Download AICP Questions With Complete Solutions (over 1477 Questions And Correct Answers) and more Exams Corporate Governence in PDF only on Docsity! AICP Questions With Complete Solutions (over 1477 Questions And Correct Answers) The period between 1860 and 1870 in the US saw the beginning of suburbanization, with the creation of small settlements beyond large cities. Which of the following cities exemplifies this early American suburbanization? a) Radburn, New Jersey b) Riverside, Illinois c) Lake Forest, Illinois - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which system may be used for legal description purposes? a) US Government Survey b) Metes and Bounds c) Lot, block, and tract d) All of the above - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Fred French Co. v. City of new York introduced for the first time the concept of? a) Plnned unit development b) Transfer of development rights c) Eminent domain d) Open space zoning - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Which of the following would most appropriately be the function of a state government rather than the local or federal governments? a) Aesthetics regulations b) Historic properties designation c) Redevelopment d) Scenic rivers designation - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Among the many projects during the early years of the New Deal Era, what was a major regional development program that became known as? a) The Tenessee Valley Authority b) The USHA Program c) The Greenbelt Towns d) The PWA Program - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Which "Great Expediter" said, "If the ends don't justify the means, then what the hell does"? a) Daniel Burnham b) Mike Waiczis c) Robert Moses d) Adolph Hitler - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Courts have ruled that rezoning does NOT constitute spot zoning if? a) The rezoning is adopted by unanimouse vote of the legislative body. b) The rezoning is not appealed. c) The rezoning is enacted in accordance with a comprehensive plan. d) The rezoning allows for special permit or special exception waivers. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C "Amortization" as it applies to zoning practice refers to? a) The prohibition of expanding non-conforming uses. b) The determination of the remaining useful life of a pre-existing non- conforming use. c) The purchase of property for public use. d) Eminent domain. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B In 1880, George Pullman designed and built the Town of Pullman, a model industrial town in the state of? a) New York b) Ohio c) Illinois d) Michigan - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Initiated in 1969, the "A-95" clearinghouse review process was responsible for? a) Massive eminent domain suits. b) The creation of regional planning agencies. c) The recession in the midwest. d) Construction of affordable housing in the northeast. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B "The Baltimore Plan" refers to? a) Baltimore's 1895 master plan. b) Balitmore's 1985 master plan. c) The cleaning up of various cities in the 1950s. d) Construction of affordable housing in the northeast. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C This 1915 zoning case involved the operation of a brickyard within metropolitan Los Angeles. Name it. a) Hadachek v. Sebastian b) Euclid v. Ambler Realty c) Jones v. Los Angeles d) Nectow v. Cambridge - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Of the following techniques for preserving agricultural land, which would be the MOST effective? a) Transfer of Development Rights. b) No growth policy. c) Building permit moratorium. d) Righ to farm ordinance. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B What is satisficing? a) A term menaing that an applicant is satisfied with the approval of his project. b) Accepting policy options short of maximizing goal attainament. c) Accepting policy options short to attaining 100% consensus. d) Both B and C. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Transportation Systems Management (TSM) includes all of the following EXCEPT? a) Carpooling and vanpooling incentives. b) Major new transportation facilities. c) Improved transit service. d) Staggered work schedules. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B A county planner leaves the public sector to become a consultant. How long should she wait before representing a private client in any action before the county she may have influenced before leaving public employment. The planner is a member of AICP. a) 1 year b) 2 years c) 3 years d) Never - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Which of the following statements are NOT true? I. As activities become more complex, an organization tends to grow downward at a rapid rate. II. Horizontal growth may occur only at the top level of an organization. III. Public information and technical assistance are examples of specialized staff activities. IV. The three basic line functions can be applied to departmental structure as well as to the organization itself. a) I and IV b) I and III c) II and IV - CORRECT ANSWERS--C 2. You are working at the public counter when an angry citizen begins to yell at you. How do you handle this situation? I. Tell him you will meet him in the parking lot in 10 minutes. II. Insist that the gentleman calm down so you can assist him. III. Invite him into the office with another staff member to discuss his problem on an individual basis. IV. Call the police and have him arrested. a) I only b) I and II c) IV only d) II and III - CORRECT ANSWERS--D A principal planner of a large metropolitan area is responsible for facilitating the organization of a parks and open space advisory committee for the county. Representatives from which of the following groups should be considered for the committee? I. Stockbrokers, bankers, real estate brokers. II. Landscape architects, private citizens, and law enforcement. III. Chamber of commerce, building industry, farmers. IV. Environmentalist group, small business operator, school district. a) I an IV b) II and III c) I, II, and IV d) All of the above - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Roadway delays per vehicle between 40 and 60 seconds would define a Level of Service of? a) LOS A b) LOS C c) LOS D d) LOS E - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Roadway delays per vehicle between 15 and 25 seconds would have a level of service of? a) LOS A b) LOS C c) LOS D d) LOS E - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The planning director of a moderate-size town is developing a town-wide survey on opinions relating to growth and open space preservation. She has decided to conduct the survey by interviewing on a random basis 1% of the town's population. In general, how effective will her survey be in eliciting responses? a) Good b) Moderate c) Poor - CORRECT ANSWERS--A In a town of 95,000, which program is likely to be used to address the goal of increasing affordable housing? a) Capital Improvement Program b) Inclusionary Housing Program c0 Impact Fee Program d) Growth Phasing Program - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which map is extremely useful in determining the location of prime farmland? a) USGS Topographic b) USGS ortho-photo quad c) Soil Conservation Service soil survey d) Project flood maps - CORRECT ANSWERS--C What are the principle advantages of the NAICS codes over the SIC codes they replaced? a) Relevancy - NAICS is more relevant to today's economy. The identified over 350 new industries and 9 new service industry sectors. b) Consistency - NAICS uses a consistent classification principle. Businesses that use similar production processes are grouped together. c) Comparability - NAICS is used by the US, Canada, and Mexico to produce comparable data. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Although the device grants specific rights to the land, title is not. Name it. a) Fee sale b) Easement c) Bargain sale d) Right of first refusal - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Of the following growth management techniques, which would likely be overturned in court if employed for an extended period of time (e.g., 4 years)? a) Building permit caps b) Subdivision phasing c) Large lot zoning d) Building permit moratorium - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Of the following growht management techniques, which would likely be used to reduce development density? a) Building permit caps b) Subdivision phasing c) Large lot zoning d) Building permit moratorium - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Of the following growth management techniques, which would likely be used to protect water supplies while land within the watershed is being acquired for watershed protection? a) Building permit caps b) Subdivision phasing c) Large lot zoning d) Building permit moratorium - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Of the following, which is the most appropriate entitlement to waive the frontage requirements for lot located on an isolated hillside? a) Variance b) Special permit c) Cluster Zoning d) Rezoning - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Of the following, which is the most appropriate to regulate the development of a new landfill? a) Variance b) Special permit c) Cluster zoning d) Rezoning - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Native American tribes referred to as "Non-IRA tribes" are those that? a) Are not recognized by the Department of the Interior. b) Are recognized by the Department of the Interior but do not have designated tribal lands. c) Are recognized by teh Department of the Interior but are regulated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. d) Did not organize under the 1934 Reorganization Act - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Developments occurring on Native American trust lands, within a designated reservation, are subject to ____ regulations governing development. a) State b) Local c) Federal - CORRECT ANSWERS--C In which landmark case did the court's ruling uphold a restrictive zoning designation on the theory that the low density zoning served "legitimate governmental goals" such as discouraging the premature and unnecessary conversion of open space to urban uses? a) Southern Burlington Co. NAACP v. Township of Mt. Laurel (1) - 1972 b) Sourthern Burlington Co. NAACP v. Township of Mt Laurel (2) - 1983 c) Nollan v. Calif. Coastal Commission - 1987 d) Agins v. City Tiburon - 1980 - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following demonstrates the useful function of a computerized traffic model? a) Test the impact on traffic of different land use scenarios. b) Analyze the effectiveness of various physical improvements. c) Determine the impact of future zoning amendments. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Medicare, the Government's FIRST medical insurance program for the elderly, was put into place during which administration? a) Johnson b) Nixon c) Carter d) Regan, first term - CORRECT ANSWERS--A The "Great Society" was a program that originated during the _____ administration? a) Kennedy b) Johnson c) Nixon] d) Bush - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Parallel parking spaces typically have the following angle (in degrees)? a) 0 b) 30 c) 45 d) 90 - CORRECT ANSWERS--A An ordinance requiring the set-aside of land or dollars to construct affordablew housing within a subdivision is referred to as? a) Fees in lieu b) Inclusionary c) Exclusionary d) INcentive - CORRECT ANSWERS--B This technique is used to determine which particular steps in a project will be the most important to keeping a project going. It frequently is used to manage the scheduling of construction projects. Name it. a) Critical Path Programming b) Cost- Benefit Analysis c) Program Evaluation and Review Techniques (PERT) d) MBO - CORRECT ANSWERS--A "Potentially responsible parties" (RPAs) is a term in which federal environmental law? a) Big Trees Preservation Act b) Clean Air Act c) Fairy Shrimp Protection Act d) Supe Fund (CERCLA) - CORRECT ANSWERS--D What type rate of interest is charged by the Federal Reserve on loans to commercail banks? a) Interest rate b) Discount rate c) Market rate d) None of the above - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Advocacy planning describes the right of a neighborhood or othere group to propose and to promote plans directed to? a) Social issues b) Special interests c) Its own needs and interests d) All of the above - CORRECT ANSWERS--D If an industry has a location quotient of 2.00 which of the following is TRUE? a) It exports employment. b) It imports employment. c) It is experiencing unemployment. d) It has twice as many jobs as employees. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A An industry is an exporter of employment if it has a location quotient greater tha ____? a) 0.01 b) .001 c) 1.00 d) 1000 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C An easement may be acquired by prescription ina a manner similar to acquisition of land by? a) Eminent domain. b) Adverse possession c) A and B - CORRECT ANSWERS--B An urban area defined as depressed and made eligible for special government assistance for economic development in the form of tax breaks and subsidies is? a) Enterprise zone b) Empowerment zone c) Economic development zone - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Areas generall characterized by low-density residential development (e.g. 1 to 5 du/acre) and limited commecial uses are called? a) Rural residentail b) Under developed c) Suburban d) Rare in New York City. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A A system of describing and identifying land by measures and direction from an identifiable point of reference such as a monument, or other marker, the corner of intersecting street, or in rural areas a tree or other permanent feature is termed? a) Physical description b) Legal description c) Metes and bounds d) Base and meridian - CORRECT ANSWERS--C MSA stands for? a) Metropolitan study area b) Metropolitan statistical area c) Management systems analysis - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following was an important goal of the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) program? a) To purchase concrete blocks for freeway construction. b) To provide homes for the homeless c) To create redevelopment agencies d) To reduce the federal role in local government affairs. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D A property that selects a statistical sample of a large population will always? a) Reduce the amount of effort required to ascertain characteristics of population. b) Provide a mathematical estimate of the accuracy of the calculated population characteristics. c) Be the unbiased sample of the entire population. d) Be of adequate size to satisfy confidence criteria if a pre-sample was used to determine the required sample size. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Who designed Central Park? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. & Calvert Vaux What was the theme of the book, "The Use of Land: A Citizens Guide to Urban Growth"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Vision of a more equitable and environmentally sensitive development. Who is Jacob Riis? What books did he author? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Photo- journalist *City Slums, How the Other Half Lives, The Children of the Poor. Who is Catherine Bauer Wurster? What book did she author? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Modern Housing Who is Ian McHarg? What is he known as? What book did he write? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Father of modern environmental policy. *Design with Nature In 1910, Forest Hills Gardens (Long Island NY) became? a) The first cemetery on Long Island. b) A historic monument. c) The 1st American test of the neighborhood unit concept. d) The first redevelopment district in New York state. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Which of the following was NOT a major port for immigrants in early US history? a) New York City b) Philadelphia c) Chicago d) Miami - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Ian McHarg's "Design with Nature"? a) Became a model for environmental planning b) Influenced a whole generation of local, regional, and state planners. c) Foreshadowed the institutionalization of environmental policy. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D In 1934, Alfred Bettman became? a) 1st Director of planning of Cincinnati. b) 1st President of the American Society of Planning Officials c) 1st City Planner to become a US Senator d) 1st President of the APA - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Radburn new town is located in? a) New York b) Main c) Texas d) New Jersey - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Medicare, the Government's FIRST medical insurance program for the elderly was put into place during which administration? a) Johnson b) Nixon c) Carter d) Regan - CORRECT ANSWERS--A The "Great Society" was a program that originated during the ____ administration? a) Kennedy b) Johnson c) Nixon d) Bush - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The World's Columbian Exposition (1893) was the showcase for Daniel Burnham's? a) Horseless carriage b) White house c) Circus d) White city - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The late 19th Century photojournalist, Jacob Riis, authored which of the following books? I. City Slums II. How the Other Half Lives III.New Towns IV. Childeren of the Poor a) II and IV b) 1 and II c) II znd III d) III and IV - CORRECT ANSWERS--A or B The first suburban, auto-oriented, shopping center (Country Club Plaza) was constructed in 1922 at? a) New York b) Seattle c) Kansas City d) New Have - CORRECT ANSWERS--C All of the following are known for thir involvement in organizational approaches to citizen participation EXCEPT? a) Saul Alinsky b) Patrick Geddes c) Susan Arnstein d) Paul Davidoff - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following planning pioneers were concerned about housing? a) Catherine Bauer Wurster b) Jacob August Riis c) George Pullman d) All of the aboe. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following is true about Saul Alinsky? a) He was a criminologist who lived in Illinois. b) He was a community organizer in the Chicago slums. c) He founded the "Back of the Yards" acvocacy organization. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following is NOT true about Kevin Lynch? a) He was a designer. b) He lived during the mid-twentieth century (502, 60s, 70s, and 80s). c) He wrote, "The Image of the City (1960), A Theory of Good City Form (1981), and Site Planning (1984)" d) He was the 1st President of APA. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The first statewide zoning system was introduced in 1978 in which state? a) California b) New York c) Hawaii d) Texas - CORRECT ANSWERS--C George Pullman designed and built the Town of Pullman in 1880. Pullman was a model industrial town. In which state was it built? a) New Jersey b) Maryland c) Illinois d) Missouri - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Which of the following is NOT a key feature of Radburn? a) It had a variety of housing types. b) Houses were turned around so they fronted on pedestrian paths rather than streets. c) Military bases were constructed nearby. d) High density left about half of the tract available for other uses - commercial, recreations, schools, open space. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C To break up the stark grid pattern of previous urbanization, what street design techniques were utilized in residential design beginning in the late 1940s and early 1950s? I. Greenbelts and parkway strips. II. Cul-de-sacs. III. Curvilinear streets. IV. Loop streets. a) I and II b) 11 and III c) I, II, and IV d) II, III, and IV - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The "Neighborhood Unit" concept is attributed to? a) Kevin Lynch b) Clarench Perry c) Ian McHarf c) Lewis Mumford - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The Indian Reorganization Act provided for? a) The re-settlement of Native American onto federal property. b) Native Americans residing on reservations to organize for their common welfare. c) Native Americans residing on reservations to adopt an appropriate constitution. d) Both B and C - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The Mall of America is located in? a) Orlando, FL b) Bloomington, MN c) Autin, TX d) Chicago, IL - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following is the author of "Regional Survey of New York and it Environs" (1929) and the "Fathger" of the neighborhood concept? a) Daniel Burnham b) Clarence Perry c) Raymond Unwin - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO) was established in? a) 1924 b) 1934 c) 1964 d) 1974 - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which city was the fastest growing in the 1990s? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Las Vegas What is the Baltimore Plan? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The cleaning up of various cities in the 1950s. The Yellow Book is? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Published by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and is a cookbbok for park and open space standards. The Standard Zoning Enabling Act was established in? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- 1922 The new town of Columbia, MD was designed with which features? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Neighborhood clusters *Prior land assembly What were the characteristics of greenbelt cities? Name one, where was it located? Who created it and why is it significant? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Modified neighborhood units in the countryside surrounded by greenbelts of public land & served as "dormitory" suburbs. *Greehills, Ohio *Created in 1935 by the Resettlement Admin of the Fed Govt. Significant in that it was largely a failure. Court ruled govt could not use eminent domain for housing purposes. The author of "Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform" is? a) Lewis Mumford b) Eveneezer Howard c) Jacob Riis d) Clarence Perry - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The Yellow Book is? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Published by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) and is a cookbbok for park and open space standards. The Standard Zoning Enabling Act was established in? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- 1922 The new town of Columbia, MD was designed with which features? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Neighborhood clusters *Prior land assembly What were the characteristics of greenbelt cities? Name one, where was it located? Who created it and why is it significant? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Modified neighborhood units in the countryside surrounded by greenbelts of public land & served as "dormitory" suburbs. *Greehills, Ohio *Created in 1935 by the Resettlement Admin of the Fed Govt. Significant in that it was largely a failure. Court ruled govt could not use eminent domain for housing purposes. "garden cities" of finite population surrounded by greenbelts of public land committed to agriculture preventing urban expansion & land speculation. *Ebenezer Howard started it in his book, "Garden Cities of Tomorrow" *Started in Letchworth, England in 1903. Planned in full detail by Barry Parker & Raymond Unwin. Led to 1st comprehensive neighborhood design. Standard City Planning and Enabling Act When was it enacted? What Department? What Government Official? What Planner? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*1928 *US Dept of Commerce *Secretary Herbert Hoover *Frederick Law Olmsted Sr. Who designed Riverside IL? Why is it significant? What are its key elements? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Frederick Law Olmsted Sr & Calvert Vaux in the English Garden Style. *One of the 1st suburban style developments with features replicated in modern suburbs. Iconic symbol of the owner - manager class. *Features included curvilinear streets, SF detached homes w/deep setbacks, extensive use of lawn & shade trees. Why is Radburn important? a) It was the first American New Town b) It represented the ideal of the American Planning movement. c) It represented the influence of the English Garden City theories in American d) B and C - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following is NOT a basic feature of Radburn, NJ? a) The orginal concept called for a town of 30,000 with commerce, industries, schools, and recreation areas. b) The city was designed by Lewis Mumford in 1929. c) The designers envisioned a variety of building types, pedestrian environments, super blocks, interior courts, and bypass traffic. d) Only 866 homes were completed. Half of these were SFR and the rest were duplexes. There were about 10 homes per acre. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following methods did Alisky's followers utilize? a) Disruption of normal activities and use of protests and boycotts. b) Use of marches and rent strikes. c) Violent demonstrations. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Joel Garreau was concerned about which of the following? a) Edge cities b) Leap frog development c) Package sewer plants d) Building moratoriums - CORRECT ANSWERS--A The new town of Columbia, MD was deigned with which of the following planned features? I Neighborhood clusters II A rail system III Prior land assembly IV Prohibition of Industry a) II only b) I and III c) III and IV d) I, III, and IV - CORRECT ANSWERS--B "Cities in Evolution" was writeen by? a) Patrick Geddes b) Ebenezer Howard c) Clarence Perry d) Patick Gilles - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Planning pioneer Clarence Perry presented the "Neighborhood Unit Principle" in the 1929 publication? a) Housing and the Mechanic Age b) Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform c) The Culture of Cities d) Regional Survey of New York and Its Environs - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Wome in suburbia during the 1940s and 1950s provide a good example of the way in which demographic change creates new planning needs for a specific group. Which of the following shows this phenomenon? a) Low density suburbs became a principal land use designation in general plans. b) The adventures of Ozzie and Harriet became a piopulat TV show. c) The need for transportation to and from the suburbs gave rise to new highway construction. c) a and c - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following colonial cities were planned with public open space (Town squares)? a) Boston and Savannah b) Philadelphia and New Have c) A and B - CORRECT ANSWERS--C The original 18th century plan for Washington DC was developed by? a) George Washington b) Ben Franklin c) Paul Revere d) Charle Piere L'Enfant - CORRECT ANSWERS--D In the 1990s, the Census Bureau reported the total number of US farms had dipped below 2 million, the lowest number since? a) World War II b) The Great Depression c) The turn of the century d) Before the Civil War - CORRECT ANSWERS--D When adjusted to today's economy, the current minimum wage is ____ than it was 50 years ago? a) Higher b) Lower c) About the same d) No comparison can be made. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Part of a package of growth management laws enacted in Florida in 1985, concurrency requires? a) Deposits of substantial currency as bond for required improvements for new developments. b) The processing and approval of multiple entitlements to streamline the permitting process. c) That new development be prohibited unless adequate infrastructure is, or soon will be, in place to support new growth. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A central component of the 1985 Phoenix General Plan is the concept of? a) Urban sprawl b) Rural residential subdivision c) Growth management and moratoriums on new development d) Urban villages - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Published in 1979. the so-called yellow book is? a) A publication of radical planning thought. b) A cookbook for park and open space standards. c) Published by the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA). d) B and C - CORRECT ANSWERS--D During the last half of the 20th century, the nation's 25 largest cities had which of the following in common? a) The all experienced an increase in employment opportunities. b) The violent crime rate dropped in all 25 cities. d) The local tax rate declined in all 25 cities. d) All of them experienced a decline in the median family income. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Early plans for cities such as Washington DC, Detroit, and New York were largely rejected, changed, or ignored, in keeping with? a) The concept of minimal government responsibility. b) Rampant land speculation. c) Minimal interference with private property. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Former President Richard Nixon created which agency in 1970? a) The National Child Protection Agency b) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) c) The California Environmental Quality Act d) Watergate National Archives Agency - CORRECT ANSWERS--B In 1945, the muliplt-nuclei model fpr American urban structure was proposed by? a) F.W. Horton and D.R. Reynolds b) Barry Garner c) Homer Hoyt d) Edward L. Ullmand and Chauncey D. Harris - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The Vieux Carre (French Quarter) historic core of New Orleans was? a) Completely destroyed in 1957 b) Designated as a protected district in 1932. c) Th first area in the US to receive landmark preservation status. d) B and C - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following is a concept of the "New York Zoning Resolution"? a) Uses allowed in zoning districts were "cumulative" b) The city's water supply would be protected. c) Persons aggrieved by the Resolution were granted rights of appeal. d) Building codes would be strictly enforced. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A The Standard Zoning Enabling Act (SZEA) was issued in? a) 1925 b) 1922 c) 1927 d) 1928 - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Center-of-the-block parks bounded by 2-story SF houses, pedestrian paths to local schools, and nearby shopping centers are all design elements of? a) Grid city design b) Growth management planning c) Greenbelt towns d) Superblock housing - CORRECT ANSWERS--D In 1959, Ian McHarg published? a) The Yosemite b) Site Planning c) The History of the City d) Design with Nature - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The FIRST major regional shopping center to open in the United States was? a) Southland Mall, Hayward, CA (1963) b) Sun Valley Mall, Sun Valley, CO (1959) c) Northland Center, MI (1954) d) Manchester Mall, Fresno, CA (1958) - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Advocacy Planning is axxociated closely with Paul Davidoff and Saul Alinsky. A significant effect of the advocacy movement was? a) It helped single women get off welfare. b) It caused social planning to move from backroom negotiations out into the public forum. c) It reduced the need for more environmental documentation. d) It gave rise tot he civil rights movements. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following is TRUE about New York's Central Park? I The park was designed by Fredeick Law Olmsted Sr and Calver Vaux II Construction was intiated in the 1850s III The park was authorized by the New York State legislature in reaction to the lack of open space in the city. IV The park was the first "English garden" to be realized in America and it became a model for all city parks to this day. a) I and III b) II and III c) II, III, and IV d) All of the above - CORRECT ANSWERS--D "Power is the basis for successfully negotiating for economic and political gains. Neighborhoods have to disrupt normal activity. This is accomplished through such The quote, "Make no small plans, they have no magic to stir men's (or women's) blood" is attributed to? a) Frank Lloyd Wright b) Daniel Burnham c) Richard Nixon d) Daniel Boone - CORRECT ANSWERS--B "Planners must strive to expand choice and opportunity for all persons, recognizing a special responsibility to plan for the needs of disadvantaged groups and persons". This quote is from? a) Federal Law b) The AICP Code of Ethics c) The APA Rules of Conduct d) State Mandates - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Who was the most significant contributor in shaping the New York Region with 400 miles of parkways (Triborough Bridge and Jones Beach? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Robert Moses The New York Tenement House Law was enacted in 1879. Which of the following were important requirements of the new law? I Each unit had to have a kitchen II The buildings were to be constructed with narrow air shafts for ventilation. III Walls in the living quarters had to be painted. IV Two toilets had to be provided on each floor. a) I and III b) I and II c) II and III d) II and IV - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following were reasons for the rapid metropolitan growth of the post WWII period in America? I. National prosperity fostering extensive automobile ownership. II. Federal and State highway construction programs. III. FHA and VA housing programs. IV. Mass transit companies operating motorbuses. a) I and III b) II and IV c) I, II, and III d) All of the above - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Who wrote "City Slums"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Jacob Riis Who wrote "The Death and Life of Great American Cities"? - CORRECT ANSWERS- -Jane Jacobs Who wrote "The Culture of Cities"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Lewis Mumford Who wrote "Cities in Evolution"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Patrick Geddes Who wrote "Image of the City"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Kevin Lynch Whot wrote "Cocentric Zone Theory"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Ernest Burgess Who wrote "Design with Nature"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Ian McHarg Who wrote "A Theory of Good City Form"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Kevin Lynch Who wrote "Site Planning"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Kevin Lynch Who designed Washington DC? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Pierre Charles L'Enfant Who wrote "The Zoning Game"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Richard Babcock Who replaced Daniel Burnham as lead person on city planning in the 1920s? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Robert Moses Who wrote "The General Urban Plan"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--T.J.Kent Jr. Who wrote "Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform"? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Ebenezer Howard Who wrote "Image of the City"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Kevin Lynch Who lead the Garden City Movement? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Ebenezer Howard Who is linked to the "Neighborhood Unit" concept? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Clarence Arthur Perry Who is concerned with edge cities? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Joe Garreau What methods did Alinsky's followers utilize? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Disruption of normal activities and use of protest and boycotts. *Maarches and rent strikes *Violent demonstrations. Who designed the Town of Pullman? Where is Pullman located? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*George Pullman *Illinois Who is Saul Alinsky? What position did he hold? What organization did found? What did he do? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Criminologist *"Back of the Yards" advocacy organization. *Community organizer in Chicago slums. Who was Norman Kumholz? What did he believe? - CORRECT ANSWERS--* Equity Planning in Cleveland * Believed that "planning considers the distributional effects of public and private action and attempts to resolve inequities in the distribution of basic goods and services." What did Pierre Charles L'Enfant design? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Washington DC Jane Jacobs What did she write? What did her book do? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- *The Death & Life of Great American Cities" *Forced readers to rethink urban renewal and other contemporary tools of city building. Influenced 2 generations of planners. Kevin Lynch What position did he hold? What books did he write? Quote? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Designer *Image of the City, A Theory of Good City Form, Site Planning *Historically public opinion has favored development almost irrespective of the cost to the environment. Our laws and institutions...reflect a pro- development bias." Paul Davidoff What concept did he develop? What kind of planner was he? What legal case did he win? - CORRECT ANSWERS--*Advocacy planning. *Advocacy planner. *Mt Laurel - inclusionary zoning. What type of development is Peter Calthorpe associated with? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Transit oriented development. A roof that is double pitched on all four sides is referred to as a? a) Gambrel roof b) Cape roof c) Mansard roof d) Hip roof - CORRECT ANSWERS--C What presentation format is most appropriate for addressing a group of 100 citizens in a large public meeting room? I. Overhead projector II. Large color map III. Slide projector IV. Video a) I only b) II only c) III only d) III and IV - CORRECT ANSWERS- -C All of the following management techniques may be utilized by meeting facilitators EXCEPT? I. Brainstorming II. Diffusion of tension III. Keeping the meeting focused IV. Determining and aggresively enforcing ground rules. a) I only b) II and III c) IV only d) I, II, and III - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A senior planner is responsible for presenting a staff report before the planning commission. Which of the following would be the MOST IMPORTANT thing to accomplish in her oral presentation? a) Discuss options and staff recommendations. b) Present no more than 5 points. c) Loosen up the panel with humor. d) Address the needs of special interest groups first. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Of the following, which works BEST to conserve energy? a) Voluntary rationing of fuel. b) Solar heating. c) Telecommuting. d) Battery powered vehicles. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A The 1965 Pennsyvania case, National Land and Investment Co. v. Kohn held that? a) A 4-acre minimum lot size was exclusionary. b) Phasing development was a valid exercise of local police powers. c) Communities must accept their fair share of moderate income housing. d) Growth can be limited to a communtiy's ability to sustain growth. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Planning managers us a variety of measuring tools to measure both process and results. Which of the following are measuring tools? I. Fishbone diagram. II. Run chart. III. Scatter diagram. IV. Brainstorming. a) I and II b) II and III c) I, II, and IV d) All of the above - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following represents typical reasons why a jurisdiction would adopt specific development and design standards for multiple family projects in the zoning ordinance? I. To make them legally binding and defensible. II. Because typically the development standards in zoning ordinance do not address multiple family projects. III. To help curb NIMBY reaction to apartment projects. IV. To provide adequate neighborhood fit. a) I and II b) I and III c) III and IV d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D You have been asked to prepare a detailed analysis of the groundwater resources in your community. The BEST resource for this report would be? a) US Environmental Protection Agency b) US Geological Survey c) National Marine Fisheries d) Bureau of Land Management - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following is a technique that usually focuses on a single objective and a project's effectiveness with respect to that objective when two or more projects achieve the same objective (or level of benefit)? a) Critical Path Programming b) Goals Achievement Matrix c) Planning Programming Budget System (PPBS) d) Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (CEA) - CORRECT ANSWERS--D PPBS means? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Planning Programming Budget System CEA - CORRECT ANSWERS--Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Which population projection method would use state population forecasts to calculate county population or, following an additional step, could be used to calculate a population projection for a town or city? - CORRECT ANSWERS--D This population projection technique is essentially mindless in that past trends are extended into the future without good reason. It does, however, provide reasonable estimates for whole communities, particularly when the target year is 10 years or less in the future. Which population projection technique is described? a) The Migration and Natural Increase Method. b) The Cohort Survival Method. c) The Symptomatic Method. d) The Graphic Technique Method. - CORRECT ANSWERS-- D An appeal by an aggrieved party to a Zoning Board of Appeals decision would most likely be filed with the? a) Board of Supervisors. b) City Council. c) Planning Commission. d) State Superior Court. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following are included in the principal steps of the planning process? a) Establishment of public meetings for input. b) Implementation and effectuation. c) Legislative over sight. d) Public reporing. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B According to the AICP Code of Ethics outside employment must not? I. Create a conflict of interest between duties or the planner's time and energy. II. Cause a planner to do business with any agency of the primary employer. III. Use of public property for private purposes. IV. Allow a planner to earn more money moonlighting than can be earned through the primary employer. a) I only. b) I and II c) II and IV d) I, II, and III - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which court case is concerned with zoning issues? a) Berman v. Parker (1954) b) Village of Belle Terre v. Borass (1974) c) Construction Industry of Sonoma v. City of Petaluma (1976) d) Golden v. Planning Board of Town of Ramapo (1972) - CORRECT ANSWERS--B An open space on the same lot with a building or building group lying between the front, rear, side wall of a building, and the nearest lot line, unoccupied except projections and the specific minor uses or structures allowed in such open space under the provisions of the zoning ordinance is called a? a) Setback b) Yard c) Rear yard encroachment. d) A and B - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Of the following growth management techniques which would likely be overturned in court if employed for an extended period of time (e.g. 4 years)? a) Building permit caps b) Subdivision phasing c) Large lot zoning d) Building permit moratorium - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Although the devis grants specific rights to the land, title is not. Name it. a) Fee sale. b) Easement c) Bargain sale d) Roght of first refusal - CORRECT ANSWERS--B What are the principle advantages of the NAICS codes over the SIC codes they replaced? a) Relevancy - NAICS is more relevant to today's economy. It identified over 350 new industries and nine new service industy sectors. b) Consistency - NAICS uses a consistent classification principle. Businesses that use similar production processes are grouped together. c) Comparability - NAICS is used by the US, Canada, and Mexico to produce comparable data. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which map is extremely useful in determining the location of prime farmland? a) USGS topographic b) USGS ortho-photo quad c) Soil Conservation Service soil survey d) Project flood maps - CORRECT ANSWERS--C In a town of 95,000 which program is likely to be used to address the goal of increasing affordable housing? a) Capital Improvement program b) Inclusionary housing program c) Impact fee program d) Growth phasing program - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The planning director of a moderate size town is developing a town-wide survey on opinions relating to growth and open space preservation. She has decided to conduct the survey by interviewing on a random basis, 1% of the town's population. In general, how effective will her survey be in eliciting responses? a) Good b) Moderate c) Poor - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Roadway delays per vehicle between 15 and 25 seconds would have a Level of Service of? a) LOS A b) LOS C c) LOS D d) LOS E - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Roadway delays per vehicle between 40 and 60 seconds would define a Level of Servic of? a) LOS A b) LOS C c) LOS D d) LOS E - CORRECT ANSWERS--D A county's planning manager resigned her position to join a consulting firm. Fed up with one of the planning board's members, she ran against him in the next public election for the planning board. She beats him decisively. Does this violate the AICP Code of Ethics? a) Definitely b) Possibly c) No - CORRECT ANSWERS--C An associate planner argued successfully against any further non-residential development within the town's water recharge areas. Five years later, as a consultatnt to a national shopping mall developer, this same person is aggressively pursuing a re-zoning of 1000 acres of land within the town's public water supply recharge areas. Does this violate the AICP Code of Ethics? a) Definitely b) Possibly c) No. Not as long as there is full disclosure. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C In local government, line positions are those that? a) Stand in line for their paychecks. b) Order general supplies. c) Provide service to the public. d) Arrest criminals and put out fires. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and Louisville were all? a) Founded on rivers. b) Ceded to the US by Spain. c) Industrial cities. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A If the following growth management techniques which would likely be used to reduce development density. a) Building permit caps. b) Subdivision phasing. c) Large lot zoning. d) Building permit moratorium. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Of the following growth management techniques which would likely be used to protect water supplies while land within the watershed is being acquired for watershed protection? a) Building permit caps. b) Subdivision phasing. c) Large lot zoning. d) Building permit moratorium. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Of the following, which is the most appropriate entitlement to waive the frontage requirements for a lot located on an isolated hillside? a) Variance b) Special permit c) Cluster zoning d) Rezoning - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Of the following, which is most appropriate to regulate the development of a new landfill? a) Variance b) Special Permit c) Cluster Zoning d) Rezoning - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Native American tribes referred to as "Non-IRA tribes" are those that? a) Are not recognized by the Department of the Interior b) Are recognized by the Department of the Interior but do not have designated tribal lands. c) Are recognized by the Department of the Interior but are regulated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. d) Did not organize under the 1934 Reorganization Act. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Development occurring on Native American trust lands within a designated reservation are subject to ____ regulations governing development. a) State b) Local c) Federal - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Who wrote "Housing for the Mechanic Age"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Clarence Arthur Perry The most outstanding example of suburban development during the First perido (1860-1870) of suburbanization took place where? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Riverside, Illinois In which landmark case did the court's ruling uphold a restrictive zoning designation on the theory that the low density zoning served "legitimate governmental goals" such as discouraging the premature and unnecessary conversion of open space land to urban uses? a) Southern Burlington Co. NAACP v. Township of Mt. Laurel (1) (1972) b) Southern Burlington Co. NAAcp v. Township of Mt. Laurel (2) (1983) c) Nollan v. Calif. Coastal Commission (1987) d) Agins v. City Tiburon (1980) - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following demonstrates the useful function of a computerized traffic model? a) Test the impact on traffic of different land use scenarios. b) Analyze the effectiveness of various physical improvements. c) Determine the impact of future zoning amendments. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D A floodplain is BEST described as? a) An area that experiences surface flooding during storms. b) The land that provides surface recharge to surface systems. c) An area that contains an abundance of wetland plants. d) The land that buffers wetlands during coastal storms. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Parallel parking spaces typically have the following angle (in degrees)? a) 0 b) 30 c) 45 d) 90 - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Which of the following demonstrates that useful function of a computerized traffic model? a) Test the impact on traffice of different land use scenarios. b) Analyze the effectiveness of various physical improvements. c) Determine the impact of future zoning amendments. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D In which landmark case did the court's ruling uphold a restrictive zoning designation on the theory that the low density zoning served "legitimate governmental goals" such as discouraging the premature and unneccessary conversion of open space land to urban uses? a) Southern bulington Co. NAACP v. Township of Mt Laurel (1) (1972) b) Southern Burlington Co. NAACP v. Township of Mt Laurel (2) (1983) c) Nollan v. Calif. Coastal Commission (1987) d) Agins v. City of Tiburon (1980) - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The most outstanding example of suburban development during the First period (1860-1870) of suburbanization took place where? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Riverside, Illinois Who wrote "Housing for the Mechanic Age"? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Clarence Arthur Perry Developments occurring on Native American trust lands, within a designated reservation, are subject to ____ regulations governing development? a) State b) Local c) Federal - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Native American tribes referred to as "Non-IRA tribes" are those that? a) Are not recognized by the Department of the Interior. b) Are recognized by the Department of the Interior but do not have designated tribal lands. c) Are recognized by the Department of the Interior but are regulated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. d) Did not organize under the 1934 REorganization Act. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Of the following, which is most appropriat to regulate the development of a new landfill? a) Variance b) Special Permit c) Cluster zoning d) Rezoning - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Of the following, which is the most appropriat entitlement to waive the frontage requirements for a lot located on an isolated hillside? a) Variance b) Special permit c) Cluster zoning d) Rezoning - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Of the following growth management techniques which would likely be used to protect water supplies while land within the watershed is being acquired for watershed protections? a) Building permit caps b) Subdivision phasing c) Large lot zoning d) Building permit moratorium - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Of the following growth management techniques which would likely be used to reduce development density? a) Building permit caps b) Subdivision phasing c) Large lot zoning d) Building permit moratoriums - CORRECT ANSWERS--C St. Louis, Philadelphia, and Louisville were all? a) Founded on rivers. b) Ceded to the US by Spain c) Industrial cities. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A In local government, line positions are those that? a) Stand in line for their paychecks. b) Order general supplies. c) Provide service to the public. d) Arrest criminals and put out fires. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C An associate planner argued successfully agains any further non-residential development within the town's water recharge areas. Five years later, as a consultant to a national shopping mall developer, this same person is aggressively pursuing a rezoning of 1000 acres of land within the town's public water supply recharge areas. Does this violate the AICP code of ethics? a) Definitely b) Possibly c) No. Not as long as there is full disclosure. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A county's planning manager resigned her position to join a consulting firm. Fed up with one of the planning board's memebers, she ran against him in the next public election for the planning board. She beats him decisively. Does this violate the AICP Code of Ethics? a) Definitely b) Possibly c) No - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Roadway delays per vehicle between 40 and 60 seconds would define a Level of Service of? a) LOS A b) LOS C c) LOS D d) LOS F - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Roadway delays per vehicle between 15 and 25 seconds would have a Level of Service of? a) LOS A b) LOS C c) LOS D d) LOS E - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The planning director of a moderate-size town is developing a twon-wide survey on opinions relating to growth and open space preservation. She has decided to conduct the survey by interviewing on a random basis, 1% of the town's population. In general, how effective will her survey be in eliciting responses? a) Good b) Moderate c) Poor - CORRECT ANSWERS--A In a town of 95,000, which program is likely to be used to address the goal of increasing afforadable housing? a) Capital improvement program b) Inclusionary housing program c) Impact fee program d) Growth phasing program - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which map is extremely useful in determining the location of prime farmland? a) USGS topographic b) USGS ortho-photo quad c) Soil Conservation Service Soil survey d) Project flood maps - CORRECT ANSWERS--C What are the principle advantages of the NAICS codes over the SIC codes they replaced? a) Relevancey - NAICS is more relevant in today's economy. It identified over 350 new idustries and 9 new service industry sectors. b) Consistency - NAICS uses a consistent classification priniciple. Businesses that use similar production processes are grouped together. c) Comparability - NAICS is used by the US, Canada, and Mexico to produce comparable data. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Although the device grants specific rights to the land, title is not. Name it. a) Fee sale b) Easement c) Bargain sale d) Right of first refusal - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Of the following growth management techniques which would likely be overturned in court if employed for an extended period of time (e.g. 4 years)? a) Building permit caps b) Subdivision phasing c) Large lot zoning d) Building permit moratorium - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The Federal Clean Water Act establishes water quality standards for the nation's waters. One of the tools for improving water quality is? a) TDR b) FAR c) TMDL d) BFD - CORRECT ANSWERS--C An open space on the same lot with a building or building group lying between the front, rear, side wall of a building and the nearest lot line, unoccupied except for projections and the specific minor uses or structures allowed in such open space under the provision of the zoning ordinance is called a? a) Setback b) Yard c) Rear yard encroachment d) A and B - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which court case is concerned with zoning issues? a) Berman v. Parker (1954) b) Village of Belle Terre v. Borass (1974) c) Construction Industry of Sonoma v. City of Petaluma (1976) d) Golden b. Planning Board of Town of Ramapo (1972) - CORRECT ANSWERS--B According to the AICP Code of Ethics outside employment must not? I. Create a conflict of interest between duties of the planner's time and energy. II. Cause a planner to do business with any agency of the primary employer. III. Use of public property for private purposes. IV. Allow a planner to earn more money moonlighting than can be earned through the primary employer. a) I only b) I and II c) II and IV d) I, II, and III - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following are included in the principal steps of the planning process? a) Establishment of public meetings for input. b) Implementation and effectuation. c) Legislative over sight. d) Public reporting. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B An appeal by an aggrieved party to a Zoning Board of Appeals decision would most likely be filed with? a) Board of Supervisors b) City Council c) Planning Commission d) State Superior Court - CORRECT ANSWERS--D This population projection technique is essentially mindless in that past trends are extended into the future without good reason. It does, however, provide reasonable estimates for whole communities, particularly when the target year is 10 years or less in the future. Which population projection technique is described? a) The Migration and Natural Increase method b) The Cohort Survival Method c) The Symptomatic Method d) The Graphic Technique Method - CORRECT ANSWERS--D For parking planning purposes, the typical length of a motor vechicle is ____ feet? a) 12 b) 14 c) 15 d) 17 - CORRECT ANSWERS--D A planner is made aware that his supervisor has illegally disclosed information to a developer. Which of the following actions would NOT be practicable for her to pursue? a) Seek the counsel of an attorney who has expertise in public or private employment law. b) Prepare a concise memorandum for the attorney setting out the verified facts and issues. c) Determine to go public with the information and deal with potential employer retaliation. d) Raise the matter with other professionals working for the same employer. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Banking institutions typically agree that housing is unaffordable when individuals have to pay more than ____ percentage of their gross income toward mortgage payments? a) 15 b) 25 c) 35 d) 45 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Which of the following are considered passive recreational activities? a) Court sports. b) Swimming c) Horseback riding. d) Team sports. - CORRECT ANSWERS-- C Location Quotients (LQ) are used to determine the ratio of total local employment of a specific industry to that of the industry on a national basis. Location Quotients look at? a) The ratio of total local employment of an industry to that industry nationally. b) The ratio of total national employment of an industry to that industry locally. c) The ratio of total number of local industries to that industry nationally. c) The ratio of total number of national industries to that industry locally. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A As a general rule, individuals who seek to challenge a zoning ordinance will be required to? a) Prove they have "standing". b) Prove the do not stand to gain financially by the challenge. c) Exhaust all administrative remedies. d) A and B. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C "This is not a case where the owner is prevented from using his land for natural and indigenous uses" is a quote likely to be found in court cases involving? a) Takings b) Cluster zoning. c) Performance zoning. d) Voluntary easements. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Municipal requirements that licenses and permits be required before conducting certain activities is considered an exercise of? a) Comprehensive planning. b) Police power. c) Eminent domain. d) Environmental protection. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The statement: "a public corporation or authority created by the state to carry out a function of the state is not bound by local zoning regulation" refers to? a) State immunity from local zoning. b) Dillon's rule. c) Federal constitutional requirements exempting state government from local regulation. d) Kroll's rule. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A The concept that a hardship must be unique to the particular property and not to the owner or the general public is most likely to be included in the discussion of a? a) Special permit. b) Re-zoning. c) Variance. c) Eminent domain proceeding. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C "Dual Sovereignty" as expressed in the federal system can be described as? a) State delegation of power to local government. b) Federal delegation of power to state government. c) Federal delegation of power to local government. d) Federal and state government reign supreme in the separate spheres. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following were elements in the "Sector" concept of spatial organization (Hoyt 1939)? I. Wedge shaped sectors radial to the City;s center and along established transportation lines. II. Concept that different classes tend to be found in distinct areas of the city. III. A CBD was an essential part. IV. No single center, but several nuclei. a) I and II b) I and IV c) II, III, and IV d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Development occurring on Native American trust lands, within a designated reservation, are subject to? a) State regulations governing development. b) Local regulations governing development. c) Federal regulations governing development. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C An arterial street is BEST described as? a) Highway for through traffic with full or partial control of access and generally with grade separation at intersections. b) Street that provides through traffic movement on a continuous route joining major traffic generators, where access to abutting properties may be controlled. c) Major roadway with no access to adjacent properties. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Lands that are comprised of the vegetative and wildlife areas adjacent to perennial and intermittent streams are named? a) Wetlands b) Vernal Pools c) Riparian areas. d) Watershed Areas. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Which of the following constitutes a conflict of interest under the AICP Code of Ethics? I. A city employee working for a home-builder seeking Board approval of a project in the staff person's jurisdiction. II. Making unwelcome sexual advances to a co-worker. III. Using knowledge of land use planning activities to buy vacant property in an area to be planned for high density use. IV. Running for City Council. a) I and III b) II and III c) I, II, and III d) I, II, and IV - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Which of the following represent the basic purposes of site plan review? a) Formulization of the design review process. b) Protection of adjacent properties from adverse impacts. c) Provision of adequate parking and landscaping. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Wetlands protection programs may include which of the following? a) Protection of groundwater. b) Flood control. c) Protection of wildlife habitat. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D One acre is equal to ____ square feet? a) 42, 500 b) 43, 650 c) 43, 560 d) 45, 360 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C You are the supervising planner for a planning department with a staff of 15 planners. You are looking for ways to maintain positive work performance. Which of the following would you utilize? I. Organize department picnics, and annual holiday party, and staff luncheons. II. Confirm that your staff is meeting organization expectations and that this is appreciated. III. Acknowledge good performance by awarding inscribed placques to your best staff. IV. Call a staff meeting and tell your staff that although there will be no raises this year that they should just be happy that they have a job. a) I and II b) II and III c) I, II, and III d) II, III, and IV - CORRECT ANSWERS--C An innovative and successful technique that enables citizens to evaluate physical images if natural and built environments in which participants view and evaluate a wide variety of slides depicting streetscapes, land uses, site designs, building types, and indicate whether or not what they have seen is appropriate for the community is? a) Design charrette. b) Delphi method. c) Visual Preference Survey. d) Brainstorming. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Redaction is done when? a) Material that is a matter of public record containing sensitive, private, or confidential information is removed from a public. b) Angry citizens are removed from a public hearing by the police. c) A public official retracts false or misleading statements. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Which of the following data sources could be used in an economic base study? a) Population and housing data. b) Employment data c) Income data. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D An amendment to or a change in the zoning ordinance is called? a) General Plan Amendment b) Rezone c) Variation d) Special Use Permit - CORRECT ANSWERS-- B The designation of historic districts allows for? a) Tax increment financing. b) Urban renewal. c) The formation of a redevelopment district. d) Historic Preservation. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D All of the following are key issues with regards to telecommuting EXCEPT? a) Work rules, hours of work - accountability. b) Hourly wage of telecommuters. c) Liability concerns, workers compensation. d) Equipment (who buys/maintains) and training. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Legal immigration has increased in the US in recent years. Which of the following is TRUE about recent immigrants? a) They are more likely to live in poverty. b) They suffer from higher unemployment. c) As a group they typically have less than a high school education. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Concurrency is a term attributable to which of the following states? a) Hawaii b) California c) Florida d) Michigan - CORRECT ANSWERS--C In 1840 in the US? a) The FIRST tenements were occupied in New York City. b) The first massive wave of European immigration reached American cities. c) Only 3 American cities had populations of more than 100,000. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D regarding which "test"?a) Affordable housing test. b) Essential nexus test. c) Taking without compensation test. d) Fair share test. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B A planning manager is concerned about the poor work performance of the associate planner. He decides it is time to have a discussion with her. Which of the following would be appropriate? a) Call the associate planner into his office for an initial discussion of the problem. b) Reprimand the associate planner at the front counter. c) Meet with the planner at her desk and go over the requirements and expectations of the associate planner position. d) Write an e-mail memo to the associate planner outlining his concerns and threatening punitive action. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Telephone surveys allow for rapid data collection and easy access to most households. However, from a statistician's perspective, telephone surveys? a) Cost too much b) Have a greater probability of interviewer-introduced bias. c) Cannot reach representative samples of some relatively isolated populations. d) Are ineffective because of the difficulty in finding subjects at home. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C An oil company is interested in building a refinery on several thousand acres of tree- covered waterfront property they own. The general plan shows this area as recreational and residential. The oil company files a plan amendment to re-designate the land to a heavy industrial classification. The planning director opposes the amendment, stating that the scenic area should remain a valuable natural resource. The director was overruled by the County commissioners who approved the amendment. A groupd of residents who live near the proposed refinery site take the case to court. The planning director provides some information to the citizens group as they prepare their case and also testifies in court about the value of the property as a community amenity. Under the AICP Code of Ethics, all of the following are true about the behavior of the planning director EXCEPT? a) The director was acting on the ethical responsibility - CORRECT ANSWERS--B An adult use is a business that provides sexual entertainment or services to customers. Adult uses may include which of the following? I. X-rated video shops and bookstores. II. Live or video peep shows. III. Topless or fully nude dancing establishments. IV. X-rated movie theaters and escort service clubs. a) I and II b) II and III c) I, III, and IV d) All fo the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D CBD is the acronym for? a) Central Business Department b) Central Business District c) Central Bureau of Determination d) Central Business Division - CORRECT ANSWERS--B In the late 1980s many cash-strapped towns in America embraced Native American operated casinos as salvation. By the mid-1990s which of the following was TRUE? I. Americans had gambled away more than 40 billion dollars. II. More than 120 Native American tribes were reaping profits from gambling. III. Special interest groups began battling the gambling industry with court suits and ballot referendums. IV. 24 states had legalized casinos. a) I and II b) II and III c) I, II, and III d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D A group of local legislative regulations that prescribe the materials, minimum requirements, and methods to be used in construction, rehabilitation, maintenance, and repair of buildings is? a) The zoning ordinance. b) Minxed use overlay. c) Uniform building code. d) Downtown design standards. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C An acquired right to use, interest, or privelege in lands owned by another describes? a) CC and Rs b) A Trust Deed c) An easement d) An encumbrance - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Local regulations of buildings and enforcement of building and housing code provisions to preserve the housing inventory against neglect and erosion and securing safety and health describes? a) Building codes. b) Code enforcement. c) Zone ordinance. d) General plan. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following would require an environmental impact statement (EIS)? a) Expansion of a pre-existing duplex. b) A project generating more than 3000 new vehicle trips per day. c) A project using more than 1,000,000 gallons of water per day from a public water supply. d) Both B and C - CORRECT ANSWERS--D "Our city shall be a cohesive, compact city with a small-town felling surrounded by farmland, greenbelts, natural habitat and reserves. Our city shall be a community with a strong, vital, pedestrian-oriented and dynamic downtown area and safe and well-designed neighborhoods." This statement describes? a) A preamble to a neighborhood preservation ordinance. b) Goals and objectives of a general plan. c) A portion of a community vision statement. d) The NIMBYs creed. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C To determine the percentage of any slope? a) Multiply the vertical distance by the horizontal distance. b) Add the horizontal distance to the vertical distance. Divide the vertical distance by the horizontal distance. d) Subtract the vertical distance by the horizontal distance. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Developments occurring on Native American trust lands, within a designated reservation is subject to which of the following regulations? a) State regulations governing development. b) Local regulations governing development. c) Federal regulations governing developemtn. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Of the following cities which was the fastest growing in th 1990s? a) New York b) Pittsburgh c) San Francisco d) Las Vegas - CORRECT ANSWERS--D One way cities and counties are avoiding the expense of closing landfills is to? a) Stop public solid waste service and privatize. b) Exhume old refuse, install a liner, separate the soil, and re-pack the garbage. c) Initiate a recycling program. d) Impose fines on companies that exceed set refuse limits. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B A home occupation conducted in a residential dwelling unit that is incidental and subordinate to the primary residential use. Regulations of home occupations usually restrict which of the following? a) The percentage of the unit that can be used for the occupation. b) Exterior evidence of the business. c) Tha mount of parking neede and traffic generated. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The basic criterion utilized for planning a new fire state is? a) Cost and financing. b) Number of fire engines. c) Location and response time. d) Size of fire house. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A stockpile of publicly owned land resulting from a program under which government buys land holds it for future use as needed is called? a) Mitigation bank b) Land bank c) River bank d) Piggy bank - CORRECT ANSWERS--B which of the following is TRUE about vectors? a) GIS mapping function that displays maps. b) Vectors is an acronym for coordinated geometry. c) A mainframe computer system with GIS. d) Vectors are to raster, as line art is to photography. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The holding for the Agins case established that a test....a regulation is a taking if it can be shown that it? a) Deprives property of all economically viable use. b) Creates nuisance on the property. c) Fails to advance a legitimate governmental interest. d) Both A and C. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D In addition to providing separate smoking rooms for patrons that use tobacco, some airports in America are now installing? a) Slot machines in waiting areas. b) Baby changing rooms next to public rest rooms. c) Franchised fast food restaurants. d) Health and vending machines in public restrooms. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Half time at some college football games has been extended five additional minutes to provide more time for? a) The purchase of beer and hot dogs at the concession stands. b) Smokers to light up outside the seating area. c) Women to use the ladies room. d) The coach to yell at the players. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C The future right-of-way line of any highway as shown on the Official Plan of Streets and Highways for highway use is the? a) Right-of-way. b) Dedication area. c) Noise contour area. d) Plan line. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Traditionally the acreage needed for a new high school has been which of the following? a) 10 acres plus 2 acres for each 1000 students. b) 20 acres plus 1 acre for each 100 students. c) 30 acres plus 1 acre for each 100 students. d) 40 acres plus 1/2 acre for each 100 students. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following determines the sizing of an infrastructure network? a) The ultimate extent of the service area. b) The projected population of the service area. c) The projected per capita service level requirements. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D An intensive, interactive problem solving process with meetings convened around the development of specific topics is described as? a) Alinsky's Organizations b) Advocacy Planning c) A Charrette d) Citizen Referendum - CORRECT ANSWERS-- C A legal record of the description of a parcel of land is called? a) Plot b) Platte c) Platt d) Plat - CORRECT ANSWERS--D save the tax-payers millions in the long run since less crimes will take place and fewer persons will be warehoused in prisons. Which cost analysis techniques did the Board utilize in making this decision? a) Cost-effectiveness Analysis b) Cost-benefit Analysis c) C - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Cost-effectiveness Analysis would be employed in which of the following situations? a) Determining if annexation would have a negative fiscal impact. b) Comparing the actual cost of implementing a program against the benefits to the community. c) Making a decision on whether or not to spend money to build a new senior center or to hire more police officers. d) Establishing monetary costs and monetary benefits of a large expenditure. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A Hime Owner's Association is a non-profit organization operating under recorded legal agreements running with the land. Generally, each lot owner is a condominium of similar planned development becomes a member upon purchase and each lot is subject to a charge for a proportionate share of the expenses for the organization's activities such as? I. Maintaining common areas. II. Landscaping and recreational facilities. III. Parking areas. IV. Water and sewer services. a) I only b) I and II c) I, II, and III d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Capital improvement programming in the multi-year scheduling of public physical improvements. Scheduling is based on studies of fiscal resources available and the choice of specific improvements to be constructed for a period of 5 to 6 years. Which of the following are TRUE about capital improvement budgets and the capital improvement programs? I. The CIP budget refers to facilities planned for the next fiscal year. II. The CIP program refers to improvement scheduled in succeeding 4 to 5 years. III. A CIP budget is part of legally binding 1 year fiscal budget. IV. The CIP program itself does not commit the government body to spend any money. a) I and II b) II and III c) I, II, and III d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which of the following regulatory agencies would typicaly conduct a site plan review for a high school? a) Planning Commission b) Zoning Board of Appeals c) State Planning Office d) School District - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Which of the following is the MOST IMPORTANT element in a customer service program? a) An emphsis on people. b) Staff expertise and training. c) Identification of customers. d) An objective for continuous improvement. - CORRECT ANSWERS- -B What is the primary difference between a variance and other land entitlements? a) Findings are not necessary with a variance. b) Variances are ministerially approved. c) Manufactured houseing (mobile homes). d) The absence of a hardship requirement. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D When working with developers all of the following are necessary EXCEPT? a) Respecting timetables. b) Providing advice on the probable success of the business venture produced. c) Acknowledging profit/loss in the process. d) Being concerned for disruption of customer relationships. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following are functions of a city plan? I. The plan is an expression of what a community wants. II. The plan serves as a guide to decision making. III. It represents the fulfillment of a legal requirement. IV. It serves as the basis for code enforcement actions. a) I and II b) II and III c) I, II and IV d) I, II, and III - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The Clean Air Act grants state primacy in developing implementation plans. "Primacy" does not refer to which of the following? a) Responsibility for development and enforcement of the plan. b) Responsibility for identifying emission limits for specific sources. c) Responsibility for approving the plans and any revisions. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C The significance of efficiency for planners is? a) The efficiency with which plans are produced. b) The efficiency that plans can produce. c) The efficiency with which rapidly developing problems are handled. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Experts estimate that the amount of farmland that is being lost every minute in the US is about ____ acres? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 5 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Groups protested of establishing a Disney's American theme park in Haymarket, VA in 1993 for which of the following reasons? a) The new park would cause the downtown to further deteriorate. b) The new park would have a negative impact on Civil War battlefields. c) The new park was too close to another Great America's Six Flags Theme Park. d) The new park would impact inadequate transportation systems. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following contribute to the provision of affordable housing? a) Section 8 grants. b) Density bonus ordinances. c) Construction of government subsidized apartments. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The logic of analysis, the worth of evaluating the consequences of alternatives, the validity and pertinence of information, and the effectiveness of standards and policies in achieving goals are all ideas central to the? a) Evolution of rational management. b) Modern public policy. c) Early basis of planning. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A A project that selects a statistical sample of a large population will always? a) Reduce the amount of effort required to ascertain characteristics of the population. b) Provide a mathematical estimate of the accuracy of the calculated population characteristics. c) Be the unbiased sample of the entire population. d) Be of adequate size to satisfy confidence criteria if a pre-sample was used to determine the required sample. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Which of the following was an important goal of the Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) program? a) To purchase concrete blocks for freeway construction. b) To provide homes for the homeless. c) To create redevelopment agencies. d) To reduce the federal role in local government affairs. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D MSA stands for? a) Metropolitan Study Area b) Metropolitan Statistical Area c) Management Systems Analysis - CORRECT ANSWERS--B A system of describing and identifying land by measures and direction from an identifiable point of reference such as a monument or other marker, the corner of intersecting streets, or in rural areas, a tree or other permanent feature is termed? a) Physical description. b) Legal description. c) Metes and Bounds. d) Base and Meridian. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Areas generally characterized by low-density residential development (e.g. 1 to 5 dwelling units per acre) and limited commercial uses are called? a) Rural residential b) Under developed c) Suburban d) Rare in New York City - CORRECT ANSWERS- -A An urban area defined as depressed and made eligible for special government assistance for economic development in the form of tax breaks and subsidies is? a) Enterprise zone. b) Empowerment zone. c) Economic development zone. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B An easement may be acquired by prescription in a manner similar to acquisition of land by? a) Eminent Domain b) Adverse possession c) A and B - CORRECT ANSWERS--B An industry is an exporter of employment it it has a location quotient greater than ____? a) 0.01 b) 001 c) 1.00 d) 1000 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C If an industry has a location quotient of 2.00 which of the following is TRUE? a) It exports employment. b) It imports emplyment. c) It is experiencing unemployment. d) It has twice as many jobs as employees. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Advocacy planning describes the right of a neighborhood or other group to propose and to promots plans directed to? a) Social issues. b) Special interests. c) Its own needs and interests. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D What type of interest is charged by the Federal Reserve on loans to commercial banks? a) Interest rate. b) Discount rate. c) Market rate. d) None of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B "Potentially responsible parties" (PRPs) is a term in which federal environmental law? a) Big Trees Preservation Act b) Clean Air Act c) Fairy Shrimp Protection Act d) Super Fund (CERCLA) - CORRECT ANSWERS--D This technique is used to determine which particular steps in a project will be the most important to keeping a project going. It frequently is used to manage the scheduling of construction projects. Name it. a) Critical Path Programming. b) Cost- benefit Analysis. c) Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) d) MBO - CORRECT ANSWERS--A An ordinance requiring the set-aside of land or dollars to construct affordable housing within a subdivision is referred to as? a) Fees in lieu b) Inclusionary c) Excludionary d) Incentive - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The rezoning allows for special permit or special exception waivers. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C "Amortization" as it applies to zoning practice refers to? a) The prohibition of expanding non-conforming uses. b) The determination of the remaining useful life of a pre-existing non-conforming use. c) The purchase of property for public use. d) Eminent domain. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B This 1915 zoning case involved the operation of a brickyard within metropolitan Los Angeles. Name it. a) Hadacheck v. Sebastian b) Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co. c) Jones v. Los Angeles d) Nectow v. Cambridge - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Of the following techniques for preserving agricultural land, which would be the MOST effective? a) Transfer of Development Rights b) No growth policy c) Building permit moratorium d) Right to farm ordinance - CORRECT ANSWERS--B What is satisficing? a) A term meaning that an applicant is satisfied with the approval of his project. b) Accepting policy options short of maximizing goal attainment. c) Accepting policy options short to attaining 100% consensus. d) Both B and C - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Transportation Systems Management (TSM) includes all of the following EXCEPT? a) Carpooling and vanpooling incentives. b) Major new transportation facilities. c) Improved Transit service. d) Staggered work schedules. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B A county planner leaves the public sector to become a conultant. How long should she wait before representing a private client in any action before the county she may have influenced before leaving public employment. The planner is a memeber of AICP. a) 1 year b) 2 years c) 3 years d) Never - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Which of the following court cases FIRST established the concept of "public welfare"? a) Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty Co. b) Golden v. Planning Board of Ramapo c) Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mount Laurel d) Necton v. Cambridge - CORRECT ANSWERS--A A principal planner of a large metropolitan area is responsible for facilitating the organization of a parks and open space advisory committee for the county. Representatives from which of the following groups should be considered for the committee? I. Stockbrokers, bankers, real estate brokers. II. Landscape architects, private citizens, and law enforcement. III. Chamber of commerce, building industry, farmers. IV. Environmental groups, small business operators, school districts. a) I and IV b) II and III c)I, II, and IV d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D You are working at the public counter when an angry citizen begins to yell at you. How do you handle this situation? I. Tell him you will meet him in the parking lot in 10 minutes. II. Insist that the gentleman calm down so you can assist him. III. Invite him into the office with another staff member to discuss his problem on an individual basis. IV. Call the police and have him arrested. a) I only b) I and II c) IV only d) II and III - CORRECT ANSWERS--D Which statements are NOT true? I. As activities become more complex, an organization tends to grow downward at a rapid rate. II. Horizontal growth may occur only at the top level of an organization. III. Public information and technical assistance are examples of specialized, staff activities. IV. The three basic line functions can be applied to departmental structure as well as to the organization itself. a) I and IV b) I and III c) II and IV - CORRECT ANSWERS--C The senior planner for a small rural community is considering conducting a survey of town residents as to their opinions on the proposed expansion of the town landfill. He is planning on using a questionnaire mailed to all resident taxpayers. The degree of interviewer bias in this type of questionnaire is generally? a) High b) Medium c) Low - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Regional Malls typically consist of between 750,000 and 2 million square feet gross leasable area (GLA). What size population is required for a mall to be successful? a) 150,000 b) 200,000 c) 250,000 d) 300,000 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A pattern of population change that exhibits a constant rate of change is the? a) Rate of population change. b) Geometric growth rate. c) Arithmetic growth rate. d) Linear progression rate. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The New York Court of Appeals held that a restriction of the rate of growth of a municipality through establishment of rigid performance standards was constitutional in which case? a) Berman v. Parker b) Golden v. Planning Board of the Town of Ramapo c) Windsor v. Whitney d) Eubank v. Richmond - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The difference between the use of police power and eminent domain in environmental and land use regulation is that? a) Eminent domain requires compensation. b) Police power requires compensation. c) Eminent domain is a power of the federal government only. d) Police power cannot be exercised by the local government. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A Which of the following would be primarily a local government function? a) River basin management. b) Air pollution abatement. c) Zoning. d) Critical environmental areas designation. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C Which of the following would most appropriately be the function of the federal government> a) Aesthetics regulation. b) Air pollution control. c) Zoning. d) School planning. - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The primary purpose of the census, as indicated in the US Constitution is to provide the basis for? a) Fair apportionment among the states of seats in the US House of REpresentatives. b) The distribution of federal funds to state and local governments. c) The distribution of state funds to local governments. d) The fair apportionment among the states of seats in the US Senate. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A A number calculated on population data that qualifies a characteristic of the population is a? a) Dependent variable b) Variable c) Statistic d) Parameter - CORRECT ANSWERS--D When numbers or values are arranges according to size, the value of the middle term is called the? a) Arithemetic average. b) Mode c) Median d) Mean - CORRECT ANSWERS--C An age group in the 75th percentile? a) Has 25% of the population below it. b) Has 75% of the population below it. c) Inidicated that 75% of the individuals in the set are younger. d) Both B and C - CORRECT ANSWERS--D An age group in the 85th percentile? a) Has 15% of the population below it. b) Has 85% of the population below it. c) I in the median range. d) Is statistically insignificant. - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The range of the numbers, 5, 10, 20, 30 is? a) 5 b) 10 c) 15 d) 25 - CORRECT ANSWERS--D The median of the numbers 12, 14, 16, 18 is? a) 12 b) 14 c) 15 d) 16 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C The median of the numbers 3, 4, 5, 7, 9 is? a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) 7 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C The mode of the array 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8 is equal to? a) 5 b) 6 c) 7 d) 8 - CORRECT ANSWERS--B The arithmetic mean of the numbers 2, 4, 6, 8 equals? a) 4 b) 6 c) 5 d) 10 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A set of all possible values of a variable is called the? a) Function b) Median c) Domain d) Yield - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A scatter diagram is a useful aid in? a) Regression and correlation analysis. b) Solving a polynomial equation. c) Constructing a bar graph. d) Solving a linear programming problem. - CORRECT ANSWERS--A The reason for choosing a random sample from a large set of data is? a) To include at least 25% of the large set. b) To give greater weight to higher valued items. c) To approximate the cahracteristics of the large set in less time and with less cost. d) To be sure that the data conforms to a normal curve. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C What are the three measures of central tendency? a) Appraisal, market analysis, cost estimates. b) The mean ( arithmetic average), the median (midpoint of the distribution), and the mode (most frequently occurring score in the distribution). c) Skew, graph, table. d) Bell curve, statistics, group theory. - CORRECT ANSWERS-- B The MEAN of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 16 is equal to which of the following? a) 10 b) 8 c) 9 - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A correlation of +100 indicates? a) The 100th percentile b) A positive number. c) A maximum positive correlation. d) All of the above. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C minded private citizens, she has implemented a basic economic program aimed at promoting economic health in the community. All of the following are included in a city planner's program EXCEPT? a) Retaining existing business and industry. b) Attracting new business. c) Promoting a policy to limit large box retailers from locating in your community. d) Developing and financing facilities that help capture business or recycle local funds. - CORRECT ANSWERS--C A staff planner is responsible for preparing a report for a proposed GPA. If approved, the action would allow a multiple family use to be designated near the Central Business District. There is moderate community protect over the proposed change. The planner has been told by the City Administrator that the Council is looking favorable toward approval of the request because the community needs affordable housing. However, the Council is seeking compelling reasins to approve the amendment to prevent bad press and political embarassment. Understanding all this the planner decides to? a) Recommend denial of the project to protect the Council from public outcry. b) Includes in the staff report a discussion about the need for affordable housing and the requirements of state law to provide such housing and offer recommendation for approval. c) Recommend approval based on the right of the property owner to develop land as he - CORRECT ANSWERS--B Mean - CORRECT ANSWERS--Average Mode - CORRECT ANSWERS--Number that occurs most often Median - CORRECT ANSWERS--Half are higher, half are lower FAR - CORRECT ANSWERS--Floor Area Ratio - (Total covered area on all floors of all buildings on a certain plot)/(Area of the plot) Ordinance of 1785 - CORRECT ANSWERS--Provided for the rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest. "the largest single act of national planning in our history" First "model tenement" built in Manhattan. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1855 Homestead Act opened the lands of the Public Domain to settlers for a nominal fee and five years residence. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1862 First major tenement house law (N.Y.) restricting physical conditions. SFO prohibits specific obnoxious uses in certain districts—beginning of land-use zoning in U.S. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1867 Dumbell tenement, NYC, notorious for the poor living conditions it imposed on its denizens (lack of light, air, space). - CORRECT ANSWERS--1879 Building of Pullman, Illinois, model industrial town by George Pullman. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1880 - 1884 Jacob Riis - CORRECT ANSWERS--How the Other Half Lives, 1890, stimulous to housing and neighborhood reform. First U.S. federal government recognition of the problems of slums and cities (a survey). - CORRECT ANSWERS--1892 Columbian Expo in Chicago - 400th anniv of the New World. Source of the City Beautiful Movement and urban planning profession. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1893 Ebenezer Howard - CORRECT ANSWERS--Tomorrow A Peaceful Path to Real Reform, start of Garden City movement, 1898; 1902 as Garden Cities of Tomorrow. First state court support of ordinance/act restricting heights of buildings - CORRECT ANSWERS--1899 New York State Tenement House Law. Outlawed tenements i.e."Dumbbell Tenement." Lawrence Veiller. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1901 Letchworth constructed. First English Garden City, stimulus to New Town mvmt in America (Greenbelt Towns, etc) - CORRECT ANSWERS--1903 First local "civic center" plan developed for Cleveland, by Danial H. Burnham - CORRECT ANSWERS--1903 First application of "City Beautiful" principles to a major American city Burnham's Plan for San Francisco. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1906 First official, local, and permanent planning board (at Hartford, Connecticut). - CORRECT ANSWERS--1907 First National Conference on City Planning in Washington, D.C. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1909 - conf? First American use of zoning to restrict future development. Los Angeles creates multitude of zones. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1909 - zoning? First State Enabling Act passes - CORRECT ANSWERS--Wisconsin, 1909 Plan of Chicago—first metropolitan regional plan in U.S. (Daniel Burnham). - CORRECT ANSWERS--1909 - Daniel Burnham First private planning consulting firm, created in N.Y.C. by George B. Ford and Earnest P. Goodrich (Technical Advisory Corporation). - CORRECT ANSWERS-- 1913 - firm First state to institute mandatory referral of subdivision plats (beginning of subdivision control) - CORRECT ANSWERS--New Jersey - 1913 First state to make planning mandatory for local governments - CORRECT ANSWERS--Massachusetts - 1913 First full-time municipally employed planner at Newark, New Jersey. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Harland Bartholomew - 1914 First state to institute extraterritorial mandatory referral of subdivision plats - CORRECT ANSWERS--California - 1915 writes Cities in Evolution creating the foundation for regional planning theory. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Patrick Geddes - 1915 National Park Service established with sole responsibility for conserving and preserving resources of special value. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1916 Nation's first comprehensive zoning resolution adopted by New York City Board of Estimates - CORRECT ANSWERS--1916 - nyc "Father of Zoning." - CORRECT ANSWERS--Edward Bassett Planning of the Modern City. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Nelson P. Lewis - 1916 First federal-aid highway act. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Federal - 1916 First president of new American City Planning Institute, forerunner of American Institute of Planners and the AICP - CORRECT ANSWERS--Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. - 1917 First parkway in America completed - Bronx River Parkway, N.Y - CORRECT ANSWERS--Parkway - 1919 First statewide citizens organization in support of planning - Ohio Planning Conference. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Ohio - 1919 Vieux Carre Commission, the first historic preservation commission in the U.S. - CORRECT ANSWERS--New Orleans - 1921 Port of New York Authority. Inauguration of Regional Plan of New York under Thomas Adams. - CORRECT ANSWERS--First bi-state functional authority - 1921 Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission created. - CORRECT ANSWERS--First of its kind in the United States. - 1921 "County Club Plaza" in Kansas City, Missouri. - CORRECT ANSWERS--First suburban auto-oriented shopping center - 1922 U.S. Dept of Commerce under Secretary Herbert Hoover issues Standard State Zoning Enabling Act. - CORRECT ANSWERS--1924 - Federal First major American city officially to endorse a comprehensive plan. (Alfred Bettman). - CORRECT ANSWERS--Cincinnati, Ohio - 1925 First zoning ordinance for a major American city to introduce "flexible" controls (such as FAR), - CORRECT ANSWERS--NYC, 1961 a new town halfway between Washington and Baltimore, featuring class integration and the neighborhood principle - CORRECT ANSWERS--Columbia, Maryland - 1963 outlaws discrimination based on race, creed, and national origin in places of public accommodation - CORRECT ANSWERS--Civil Rights Act - 1964 The Urban General Plan - CORRECT ANSWERS--T.J. Kent, 1964 US. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) - CORRECT ANSWERS--federal housing - 1965 National Register of Historic Places & Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and req's State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO). - CORRECT ANSWERS--National Historic Preservation Act - 1966 A centerpiece of President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" program - CORRECT ANSWERS--1966 - Demonstration Cities & Metropolitan Devl Act "model cities" program, an attack on urban blight & poverty Design with Nature - CORRECT ANSWERS--Ian McHarg - 1969 requires an "environmental impact statement" for every federal or aided major action that might harm environment - CORRECT ANSWERS--National Environmental Policy Act - 1969 established to administer main provisions of the Clean Air Act (1970) - CORRECT ANSWERS--Federal Environmental Protection Agency - 1970 First major introduction of the transfer of development rights (TDR) concept - CORRECT ANSWERS--Chicago - 1971 New York high court allows the use of performance criteria as a means of slowing community growth. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Golden v. Planning Board of Ramapo - 1972 First federal revenue sharing program. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Federal - 1972 First rapid transit system built for fast center-to-center service begins service - CORRECT ANSWERS--(BART—- Bay Area Rapid Transit). San Francisco Bay Area - 1972 proposes national land-use legislation to protect natural resources & undeveloped land - CORRECT ANSWERS--Senator Jackson - 1972 eliminated categorical grants, created block grants - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Housing and Community Development Act - 1974 American Institute of Planners (AIP) and American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO) merge into (APA). - CORRECT ANSWERS--APA - 1978 U.S. Supreme Court upholds NYC's Landmark Preservation Law,Grand Central Terminal. Not a taking when the interior of the property lucrative use. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Penn Central Transportation Co. v. City of New York, 438 U.S. 104 (1978) First state to institute statewide zoning - CORRECT ANSWERS--Hawaii - 1978 Anti-New Deal; reduced fed spending, privatization, deregulation, phase-out of aids to planning/programs - CORRECT ANSWERS--"Reagan Revolution" - 1980 "fair share" of affordable housing. A precedent-setting decision against racial segregation - CORRECT ANSWERS--Mt. Laurel, New Jersey - 1983 U.S. Supreme Court finds that even a temporary taking requires compensation. - CORRECT ANSWERS--First English Evangelical Lutheran Church v. County of Los Angeles - 1987 US Supreme Court: land-use restrictions, to be valid, must be tied directly to a specific public purpose, rational nexus - CORRECT ANSWERS--Nollan v. California Coastal Commission, - 1987 first federal transportation law to mandate planning - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act (ISTEA) - 1991 U.S. Supreme Court limits local and state government's ability to restrict private property without compensation - CORRECT ANSWERS--Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council - 1992 U.S. Supreme Court: a jurisdiction must show "rough proportionality" between adverse impacts and exactions - CORRECT ANSWERS--Dolan v. Citv of Tigard - 1994 Canyons of the Ancients (CO); Cascade-Siskiyou (OR); Hanford Reach (WA); Ironwood Forest Grand Canyon-Parashant, Agua Fria (AZ); Grand Sequoia, California Coastal (CA). - CORRECT ANSWERS--Clinton Monuments - 2000 What types of land use maps are included in a comprehensive plan? - CORRECT ANSWERS--CURRENT land use map of existing conditions (zoning) and a FUTURE land use map (master plan) showing desired change. What is a Land Classification Map? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A map that divides a planning jurisdiction into different classes of land (ie zoning map) What is GIS? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Geographic information Systems-program used to prepare maps (in layers) and to prepare geogrpahical analysis of conditions. What is an orthophoto map? - CORRECT ANSWERS--An aerial photo that has been rectified and can be used oto measure distance (ie USGS maps). What is the difference between an aerial photograph and an orthophoto? - CORRECT ANSWERS--1.A conventional perspective aerial photograph contains image displacements caused by the tilting of the camera and terrain relief (topography). It does not have a uniform scale. You cannot measure distances on an aerial photograph like you can on a map. It is not a map. 2.The effects of tilt and relief are removed from the aerial photograph by the rectification process to create an orthophoto. 3.An orthophoto is a uniform-scale photograph. It is a photographic map. 4.Since an orthophoto has a uniform scale, it is possible to measure directly on it like other maps. 5.An orthophoto may serve as a base map onto which other map information may be overlaid. What is a soils map and who are they made by? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A map that shows soil classifications and they are made by NRCS-National Resources Conservation Service What is a flood map and who makes them? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A flood insurance rate map aka flood map shows land that has a 1% + chance of flooding in any given year. FEMA makes these maps. 1 Hectare - CORRECT ANSWERS--10,000 square meters=2.471 acres 1 Kilometer - CORRECT ANSWERS--1,000 meters= 3,281 feet 1 Square mile - CORRECT ANSWERS--640 acres What is Floor Area Ratio? - CORRECT ANSWERS--aka FAR-the ratio of floor area of a building to teh size of teh lot What does FAR=1 mean? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A 1 story building covers 100% of the lot or a 2 story building covers 50% of the lot Density - CORRECT ANSWERS--# of dwelling units per acre First Zoning Ordinance - CORRECT ANSWERS--New York City, 1916 drafted by Ernie Bassett What is an urban growth barrier? - CORRECT ANSWERS--An urban growth boundary, or UGB, is a line drawn to separate urban areas from rural areas. It is used to control urban sprawl by mandating that the area inside the boundary be used for higher density (urban) development and the area outside be used for lower density (rural) development. Public infrastructure is NOT extended beyond UGB. Oregon Land Use Act 1973 created the first UGB's which was enough land to to support development for 20 years Where was first urban growth barrier instituted? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Lexington and Fayette County, Kentucky What is rezoning? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A change from one zoning classification to another. Tool to modify development regulations What is upzoning? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A rezone to allow a higher density development. Tool to modify development regulations. What is downzoning? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A rezone to allow a lesser intensity development or moving down the euclidian zoning hiearchy from single family to multi family for example Tools to modify development regulations What is a conditional use (aka exception or special use)? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- A use not at allowed by right requiring a a public hearing to approve and a Conditional Use Permit. CUP states specific standards that applicant must meet. Used to modify development regulations What is a variance? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A departure from the zoning ordinance which permits uses or relaxation of standards if strict application of the Code would cause and undue hardship to the owner. Used to modify development regulations What is extraterritorial jurisdiction (aka ETJ)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Authority granted by a state to a city to regulate zoning beyond its boundaries. Used to ensure development outside boundaries is compatible with development within boundaries. Used to modify development regulations What must growth management approach to regulating development include? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Transportation analysis. Transportation and land use are closely linked. Tool to regulate development What is an "Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance" (aka Concurrency Regulations)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Synchronizes development with the availability of public facilities needed to support development such as parks, roads, schools, water & sewage Tool to regulate development Tool to regulate development What are Transfer Development Rights? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Developer in urban area receiving area purchase rights to develop land in a rural sending area has to be permitted by a zoning ordinance must include market share analysis to ensure that market exists for intensive development in the receiving area Explain TDR's - CORRECT ANSWERS--Transfer of development rights allow property owners to buy and sell development rights without actually exchanging any land. The basic TDR concept is to compensate landowners who give up potential development rights in environmentally sensitive areas or preservation districts. The goal is to direct development away from sensitive lands, known as "sending" areas, toward more suitable areas, called "receiving" areas. Explain "Purchase of Development Rights". - CORRECT ANSWERS--City/agency buys a private landowners right to develop property. Allows certain natural features of the land to be preserved. Landowner can still use it for farming or open space purposes. Explain "floating zone" - CORRECT ANSWERS--defines a use that the community wants that is not assigned to a particular parcel When in effect the floating zone regulations are in effect. What was Munn v. Illinois; U.S. Supreme Court (1876)? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- The Court found that a state law regulating pricing did not constitute a taking. The Court established the principle of public regulation of private businesses in the public interest. What was United States v. Gettysburg Electric Railway Company; U.S. Supreme Court (1896)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The Court ruled that the acquisition of the national battlefield at Gettysburg served a valid public purpose. This was the first significant legal case dealing with historic preservation. What was Pennsylvania Coal Co. v. Mahon; U.S. Supreme Court (1922)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The court found that if a regulation goes too far it will be recognized as a taking. This was the first takings ruling and defined a taking under the 5th Amendment. What was Berman v. Parker; U.S. Supreme Court (1954)? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- The court held that aesthetics is a valid public purpose. The court found that urban renewal was a valid public purpose. What was Penn Central Transportation Co. v. The City of New York; U.S. Supreme Court (1978)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The court found that a taking is based on the extent of the diminution of value, interference with investment backed expectations, and the character of the government action. The court weighed the economic impact of the regulation on investment backed expectations and the character of the regulation to determine whether the regulation deprives one of property rights. The court found that the New York City Landmark Preservation Law as applied to the Grand Central Terminal did not constitute a taking. What was Agins v. City of Tiburon; U.S. Supreme Court (1980)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The Court upheld a city's right to zone property at low-density and determined this zoning was not a taking. The appellants had acquired five acres of unimproved land for residential development. The City adopted zoning ordinances that placed the appellants' property in a zone where property may be devoted to one- family dwellings, with density restrictions permitting appellants to build between one and five single-family residences on their tract. Without having sought approval for development of their tract under the ordinances, appellants brought suit against the city in state court, alleging that the city had taken their property without just compensation in violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, and seeking a declaration that the zoning ordinances were facially unconstitutional. What was Loretto v. Teleprompter Manhattan CATV Corporation; U.S. Supreme Court (1982)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The court found that where there is a physical occupation, there is a taking. The cable television company installed cables on a building to serve the tenants of the building and to serve other buildings. The property owner brought a class action suit claiming that allowing the cable company to occupy the land was a taking. What was First English Evangelical Lutheran Church of Glendale v. County of Los Angeles; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The court found that if a property is unusable for a period of time, then not only can the ordinance be set aside, but the property owner can subject the government to pay for damages. The court found that the County could either purchase the property out-right or revoke the ordinance and pay the church for its losses during the time of the trial. What was Keystone Bituminous Coal Association v. DeBenedictis; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The Court found that the enactment of regulations did not constitute a taking. The Court found that the enactment of the Act was justified by the public interests protected by the Act. Pennsylvania's Bituminous Mine Subsidence and Land Conservation Act prohibits coal mining that causes subsidence damage to pre-existing public buildings, dwellings, and cemeteries. The Act requires that 50 percent of the coal beneath four protected structures be kept in place to provide surface support. The Coal Association alleged that this constituted a taking. What was FCC v. Florida Power Corporation; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The Court found that a taking had not occurred. The public utilities challenged a federal statute that authorized the Federal Communications Commission to regulate rents charged by utilities to cable TV operators for the use of utility poles. What was Nollan v. California Coastal Commission; U.S. Supreme Court (1987)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The Court found that regulations must serve a substantial public purpose and that exactions are valid as long as the exaction and the project are reasonably related. The court also found that the California Coastal Commission's requirement to dedicate an easement for public beach access was not reasonable. What was Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council; U.S. Supreme Court (1992)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The Court found that there is a taking if there is a total reduction in value (no viable value left) after the regulation is in place, except where derived from the state's law of property and nuisance. The court found that Lucas purchased the land prior to the development regulations being put in place and so constituted a taking. What was Dolan v. Tigard; U.S. Supreme Court (1994)? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- The Court found there must be a rational nexus between the exaction requirement and the development. The rough proportionality test was created from this case. The court found that conditions that require the deeding of portions of a property to the government can be justified where there is a relationship between the nature and extent of the proposed development. The court overturned an exaction that required dedication of a portion of the floodplain by a commercial business that wanted to expand. court first upheld modern zoning as a proper use of police power. Alfred Bettman filed an influential brief with the court. What was Nectow v. City of Cambridge; U.S. Supreme Court (1928)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The Court used a rational basis test to strike down a zoning ordinance because it had no valid public purpose (e.g., to promote the health, safety, morals, or welfare of the public). What was Southern Burlington County NAACP v. Township of Mount Laurel; New Jersey Supreme Court (1975)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The Court found that Mount Laurel had exclusionary zoning that prohibited multifamily, mobile home, or low- to moderate-income housing. The court required the Town to open its doors to those of all income levels. What was Golden v. Planning Board of the Town of Ramapo; New York State Court of Appeals (1972)? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The court upheld a growth management system that awarded points to development proposals based on the availability of public utilities, drainage facilities, parks, road access, and firehouses. A proposal would only be approved upon reaching a certain point level. Developers could increase their point total by providing the involved facilities themselves. What is the "White City"? Who designed it? When? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago World's Fair). Daniel Burnham was a principal designer. The Exposition was held in 1893 (400th anniversary of Christopher Columbus's arrival in the New World). What is the planning significance of Central Park? Who was it designer & builder? - CORRECT ANSWERS--It was created in the mid 1800s as an a way to address the lack of green space in cities. Designed by Frederick Law Olmsted, Built by Calvert Vaux. What is the "Cumberland Road"? When was its built? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The "National Road" built by the Federal gov't to tie the east and west together in 1811. Ran from Cumberland, MD to Vandalia, IL What were the 3 major ports of immigration in 1811. - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Chicago, NY, Philadelphia What are the most significant laws of the Public Health Movement? - CORRECT ANSWERS--NYC Tenement Law of 1867 and a San Francisco ordinance that ended slaughter houses in 1867. Why did the Public Health Movement die out? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The Public Health Movement died out in the 1920s as local governments were given authority to regulate issues. Explain what the S - T - R system is and how it was used. - CORRECT ANSWERS-- S - T - R : Section, Town, Range government classification system established by the "Ordinance of 1785" to promote land speculation and development in the west. What was the intent of the "Land Ordinance of 1785"? What is its planning significance? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The rectangular land survey of the Old Northwest was created to provide a systematic way to divide and distribute land to people. It is called the "largest single act of national planning in our history." What did the Louisiana Purchase do? What year? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Secured 828,000 sq miles of land from Mississippi to the Rocky Mts from France. It led to the western expansion. What is the importance of the Erie Canal? What year was it opened? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Opened a western shipping channel from NYC to the Great Lakes. Opened in 1825. What year was the 1st tenement housing built in Manhattan? - CORRECT ANSWERS--1855 What was the "Homestead Act of 1862" - CORRECT ANSWERS--Federal legislation that promoted western development by providing any family a 1/4 of twnshp (160 acres). It was given to them if they lived there for 5 years and built a house, or it could be purchase it for $1.25 per acre after only 6 months. What was the "Morrell Act"? Year? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Federal legislation of 1862 that authorized land grants to the states so that they could use the proceeds to establish colleges in agriculture, engineering, and other "practical arts". What was the 1st group to push for higher sanitary and housing standards in NYC? Year? - CORRECT ANSWERS--New York Council Hygiene of the Citizen's Association in 1864 Explain what the Transcontinental Railroad was? Year? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- The connection of the western and eastern railroad lines (Union Pacific and Central Pacific) at Promontory Point, UT. May 10, 1869 What instigated the first tenement legislation in NYC? Year? How many tenement houses existed at that time? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A 1867 report by the NY Council of Hygiene of the Citizen's Association. 15,000 tenements. Not effective due to lack of enforcement. What are the major points addressed by the NYC tenement law of 1867? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Required that all tenements have: 1) window or ventilation in every sleeping room, 2) a fire escape, 3) and "good and sufficient" water closets or privies, 4) be graded, drained, and connected to sewer When was the 1st "Dumbbell" tenement built? What was it? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Built in 1879 it is was a multifamily style of housing that was shaped like a dumbell What was the Public Health Movement? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Advocated worker safety and public health as a result of poor factory conditions. Also addressed slum living conditions marked by open sewage in the streets & disease. When was the 1st US Geological Survey Completed? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- 1879 What prompted the founding of the Sierra Club? Year? By whom? - CORRECT ANSWERS--The need to promote, protect, and preserve the natural environment, 1892 by John Muir. What was the General Land Law Revision Act? Year? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Gave the US President power to create forest preserves by proclamation in 1891 Explain the significance of the Garden City Movement. Name the 1st 2 cities. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Ebenezer Howard's city design which extolled the virtue of nature over cities and sought a return to pre-industrial small villages. Letchworth & Welwyn. What book is created with starting the Garden City Movement? Year? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Ebenezer Howard's "To-Morrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform," published in 1898. What event propelled the City Beautiful Movement? Year? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- The design of the World's Columbian Exposition (Chicago World's Fair), nicknamed the "White City", in 1893. What was the first zoning ordinance? When? - CORRECT ANSWERS--San Francisco passed the land use zoning ordinance on the location of obnoxious uses in 1867. When was the first census conducted? Who did it? - CORRECT ANSWERS--1790 - 1792, Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson What book is created with starting housing reforms? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Jacob Riis's "How the Other Half Lives" publish in 1890 about NYC slums. What was the "Forest Management Act"? Year? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Federal legislation which allowed the Secretary of the Interior to manage forest preserves. 1891. NAFTA - CORRECT ANSWERS--Established a trade bloc (free trade agreement) implemented January 1, 1994, between Canada, the United States and Mexico Trade Bloc - CORRECT ANSWERS--A large free trade area formed by one or more tax, tariff and trade agreements. Typically trade pacts that define such a bloc specify formal adjudication bodies, e.g. NAFTA trade panels. This may include even a more democratic and particip Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) - CORRECT ANSWERS--Administered by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides grants to States, and States to eligible applicants, to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures after a major disaster. Advocacy Planning in Cleveland - CORRECT ANSWERS--Krumholz Smart growth - CORRECT ANSWERS--Promotes a variety of housing choices to allow people of all income and household types to have a place to live. Section 8 - CORRECT ANSWERS--This housing program provides funds to pay a portion of the rent for low-income households. The amount paid depends on the household income Concentric Circle Theory - CORRECT ANSWERS--Ernest Burgess (1925). Cities grow in a series of outward rings. Centered by a business district surrounded by a transition zone filled with low-income, high-crime area, then a working-class residential zone, then a middle-class residential zone, and fina Neotraditional Development - CORRECT ANSWERS--Calls for nodes of activity that provide Mixed Use, Multimodal Use and Contains Public Spaces BART - CORRECT ANSWERS--1972, San Francisco Plat - CORRECT ANSWERS--Consists of a map, drawn to scale, showing the divisions of a piece of land. First shopping center - CORRECT ANSWERS--Northgate Shopping Center, Seatle Washington, 1950 First modern, enclosed regional shopping mall - CORRECT ANSWERS--Town and Country Shopping Center, 1954 Edge City - CORRECT ANSWERS--Relatively new concentration of business, shopping and entertainment outside a traditional urban area, in what had recently been a residential suburb or semi-rural community, coined by Joel Garreau (1991) Daylighting - CORRECT ANSWERS--the practice of placing windows, or other transparent media, and reflective surfaces so that, during the day, natural light provides effective internal illumination. Transect - CORRECT ANSWERS--A term used by New Urbanist town planners to refer to the varieties of land use from an urban core to a rural boundary. Workforce Housing - CORRECT ANSWERS--Can refer to almost any housing, but always refers to "affordable housing - Defined by four principal factors: Affordability, Home ownership, Critical workforce & proximity to employment centers What type of land accounts for about 2/3 of the privately held lands in the US? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Agricultural Empowerment Zone - CORRECT ANSWERS--An economically depresed area designated for governmental subsidies and tax incentives. 43,560 - CORRECT ANSWERS--Square feet in an acre. Advocacy Planner - CORRECT ANSWERS--Serves a variety of groups with different goals and interests. Cincinnati - CORRECT ANSWERS--First city to adopt a comprehemsive plan Primary purpose of a fiscal impact analysis - CORRECT ANSWERS--To assist city or county officials determine if a project will generate sufficient revenue to defray necessary public service costs Important elements of a Historic Preservation Program - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Educational materials for historic building owners, design guidelines for historic building renovations and Tax incentives to encourage renovation LULU - CORRECT ANSWERS--Locally Undesirable Land Uses such as waste dump Megalopolis - CORRECT ANSWERS--An area with multiple-cities with a combined population of more than 10 million inhabitants Which city was home to the first Council of Government? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Chicago Which of the following cities experienced the greatest population decrease between 1990 and 2000? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Detroit Metropolitan Planning Organizations - CORRECT ANSWERS--Responsible for reviewing and coordinating programs affecting the region, certifying that a project to be federally funded will be consistent with regional plans or regional development goals and working w/ municipalities to coordinate roadway plans The Growing Smart Legislative Guidebook - CORRECT ANSWERS--Created by the APA to encourage states to revise their standard state zoning enabling acts? President Clinton did which of the following in 2000? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Created eight new national monuments. President George H. Bush did which of the following in 1994? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Signed NAFTA legislation Vieux Carre Commission - CORRECT ANSWERS--Was the first Historic Preservation Commission for the French Quarter in New Orleans, formed in the 1930's. Lowering a thermostat by 1 degree Fahrenheit can reduce a heating bill by - CORRECT ANSWERS--3% The amount of goods and serviced produced in the United States during a year - CORRECT ANSWERS--Gross Domestic Product How many federally recognized Native American tribes are there in the United States? - CORRECT ANSWERS--562 Non-IRA tribes - CORRECT ANSWERS--Did not organize under the 1934 Indian Reorganization Act. How much solid waste does the typical household create? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Approximately 4.5 lbs. per person, per day. Regression - CORRECT ANSWERS--The analysis between two or more variables (x) and (y). Urban Development Action Grant (UDAG) program - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Established 1977 to help distressed communities develop economically. facilitates public-private partnerships,attempts to encourage redevelopment in urban areas and encouraged intergovernmental cooperation for redevelopment projects Hoover Dam is located on the border of which states? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Arizona & Nevada Which city had the first metropolitan plan in the United States? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Chicago When was the first National Conference on City Planning? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- 1909 How is the official unemployment rate calculated? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Individuals unemployed divided by individuals 16 years of age and older in the labor force Concentric Zone Theory - CORRECT ANSWERS--The use of ¬タワinvasion- succession¬タン in describing dynamics, finds that growth happens by land uses expanding outward from one area to another. Indian Reorganization Act - CORRECT ANSWERS--1934 - organization of Native Americans and allowed Native Americans to adopt a constitution and organize for their common welfare. Limnology - CORRECT ANSWERS--The study of (natural and manmade) lakes and ponds, rivers and streams, wetlands and groundwaters. Census Tract - CORRECT ANSWERS--A small, relatively permanent statistical subdivisions of a county with a population of 1,500 to 8,000 persons. The Morrill Act (1862) - CORRECT ANSWERS--Congress gave public land to each state to be sold for the establishment of ¬タワengineering, agriculture, and military sciences¬タン colleges? City Beautiful Movement - CORRECT ANSWERS--Includes civic design as a primary principle. Cities such as DC and Chicago had large parks, statues, and well- designed public meetings. Fred French Investing Co. v. City of New York - CORRECT ANSWERS--Found that Transfer of Development Rights is an inappropriate method to compensate the landowner for a taking by the City of New York. Fiscal impact analysis - CORRECT ANSWERS--Best used for a single development project to determine the revenues and expenses of the project. New Urbanism - CORRECT ANSWERS--Peter Calthorpe Krumholz¬タルs - CORRECT ANSWERS--Advocacy Planning in Cleveland Smart growth - CORRECT ANSWERS--romotes a variety of housing choices to allow people of all income and household types to have a place to live. Section 8 - CORRECT ANSWERS--This housing program provides funds to pay a portion of the rent for low-income households. The amount paid depends on the household income Concentric Circle Theory - CORRECT ANSWERS--By Ernest Burgess in 1925. He believed that cities grow in a series of outward rings. Land use is based on the distance from the downtown. There were five rings to his theory. The first is CBD, 2nd is Industrial then transition zone, 4th is zone of indepe Neotraditional development - CORRECT ANSWERS--Calls for nodes of activity that provide Mixed Use, Multimodal Use and Contains Public Spaces BART - CORRECT ANSWERS--Began in 1972 in San Francisco When and where was the first City Planning Conference? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- 1909 - Washington DC What book was the first known formal instruction in city planning below the college level? When was it published and who was the author? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- 1912 - Wackers Manual of the Plan of Chicago - Walter Moody Carrying Out the City Plan - Who wrote it, why is it important, and when was it written - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1914, Flavel Shurtleff wrote Carrying Out the City Plan, the first major textbook on city planning. AIP - what does it stand for, when was it founded, and who was the first president? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1917, the American Institute of Planners (AIP) was founded, with Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. as the first president. The AIP was the forerunner of the American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP)*. When was the first issue of City Planning published - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1925, the American City Planning Institute and the National Conference on City Planning published the first issue of City Planning, the predecessor to the current Journal of the American Planning Association. When was ASPO founded and what does it stand for? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1934, the American Society of Planning Officials (ASPO) was founded. When was the first code of ethics for professional planners adopted? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1971, AIP adopted a Code of Ethics for professional planners. When was the first exam for AIP membership administered? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1977, the first exam for AIP membership was administered. When was the APA created and what two organizations joined to form it? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1978, the American Planning Association was created through a merger of AIP and ASPO. Who published the first isue of the Journal of Planning Education. When was it published? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1981, the Association of Collegiate Schools of Planning published the first issue of The Journal of Planning Education and Research. What city passed the first land use zoning restriction on the location of obnxoxius uses? What year was it passed? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1867, San Francisco passed the first land use zoning restriction on the location of obnoxious uses. Which City created the first local civic center plan. What year was it created and what 3 individuals worked on the plan's development? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1903, Cleveland created the first local civic center plan in the U.S. Daniel Burnham, John Carrere, and Arnold Brunner were responsible for the plan's development. What city was the first to apply the City beautiful principles? What year was the plan finished and who wrote it? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1906, San Francisco was the first major American city to apply the City Beautiful principles, using a plan developed by Daniel Burnham. When and where was the first town planning board created? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1907, the first town planning board was created in Hartford, Connecticut. Who created the first metropolitan regional plan? What City was it completed for and what year was it completed? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1909, Daniel Burnham created the first metropolitan regional plan for Chicago. Which state was the first to pass enabling legislation and which City was the first to use land use zoning to guide development? What year? - CORRECT ANSWERS-- 1909 - Wisconsin was the first state to pass enabling legislation and Los Angeles was the first city to use land use zoning to guide development. When and where was the first full-time employee hired for a City Planning Commission? What was the commissioners name? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1914, Newark, New Jersey hired the first full-time employee for a city planning commission, Harland Bartholomew. Bartholomew went on to become one of the most famous planning consultants. What City adopted the first comprehensive zoning code? Who wrote it and when was it adopted? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1916, New York City adopted the first comprehensive zoning code, written by Edward Bassett. What county formed the first regional planning commission? When? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1922, Los Angeles County formed the first regional planning commission. When were the Standard state zoning enabling act and the Standard City Planning enabling act and the issued? Who issued it and when? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1924, Secretary Herbert Hoover, of the U.S. Department of Commerce, issued the Standard State Zoning Enabling Act. What was the first major US city to adopt a comp plan? Who produced it and when? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1925, The City of Cincinnati was the first major U.S. city to adopt a comprehensive plan, produced by Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe. When was the first National Planning Board created? When was it abolished? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1933, the first U.S. National Planning Board was created. It was later renamed the National Resources Planning Board and then abolished in 1943. Where and when was the first federally supported public housing built? Where was the first housing occupied? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1934, the first federally supported public housing was constructed in Cleveland, although the first to be occupied was located in Atlanta. What was the first state to introduce statewide zoning? When was it introduced, and when was it amended? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1961, Hawaii was the first state to introduce statewide zoning, which was later amended in 1978. Which US department released the first Standard City Planning Enabling Act? When, and who was the Secretary in charge? - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1928, the U.S. Department of Commerce, under Secretary Herbert Hoover, released the Standard City Planning Enabling Act. Who wrote How the other Half lives? When was it published and what did it influence? - CORRECT ANSWERS--How the Other Half Lives by Jacob Riis, published in 1890. This book resulted in housing reform in New York City. What book initiated the Garden City movement? Who wrote it and when was it published? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Tomorrow: A Peaceful Path to Real Reform by Ebenezer Howard, published in 1898. This book initiated the Garden City movement. create forest preserves by of the earliest preservation efforts. Yellowstone Park was granted as part of this act Forest Management Act, - CORRECT ANSWERS--1897 allowed the Secretary of the Interior to manage forest preserves. the regulated harvesting of timber, mining of mineral resources, and use of water on forest reservations may be permitted by the Secretary of the Interior. US Reclamation Act - CORRECT ANSWERS--1902- allowed the funds raised from the sale of public land in arid states to be used to construct water storage and irrigation systems.led to the eventual damming of nearly every major western river. Public Lands Commission - CORRECT ANSWERS--In 1903, President Theodore Roosevelt appointed the commission to propose rules for land development and management. Antiquities Act - CORRECT ANSWERS--1906-first law to provide federal protection for archaeological sites.allowed for the designation of National Monuments.created to protect prehistoric Indian ruins and artifacts.president can designate national monuments without congress approval. The Resettlement Administration - CORRECT ANSWERS--formed in 1935 to carry out experiments in population resettlement and land reform. The result was the development of Greenbelt towns. folded in January of 1937. brainchild of Rexford G. Tugwell in Franklin Roosevelt's administration. Serviceman's Readjustment Act - CORRECT ANSWERS--1944 commonly known as the GI Bill, guaranteed home loans to veterans. The result was the rapid development of suburbs. Resettlement Administration - CORRECT ANSWERS--Roosevelt-1935. This agency was responsible for the New Towns program which developed 0three cities based on Howard's (garden city) ideas: Greendale, Wisconsin- Greenhills, Ohio- and Greenbelt, Maryland. Additionally, 99 other new towns were planned. New Towns Act - CORRECT ANSWERS--1946- UK led to the development of dozen communities based on Howard's ideas Park Forest IL - CORRECT ANSWERS--following WWI - New town Alfred Bettman and Ladislas Segoe - CORRECT ANSWERS--Developed the Cincinnati Plan 1925. First comp plan ever McMillan Plan - CORRECT ANSWERS--plan for Washington DC - City Beautiful - 1901 The Regional Plan for New York and Environs - CORRECT ANSWERS--Between 1922 and 1929, the Regional Plan for New York and Environs was created. The plan focused on suburban development, highway construction, and suburban recreational facilities. Stein and Mumford were involved in the creation of the plan. U.S. Housing Act of 1954 - CORRECT ANSWERS--required cities to develop comprehensive plans and provided funding for planning under Section 701. problem - it led to the creation of plans for the purpose of acquiring federal funds rather than to truly plan for communities. first skyscraper - CORRECT ANSWERS--chicago 1885 first dept. store - CORRECT ANSWERS--salt lake city 1868 first subway - CORRECT ANSWERS--boston 1897 first comprehensive zoning ordinance - CORRECT ANSWERS--NYC 1916 ADT - CORRECT ANSWERS--Average Daily Traffic ADDT - CORRECT ANSWERS--Annual Daily Traffic VMT - CORRECT ANSWERS--Vehicle miles Traveled Principal Arterials - CORRECT ANSWERS--serve longer trips, carry the highest traffic volumes, carry a large percentage of the VMT on minimum mileage, Minor Arterials - CORRECT ANSWERS--interconnect the principal arterials, provide less mobility, Collectors - CORRECT ANSWERS--provide both land access and traffic circulation with residential, commercial, and industrial areas by collecting Local Streets - CORRECT ANSWERS--provide direct access to adjacent land and to the higher classified streets Orgin Destination Study - CORRECT ANSWERS--a detailed survey to estimate travel demands on a traffic system. Road blocks set up and motorists within the cordon area asked questions on where they are traveling to/from. Peek Hour/period - CORRECT ANSWERS--the highest volume of traffic in a day Level of Service - CORRECT ANSWERS--the ability of a road or street to accommodate traffic flow determines the level of service provided. Free flowing single-family residential - CORRECT ANSWERS--10 Vehicle Trips per Unit planned unit developments - CORRECT ANSWERS--8 Vehicle Trips per Unit duplexes and townhouses - CORRECT ANSWERS--7 Vehicle Trips per Unit apartments & condos - CORRECT ANSWERS--6 Vehicle Trips per Unit mobile homes - CORRECT ANSWERS--5.5 Vehicle Trips per Unit retirement homes - CORRECT ANSWERS--3.5 Vehicle Trips per Unit shopping center - CORRECT ANSWERS--Range of parking: 1:1000 to 5:1000 (spaces:Gross Leasable Area) office - CORRECT ANSWERS--Range of Parking: 1:2000 to 3:1000 (spaces:Gross Leasable Area) general office - CORRECT ANSWERS--1:300 (spaces:gross floor area) office & medical center - CORRECT ANSWERS--Range of Parking: 1:10 to 3:4 (spaces:employees) medical center - CORRECT ANSWERS--Range of Parking: 3:4 to 9:2 (spaces:beds) university/college - CORRECT ANSWERS--Range of Parking: 1:10 to 1:2 (spaces:students) university/college - CORRECT ANSWERS--Range of Parking: 4:5 (spaces:staff persons) hotel - CORRECT ANSWERS--Range of Parking needed: 1:5 to 3:2 (spaces:rooms) restaurant - CORRECT ANSWERS--Range of Parking Needed: 5:1000 to 25:1000 (spaces:Gross Leasable Area) resident - CORRECT ANSWERS--Range of Parking Needed: 1:5 to 2:1 (spaces:units) cross tabulation model - CORRECT ANSWERS--estimates trip generation rates based on land use type, purpose, or socioeconomic characteristics. gravity model - CORRECT ANSWERS--provides trip estimates based on proportional attractiveness of the zone and inversely proportional to the trip length. trip distribution - CORRECT ANSWERS--examines where people are going. Regions are divided into traffic zones (TZA)and data is provided on # of trips between zones. Modal Split - CORRECT ANSWERS--deals with how people get to where they want to go. car, bike, walk,bus Highway Capacity Manual - CORRECT ANSWERS--provides concepts, guidelines, & procedures for computing highway capacity. Level of Service (LOS) - CORRECT ANSWERS--ranges from A to F based on amount of congestion. A = freeflowing and F means heavily congested with reduced speeds and increased time to get through traffic signals. A right given by the owner of land to another party for specific limited use of that land. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Easement Legislation passed by the state legislature authorizing cities, towns, and villages to carry out functions in the public interest. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Enabling Act The legal right of government to acquire or "take" private property for public use or public purpose upon paying just compensation to the owner. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Eminent Domain Traditional as-of-right or self-executing zoning in which district regulations are explicit- residential, commercial, and industrial uses are segregated. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Euclidean Zoning A contribution or payment required as an authorized precondition for receiving a development permit. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Exaction A zoning district whose requirements are fully described in the text of the ordinance but which is unmapped. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Floating Zone Computer mapping system that produces multiple "layers" of graphic information about a community or region. - CORRECT ANSWERS--GIS Analysis used in transportation planning that eveluates the relationship between the force of attraction and the generation of vehicular trips. - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Gravity Model Broad statements of ideal future conditions that are desired by the communtiy and contained in the comprehensive plan. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Goals A business conducted in a residential dwelling unit that is incidental and subordinate to the primary residential use. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Home Occupation The effective taking or reduction in value of a property as a result of public action, in contrast to a direct taking through eminent domain. - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Inverse Condemnation A system of describing & identifying land by measures and direction from and identifiable point of reference. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Base and meridian An in-depth study that attempts to discover all the underlying economic factors that affect a community's growth or decline. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Economic Base Study A range of values that includes a certain populations parameter with a given probability. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Confidence Interval A technique developed to monitor the real pattern of money flows. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Input-Output Modeling A technically integrated and jurisdictionally coordinated transportation system with such features as freeway management systems, advanced traffic surveillance, signal control systems and similar. - CORRECT ANSWERS--ITS - Intelligent Transportation Systems Component of the General Plan that establishes land use goals and policies. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Land Use Element A region's percentage share of a particular activity with its percentage share of the local versus National Market. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Location Quotient Relatively free flow of traffic with little or no limitation on movement. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Level of Service A Steady flow of traffic with only slight delays in travel. Some limitations on speed and movement. All vehicles clear light in a single cycle. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Level of Service B Reasonable steady, high volume flow of traffic with some limitations on movement and speed, and occasional backups. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Level of Service C Traffic nears an unstable flow. Intersections still functional, but short queues develop and cars may have to wait through one cycles during short peaks. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Level of Service D Characterized by slow movement and frequent stoppages. Congestion is considered severe, but not uncommon at peak traffic hours, with frequent stopping, long standing queues and blocked intersections. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Level of Service E Unsatisfactory stop and go traffic characterized by traffic jams and stoppages of long duration. Cars usually have to wait through one or more signal cycles. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Level of Service F The process where one sets lower bounds for the various objectives that, if attained, will be "good enough" and then seeks a solution that will exceed these bounds. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Satisficing New development designed with the pedestrian in mind. - CORRECT ANSWERS-- TND or Traditional Neighborhood District Retrofitting of existing suburbs with new growth areas along pedestrian areas around public transportation hubs. - CORRECT ANSWERS--PP or Pedestrian Pockets A process in which general agreement is reached over a period of time people with divergent interests. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Concensus Building Effort of a third party, usually a single person to persuade disputants to come to an agreement. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Mediation Method of assessing project alternatives by wseighting alternatives according to citizen group goals. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Goals Achievement Matrix (GAM) Put planning related issue on ballot - challenges existing i.e. adopted plan - CORRECT ANSWERS--Referendum Used to facilitate meaningful discussions through a moderator - developed by Rand Corporation - CORRECT ANSWERS--Delphi Method To represent disadvantaged segments of population - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Advocacy Planning Planning approach for comprehensive plans, census in community,4 elements: goal setting-ID policy alternatives-eval means against ends- implement preferred alternative - CORRECT ANSWERS--Synoptic Rationality Use change one aspect of plan- known as "science of muddling through", short-term problems with little time and little money. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Incremental Planning Developed in 1960s to get public involved- planning by people for people- communituy meetings, quality of life not delivery of services. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Transactive Planning Planning that does not work, i.e. allow neighborhood to take over planning functions. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Radical Planning Solve Societys ills through physical planning, "Visionary", ie. Corbusiers "Contemporary City", Howards "Garden City", Burnhams "White City", Wrights "Broadacre City". - CORRECT ANSWERS--Utopianism Clear method used to achieve an undefined/unknown means e.g. zoning reviews, public hearings, bldg code appeals, GIS, subdivision reviews. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Methodism Rooted in agriculture most humanly valuable. T. Jefferson & Hector St John de Crevecoeur - CORRECT ANSWERS--Agrarian (1800s) total unrestricted competition in society ultimately benefits & individual hardships from competition essential to ultimate good of state. Exploit the poor... - CORRECT ANSWERS--Laissez Faire (1800s) Gov't involvement in public health & safety of worker. max standards, min hsg standards, light & air provisions. - CORRECT ANSWERS--Public Health (1800s) Beauty of public works projects to attract wealthy, pleasant life of poor, accessible to all men, create unifying civic pride. - CORRECT ANSWERS--City Beautiful (1900- 1920s) What is ZBB - CORRECT ANSWERS--Zero Based Budgeting. It is a budget process which assumes that the baseline budget each fiscal cycle is zero. Why is ZBB good for government? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Because it helps ensure that projects are still needed & helps prevent spending from spiraling out of control. What is a fiscal impact analysis? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Estimates the impact of a development or a land use change on the costs and revenues of governmental units serving the development. What does a fiscal impact analysis evaluate? - CORRECT ANSWERS--revenues, expenditures, land values¬タヤand characteristics of the development or land use change¬タヤe.g., type of land use, distance from central facilities. What is the benefit of a fiscal impact analysis - CORRECT ANSWERS--Estimates the difference between the costs of providing services to a new development and the revenues¬タヤtaxes and user fees, for example¬タヤthat will be generated by the development. What is a cohort survival or logitudinal study? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A study that evaluates the same group, with the same base trait (ie: birth date) for a long period of time. May be compared to another group representing a larger population universe. What is a shift-share study? - CORRECT ANSWERS--Land use study that evaluates the shift in a given issue's share (ie: population/employment) from one area to another. What is a cost-benefit analysis? - CORRECT ANSWERS--A management study that evaluates the benefits of a solution (including programatic & personnel) costs to the value / benefit of the outcome. Why is a cost-benefit analysis useful - CORRECT ANSWERS--Determine if a project/solution is worth implementing. Best way to solicit citzen input in plan making - CORRECT ANSWERS-- Neighborhood group leaders and citizen committees Most effective way to generate adequate citizen participation - CORRECT ANSWERS--Developing a multi-faceted public information program Common citizen surveys - CORRECT ANSWERS--Mailed-inexpensive but slow, telephone-fast,cheaper but some no phone & must have interviewers, in-person- works well but very expensive & could be bias. Charrette - CORRECT ANSWERS--Intensive interactive problem-solving process convened around development of specific plans. Experts within & outside community. Citizen Advisory Committee - CORRECT ANSWERS--Citizens groups presumed to represent the ideas and attitudes of local residents. Purpose to advise planning agency. Planners primary obligation - CORRECT ANSWERS--Serve the public interest Citizen referendum - CORRECT ANSWERS--Citizens vote their approval or disapproval of a public measure by official ballot. Delphi technique - CORRECT ANSWERS--Used to develop consensus between two or more groups that are in conflict. Develop goals & objectives. Group facilitation skills. Focus Groups - CORRECT ANSWERS--Representative sample of a community. Facilitated in an informal setting directed toward a specific subject. Ladder of Citizen Participation: Sherry R. Arnstein - CORRECT ANSWERS--Defines citizen participation in terms of amount of control citizens have over policy decision. without distribution of power citizen participation is "empty ritual". Factors are important to determining populaiton projections - CORRECT ANSWERS--Migration, birth rate, death rate Tiger file - CORRECT ANSWERS--Digital database of geographic features, such as roads, railroads, rivers, lakes, legal boundaries, census statistical boundaries, etc. covering the entire United States Cohort survival method of population projection - CORRECT ANSWERS--The study of a group by a specific characteristic (age, grade, income) increased by the rate that group survives onto the next year Housing Unit Method (HUM) - CORRECT ANSWERS--A process of using housing data for population projections Symptomatic indicators - CORRECT ANSWERS--Data series such as building permits that are reflective of population change and can be used in developing current population estimates Composite method for estimating populations - CORRECT ANSWERS--Takes various age groups and determines the estimate for each, then aggregates them together Constant share technique - CORRECT ANSWERS--Assumes that the portion of a sample's type (people, age, occupation, animal, etc..) in a given population/area will remain same over time Shift share technique - CORRECT ANSWERS--An projection for employment / population that takes into account the shift/movement of jobs & people from or to a community Flood Plain Map - CORRECT ANSWERS--A map that shows the vulnerability of a flood according to the 100 year flood Soil Map - CORRECT ANSWERS--A map showing the distribution of soil types or other soil mapping units in a relation to the prominent and cultural features of the earth¬タルs surface Soil Profile - CORRECT ANSWERS--A cross section of the earth's showing the makeup of the soil layers Agency responsible for soil map database - CORRECT ANSWERS--NRCS (National Resource Conservation Service) division of US Dept of Agricultarue Agency responsible for floodplain maps - CORRECT ANSWERS--FEMA USGS orthophoto - CORRECT ANSWERS--An aerial photograph that has been altered in such a way that the lens distortions are removed & so that it may be scaled for mapping purposes Scale of a USGS orthophoto - CORRECT ANSWERS--1:12,000 Electronic town meeting - CORRECT ANSWERS--Electronic tool used to gather public feedback on the WTC proposals USGS topographic map - CORRECT ANSWERS--Scales = uses 1:24,000, 1:25,000, 1:50,000, 1:100,000, 1:250,000 Only map to cover the entire US in detail - CORRECT ANSWERS--USGS topographic map First Year USGS topographic map produced - CORRECT ANSWERS--1879 Topographical map - CORRECT ANSWERS--A map that uses contour lines to portray the shape and elevation of the land. Topographic maps render the three- dimensional ups and downs of the terrain on a two-dimensional surface Information on Topographical map - CORRECT ANSWERS--Both natural and manmade features. Natural features include: mountains, valleys, plains, lakes, rivers, and vegetation. Man made features include roads, boundaries, , transmission lines, and major buildings. How many USGS topographic maps total? - CORRECT ANSWERS--55,000 Plan making - CORRECT ANSWERS--A three part process includes 1) Goals and visions, 2) Analysis of current problems, & 3 Creation of alternatives. Visioning - CORRECT ANSWERS--A process whereby citizens attend a series of meetings that provide the opportunity to offer input on how the community could be in the future.