Download ACLS QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! ACLS 1 / 7 1. in cardiac ar- rest when do you first introduce med- ical intervention? which drug? 2. when do you intro- duce amiodarone during cardiac ar- rest? 3. what rhythms are shockable in car- diac arrest 4. what rhythms are not shockable in cardiac arrest 5. if you are in an un- shockable rhythm arrest when do you give epi 6. what do you do af- ter return of spon- taneous circulation 7. what are the 5 h's and 5 t's after 2 rounds of CPR/shock after 2nd shock give 1 mg epinephrine every 3-5 min- utes after the 3rd shock give 300 mg bolus of amiodarone if second dose is needed give 150mg as second dose VF VT asystole PEA 1mg epi every 3-5 minutes after 1st round of CPR maintain O2 sat at 94% treat hypotension (fluids vasopressor) 12 lead EKG if in coma consider hypothermia if not in coma and ekg shows STEMI or AMI consider re- perfusion hypovolemia hypoxia hydrogen ion (acidosis) hypo/hyperkalemia hypothermia tension pneumothorax tamponade, cardiac ACLS 2 / 7 8. how do you treat non-sympto- matic bradycardia 9. what consti- tutes symptomatic bradycardia 10. how do you treat symptomatic bradycardia 11. what is considered a tachycardia re- quiring treatment 12. when do you con- sider cardioversion 13. if persistent tachy- cardia does not present with symp- toms what do you need to consider 14. If persistent tachy- cardia without toxins thrombosis, pulmonary thrombosis, coronary monitor and observe hypotension altered mental status signs of shock chest pain acute heart failure 1. give 0.5mg atropine every 3-5 mins to max of 3mg if that doesn't work try one of the following: transcutaneous pacing 2-10mcg/kg / minute dopamine infusion 2- 10mcg/minute epinephrine infusion over 150 per minute if persistent tachycardia is causing: hypotension altered mental status signs of shock chest pain acute heart failure wide QRS? greater than 0.12 seconds IV access and 12 lead if available ACLS 48. 5 / 7 25. epinephrine in cardiac arrest: 1mg every 3-5 minutes in bradycardia or hypotension: 2-10mcg/minute infusion 26. lidocaine alternative to amiodirone in cardiac arrest: 1-1.5 mg/kg IV for stable VT, wide complex VT: 0.5 - 0.75 every 5-10 minutes max of 3mg/kg 27. magnesium sulfate use in cardiac arrest only if hypomagnesemia or tor- sades: 1-2g diluted in 10mL of D5W use in torsades with a pulse or AMI with hypomagnesia: 1-2g in 50 to 100 mL of D5W maintenance with 0.5g per hour infusion 28. vasopressin cardiac arrest: 40 units can replace either 1st or 2nd dose of epi 29. what meds can go down the endotra- chial tube 30. reentry supraven- tricular tachycardia 31. polymorphic ven- tricular tachycardia - aka torsades 32. atrial fibrilation 33. sinus tachycardia atropine epinephrine lidocaine vasopressin ACLS 48. 6 / 7 reentry supraven- tricular tachycardia 35. sinus bradycardia 36. coarse ventricular fibrillation 37. atrial flutter 38. second degree AV block type 1 (wenckenbach) 39. reentry supraven- tricular tachycardia 40. sinus bradycardia 41. monomorphic ven- tricular tachycardia 42. fine ventricular fib- rillation 43. second degree AV block mobitz type 2 44. second degree AV block mobitz type 2 45. coarse ventricular fibrillation 46. asystole 47. normal sinus rhythm ACLS 7 / 7 third degree AV block 49. hyperkalemia 1mEq of sodium bicarb 50. hypokalemia 10-20 mEq of potassium 51. hypomagnesemia give mag sulfate 1-2g