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Introduction to Computer Programming with Python - Prof. Narendran Ramakrishnan, Exams of Computer Science

An introduction to computer programming with a focus on python. It covers basic concepts such as variables, data types, functions, and control structures. It also includes examples and exercises to practice the concepts learned.

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Uploaded on 11/27/2007

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Download Introduction to Computer Programming with Python - Prof. Narendran Ramakrishnan and more Exams Computer Science in PDF only on Docsity!     ! #"#$%"#&'(*)+)-,/. 102. '(*)3$456"#.+) '7 8:9';=<> ?A@> B/CCDFEHGJI KL D )M ')N"O,/$P.Q"!JRS!)-,T"#&'.+ . 1 $)3R'4 UVNWYX'Z!)3$ X'Z!)$P [ \] \ [6^ _ [6^ ` [6] ^ [6] a \] b ^ c ^ [ [NdMef\]hg ). #"#Pi I ) 'P.j'!$k"!&'M(*)3+)l,/.+ '0m(*)3n'$fof,p-qr$!+6"#.+) :s2tfuv!wyx5RSP"z,J!! V{p|~}€€P‚lƒ…„=†~‡‰ˆŠP‹6‚lƒ ŒO‹A‚Ž€‚J 'j‘†’!‡f†‹6‚ d “Š)3$yZ6&”)(Ž"#&'•"#&'$P! g 3$f"!–RS!)-,/ƒ$!j'$P-,="#&'—RS)-˜Š…™š›œj'.30$P4"#)J45)~j'!"!&'…3j'j'.ž"#.)3 ' Z!) 'Ÿ"#$P. #" e i g $P!! #"#j d¡  )n'$J3 'f,J!$k,/.+yZ!)3 '.+f"‘)3(¢"!&'$!2P g 3$6"!2™š›£j'.+0$P45ƒ) 1 (*)$–!3ZA&2)3(¤"#&' Z!3!%)n3"!. 1!j”RS!+)l, d ™3ZA&2)3(~"!&'%"#&1$! g $Ÿ"#.¢. 'j1 g ! 'j'! #"…)("!&'…)N"#&'$ d e i ef^5g ). #"#PiO“S)3$ P˜Š!$fq:R'3Rqƒ"#&'$. 5n' '.+¥¦n'¡4M)N"#&'!$ d \ _ dMe[6^g ).+ "!i I ) 1.j1!$—"#&12(*)+)-,/. '0mR1j'žq¦oZ!) 1Z!!.Q˜Šj:™š›£j'.+03$4Ä,/&1!$¡"!&'2! #"#.Q"zqYPP"# &'-˜Š"!&'!.$n'Pn'. #"#!$ g $€"#6"!.)3 '7 ­ &'O.+j'!´.·"#&'N"p!3ZA&5Z!)3n'$PJZ! ¸&'-˜ŠOj'.+ÅS!$! #"O!Z€"#.)3 '  'j45 #q ­¢¹  d ¹ n14M—,J—,p)3n'j¸.®~ƒ'. j1j'.Q"!.) 1ƒ"#)2 '(*)$PZ!"!&'(*)+)-,/. '0´Z!) 1f"#$P.+ "!7 ¹°­¢¹ Z! 1 ')6"‘RS´&'3$!j¸Æ€)3. #"#QqR#q"€,J)M)3$J45)$´Z!)n1$J)$"z,p)m)3$J4M)3$´!ZP"!.)3 'O)3( "#&'P45”Z!)3n'$P d ™·˜Š!$fq ­¢¹FÇ ¦‚Ž‡Š!$Ÿ˜ŠJ(*)$”|P!ZP"!.) )3(yP)45/Z)n'$P d I )n'$P´ '45!$n' 1.¥n'JR'n3"”X'!Z€"#.)3 m n'42RS!$ 3$n' '.+¥¦n')3 'Qqm,/.ž"#&'.+ 2Z!)n'$P d ›O!j1$-,È"!&'m™š›Éj'.+03$4Ê"#)¸"#3®~. #"#):3Z!Z!)3n' "§3—)("#&'!P(*ZP"!)$ dË  )n'$´ 'Ÿ,p!$p,/.+ Z!) 'P.Ÿ"/)(–)3 '. 10™š›Fj'.+03$4Ì"!&'6"/45)~j'!+O3)3("#&1/3RS)l˜ŠZ!)3 'f"!$3. #"# d ^ ` dMe[6]´g ). #"#Pi E .f"O3 e ,J '!!j5+ƒSP˜Š! Í"#&')3—"!&'6"Oj'!$P.Q˜Š (*$P)4£)6"!&'!$Pi·"#&' ')3 3o¼"!$.ž˜·.+'U D  e  1jΆÏHРѸ"#&'¸ ') 3of"#$P.Q˜.3…U D Pi”N"#.+Ò'!j¬R#qV$P!N"#.+) Óº ef»J½!¾2½!¿ ik"#&'N"Ô&'3 e ) 'žq·iÍ"#&' (*)+)-,/. '0¡"!n g 7 Õ-Ö×·ØÙ×·Ø#Ú¦×Û Õ-Ö×·ØÙ×·Ø#ÚÜÛ Õ-ÖÜØÙ×·Ø#Ú¦×Û Õ-ÖÜØÙÜØ#ÚÝÛ E .f"!. '0p"#$P.Q˜.3U D %,/.+45®~¯qŠ)n:+)P g )3. #"# d a ^3dMe[6]2g )3. #"#i ¹ PP"p)3(yN""#$P.R'nŽ"#! .+…3.jÞ"#)2RSM’!Ð߆‚ŽlàƒH.+(H.Q"!…Z!+)n1$ e ,/.Q"#&$P! g !ZP"—"#)2203.Q˜Š! P"m)( “ D Pi”.+/.ž"#P!( d I ) 'P.j'!$´:$P!N"#.)3 h,/.Q"!&PZA&1!4M§º ef»J½!¾2½!¿½!À i”3 'j= Ën' '® ')-,/ P"§)3(J“ D  d«² (,p$P5"#)3j ,/&'.+ZA&¬€"#5)(JN""#$P.R'nŽ"#!23$Z!)3!j1ƒ,J§Z rj1)P)45§ 1.(á"zq $P˜Š!$PPo! '03. '!$.+ '0ƒS 1j:Ò'03n'$)nŽ"O,/&'N"O"!&'“ D  Z!)3n'jhRS d ef^5g ). #"#Piâã&16"/$P"!&'“ D  .(¢+ [ a n'R1P"!O)3(S"!&'(*)n'$6"P"#$.+R'n3"!! $P/Z)P!j'ä ef^g ). #"#Pi1âã&'6"¯3$·"#&1¯“ D H.(#"#&')3 'Qq”Z!)3!jPP"#H3$ ƒ »J½!¾ ƒ~3 'j »J½!¾2½!¿½!À ä b