window is yellow What confirms the slide at 3L/R, on the 777-300ER, is fully inflated and usable? The ODI, seen aft of the exit, should be visible Which jumpseat does FA4, on the 777-300ER, occupy? 2R AFT Facing Which jumpseat does FA7, on the 777-200ER, occupy? 2L A fire has broken out in the 4L lavatory on the 777-200. You need to retrieve a Halon extinguisher, where is the closest location? Last center RH side Storage space MC What steps need to be completed where there is smoke/fire inside the OFAR/OFCR? All of the above Which FA is responsible for the evacuation at the 1R door?