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Download APEA 3P EXAM 2025 ACTUAL EXAM TEST BANK 350 QUESTION& CORRECT ANSWERS and more Exams Nursing in PDF only on Docsity! APEA 3P EXAM AND STUDY GUIDE ACTUAL EXAM TEST BANK COMPLETE 350 FREQUENTLY TESTED QUESTIONS AND CORRECT DETAILED ANSWERS (VERIFIED ANSWERS) | 2024-2025 GRADED A+ When performing a musculoskeletal examination, the nurse practitioner instructs the patient to move his arm in front of his body. The motion of the shoulder girdle would be an example of... Correct Answer Flexion To locate the twelfth rib, palpate... Correct Answer Between the spine and lateral chest Walking on the toes and heals may reveal... Correct Answer Distal muscular weakness in the legs When performing a bimanual exam of the vagina, the examiner should lubricate the index and middle fingers of the gloved hand. From a standing position, the fingers should be inserted into the vagina while exerting pressure primarily... Correct Answer posteriorly During pregnancy, which hormone results in increased blood viscosity? Correct Answer Erythropoietin Resting tremors refer to those tremors that disappear Correct Answer with voluntary movement A patient presents with complaints of bright red stools over the past week. This symptom could be consistent with... Correct Answer Cancer of the sigmoid colon Mydriasis is a term used to describe Correct Answer Dilation of the pupils When performing a musculoskeletal exam on a patient with mechanical low back pain, osteoporosis is expected. Positive findings include all of the following except... Correct Answer Calf wasting Which stage of pressure is consistent with findings on dermatologic examination of a full thickness tissue loss and subcutaneous fat visible with mild slough on the right hip? Correct Answer Stage III(Three) The vertebral column angles sharply posteriorly and becomes immovable at the... Correct Answer Lumbosacral junction Which one of the following is at the HIGHEST risk of suicide? Correct Answer A 52-year-old white man When auscultating heart sounds arising from the aortic valve in an adult patient, place the stethoscope... Correct Answer Between the 2nd and 3rd intercostal spaces at the right upper sternal border Which of the following tests for hearing loss can detect both sensorineural and conductive hearing los? Correct Answer Weber Test Located on the anterior aspect of the distal femur, the patella slides on this groove during flexion and extension of the knee. The name of this groove is the... Correct Answer Trochlear groove An 86-year-old man with uncontrolled hypertension presents with sudden, intense left lower abdominal pain that radiates to the back. The pain is associated with a tearing sensation. These findings are most likely associated with... Correct Answer An abdominal aortic aneurysm Men between the ages of 40 and 64 years should be screened early for... Correct Answer Hypertension A term used to describe drainage from the nose is... Correct Answer rhinorrhea Tenderness over the scapulohumeral muscle group with the inability to abduct the arm over the shoulder level would be consistent with all of the following except... Correct Answer Synovitis of the glenohumeral joint In the older adult, the test for leg mobility is known as the... Correct Answer Timed "get up and go" test The groove of the metacarpophalangeal joint can be palpated by having the patient... Correct Answer Flex their hand/spread their fingers When auscultating breath sounds in a patient who has left sided heart failure, the breath sounds are... Correct Answer Vesicular with late inspiratory crackles in the dependent portions of the lungs and resonant on percussion The ankle-brachial index is a screening test used to assess a person's risk for... Correct Answer Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) Olecranon bursitis maybe caused by all of the following except... Correct Answer Frozen shoulder In patients who have allergic rhinitis, the nasal mucosa appears... Correct Answer pale A term used to describe an increase in muscular bulk with diminished strength is... Correct Answer Pseudohypertrophy If abdominal pain persists when the patient raises his head and shoulders, the origin of the tenderness is probably... Correct Answer In the abdominal wall On auscultation of the abdomen, rushes of high-pitched sounds are audible and coincide with abdominal cramps. These findings are most consistent with... Correct Answer Intestinal obstruction Ophthalmoscopic examination of the fundus reveals tiny, round, red spots in and around the macular area. These findings are consistent with... Correct Answer microaneurysms Symptoms of subdural hematoma include... Correct Answer Noticeable bleeding between the dura and cerebrum on x-ray On examination of the adult patient, symptoms of fixed posture, tremor, rigidity, and shuffling gait are observed. These findings are consistent with... Correct Answer Parkinson's Disease When discussing the musculoskeletal system, all of the following statements related to articular structure disease are true except which one? Correct Answer Articular disease is usually due to stiffness or pain Focal tenderness over the trochanter confirms... Correct Answer Bursitis Assessing the neurological status of a child with a ventriculoperitoneal shunt should include... Correct Answer Use of the Glasgow coma scale The NP is examining the elbow of a 16-year-old male athlete. When he tries to extend his wrist against resistance. This finding is most consistent with... Correct Answer Lateral epicondylitis Which examination finding is defined as a congenital ventral displacement of the meatus on the penis? Correct Answer Hypospadias Bowel sounds may be increased in the presence of... Correct Answer Early intestinal obstruction Eversion of the upper eyelid can be performed by placed the cotton application on the upper lid above the level of the internal tarsal plates and then... Correct Answer gently pushing down with the stick and lifting the lashes up and flipping the lid inside out Anticipatory guidance for the family of a pre-adolescent with cognitive impairment should be include information about... Correct Answer Sexual development Assymetry, irregular borders, variation in color, diameter greated than 6mm, and elevation represent the "ACBDE"s of... Correct Answer Malignant melanoma When performing a spinal exam, the NP noted the appearance of poor posure and a "hump" appearance of the upper back. This finding could be suggestive of... Correct Answer Thoracic Kyphosis The area where the iliac crest terminates anteriorly on the ilium is known as the... Correct Answer Anterior superior iliac spine Following injury to the extremities, assessment for neurovascular competency should include the... Correct Answer Skin color, temperature, movement, and sensation of the extremity A patient is experiencing a dull, achy pain in the epigastric are with eating. This type of pain is consistent with... Correct Answer A gastric ulcer Which of the following conditions is NOT related to polyuria? Correct Answer Hyperkalemic nephropathy When examining the elbow for range of motion, the NP instructs the patient to turn his palm upward. This motion is an example of... Correct Answer Supination The forward slippage of one vertebrae resulting in spinal cord compression is referred to as... Correct Answer Spondylythosis Skin conditions such as pruritis, hyperpigmentation, and calciphylaxis may be seen in patients who have... Correct Answer Chronic renal failure The extension of the spine of the scapula located at the highest point of the shoulder is referred to as the... Correct Answer Acromion process A 60-year-old patient with severe, deep left eye pain. Findings reveal dilated and fixed left pupil and the cornea is cloudy. There is no ocular discharge noted. These findings are most likely consistent with... Correct Answer Acute angle closure glaucoma A patient has a papule with an ulcerated center on the lower lid and medial canthus of the eye. This is consistent with... Correct Answer Basal cell carcinoma Patients with prior hypospadias surgery who develop slow and painful urination as well as prostatitis are experiencing symptoms of... Correct Answer urethral stricture Which substance used during pregnancy accounts for one third of all low-birth-weight infants, placental abruption, and preterm labor? Correct Answer Tobacco When screening for bladder cancer in a primary care setting, the test that would be LEAST appropriate is... Correct Answer Cystoscopy The axioscapular group of muscles include which of the following? Correct Answer Trapezius A mental health condition characterized by over-the-top behavior such as emotional outbursts, noisy displays of When screening for scoliosis, assessment should include... Correct Answer Observing the back when the child is bending forward In a female diagnosed with first-degree uterine prolapse, the cervix... Correct Answer has slipped but is well within the vagina The part of the brain that relays sensory information between brain regions and controls many autonomic functions of the peripheral nervous system is known as the... Correct Answer Diencephalon During assessment of the thyroid, the nurse practitioner notes localized tenderness over the ankle joint. This could be suggestive of... Correct Answer Legamentous injury Women with hyperthyroidism often experience... Correct Answer Oligomenorrhea, infrequent menstrual periods While auscultating the patients heart, a medium, soft murmur is audible. It is pansystolic and heard loudest at the apex with radiation to the left axilla. These findings are consistent with... Correct Answer Mitral regurgitation A 26-year-old man with a past medication history of sickle cell disease arrives at the office with complaints of a penile erection that has lasted 4 hours. He is experiencing symptoms of... Correct Answer low-flow Priapism On ophthalmoscopic examination, glaucomatous cupping appears... Correct Answer Pale Hairy leukoplakia may be associated with... Correct Answer AIDS To estimate the expected delivery date (EDD) using Nagele's rule, if the last menses was March 3, 2014, the EDD would be... Correct Answer December 10th, 2015 The infraorbital or maxillary, buccinator, and submandibular lymph nodes drain lymphatic fluid from the... Correct Answer Eyelids, the conjunctiva, and the skin and mucous membranes of the nose and cheek A whitish sebaceous secretion that collects between the glans and the foreskin or in the vulva is known as... Correct Answer smegma The bony structures of the shoulder include all of the following except... Correct Answer Teres minor Murmurs audible during pregnancy may suggest... Correct Answer Anemia A fine rhythmic oscillation of the eyes is termed... Correct Answer nystagmus The whispered voice test allows the examiner to screen for... Correct Answer General hearing loss A patient experienced a neck injury yesterday and presents to the NP with aching paracervical pain and stiffness. Other complaints include dizziness, malaise, and fatigue. These findings may be associated with... Correct Answer Mechanical neck pain and whiplash When evaluating a patient for weakness of the upper extremities, bilateral distal pain is noted. This finding could be suggestive of... Correct Answer Polyneuropathy Fasciculations in atrophic muscles suggest... Correct Answer A lower motor neuron disease The nerve that provides sensation to the palm and palmar surface of the most of the thumb, second, and third fingers, and half of the fourth digit is the... Correct Answer Median nerve Stools that appear black, tarry, and sticky are referred to as... Correct Answer Melena A patient with cirrhosis develops portal hypertension as indicated by the presence of... Correct Answer Splenomegaly Which of the following is considered an extrinsic risk factor for falls in the older adult? Correct Answer Psychoactive medications When examining the ankle and the foot of a patient, the NP instructs the patient to point the foot toward the veiling. This motion assesses... Correct Answer Ankle extension Ophthalmoscopic examination of the retina reveals AV tapering. This appears as if the... Correct Answer vein 'winds' down on either side of the artery The concavities noted on each side and above the patella are known as the... Correct Answer Negative infrapatellar space The lymphatic ducts drain into the ... Correct Answer venous system A swollen deviated uvula may be associated with a... Correct Answer Peritonsillar abscess A patient complains of some pain in the distal portions of the fingers on both hands. She states that it tends to occur more frequently with exposure to cold. These symptoms may be consistent with.. Correct Answer Raynaud's disease When examining the elbow for range of motion, the NP instructs the patient to straighten his elbow. This motion is an example of... Correct Answer Extension The patellar tendon continues below the knee joint and inserts distally on the... Correct Answer Tibial tuberosity The hilar region of the lungs describes the area... Correct Answer Around the heart Physical signs associated with cervical myelopathy from cervical cord compression include... Correct Answer Neck flexion with resulting sensation of electrical shock radiating down the spine Peritoneal inflammation produces abdominal pain and tenderness. What technique can be used to assess a tender abdomen suspected to be secondary to peritoneal inflammation? Correct Answer Ask the patient to cough prior to palpation To evaluate a patient's response to a vibration sensation, the NP would ask for the patient to identify... Correct Answer The sensation when the tuning fork is placed on the big toe What headache sign does not warrant an immediate investigation? Correct Answer relieved with use of common analgesics During a migraine, what happens to the cerebral arteries? Correct Answer They dilate You are evaluating a 15 year old patient for bipolar disorder. His parents tell you that he has severe mood swings, is easily distracted, and constantly corrects his teachers. You would have a high suspicious for bipolar if which symptom is present? Correct Answer He sleeps less than 4 hours nightly Which risk factor is not associated with breast cancer? Correct Answer Low socioeconomic status A 26 year old woman with bulimia is likely to be: Correct Answer of average weight What medication is used to relieve acute wheezing in a patient with asthma? Correct Answer short acting beta agonist You are evaluating an 80 year old patient for recent episodes of incontinence and confusion. His family states that this is unusual for him and he has become increasingly forgetful over the past two weeks. Which medication might be responsible for this? Correct Answer Tagamet (cimetidine) What suggests hyperandrogenism in an adolescent female? Correct Answer hirsutism Which is a synovial joint? Correct Answer Shoulder A 67 year old woman with atrial fibrillation and an ejection fraction of 48% is on digoxin and has had normal digoxin levels of 0.8-2 ng/dL for the past 9 months. Today, the level is 0.4 ng/dL. What could account for this change? Correct Answer Regular use of an antacid Which symptom is most associated with testicular torsion? Correct Answer testicular pain A clinical breast exam should include palpation at the tail of Spence. Where is this located? Correct Answer Laterally across the anterior axillary fold Which area does not drain to the right lymph duct? Correct Answer the right leg Which presentation is most suspicious for penile cancer? Correct Answer a nontender, indurated penile nodule What is important to consider before prescribing metronidazole for giardiasis? Correct Answer whether the patient drinks alcohol In which condition would the use of triptans for migraine headaches be contraindicated? Correct Answer hypertension Which is a true statement about varicose veins? Correct Answer they are more symptomatic during ovulation When measuring the fundal height of a pregnant woman at 32 weeks, which measurement would prompt the nurse practitioner to suspect fetal growth restriction? Correct Answer 29 cm What is the term for excess fluid that accumulates in the pleural cavity between the visceral and parietal spaces? Correct Answer pleural effusion What pathogen is associated with common UTIs? Correct Answer E. Coli Which medication inhibits blood coagulation by selectively blocking the active site of factor X-a? Correct Answer Eliquis (apixaban) Which is a contraindication for menopausal estrogen replacement therapy in a 55 year old woman? Correct Answer current or past migraine headaches During abdominal exam, which sound over the bulging area of the abdomen would indicate ascitic fluid? Correct Answer dullness What is a typical finding in a patient with a meniscal tear? Correct Answer positive McMurray's test What is the most common presenting symptom of a woman with trichomoniasis? Correct Answer vaginal discharge What is the single dose treatment for chlamydia? Correct Answer zithromax (azithromycin) 1 g po What is the mechanism of action of prostaglandin E1 in a patient with transposition of the great arteries? Correct Answer to produce vasodilation and adequate oxygen saturation How do 5-alpha reductase inhibitors work to reduce the symptoms of BPH? Correct Answer decrease the size of the prostate Which condition is best treated by using alpha adrenergic antagonists? Correct Answer overflow incontinence What should not be prescribed for migraine prophylaxis in a 42 year old woman? Correct Answer amitriptyline (elavil) How would a 60 year old man typically describe prostate pain? Correct Answer located in the perineum What is the most common characteristic among patients with migraine headache? Correct Answer family history Which patient would be at highest risk for contracting TB? Correct Answer a low income immigrant Which is not a location of pain associated with kidney and ureter disorders? Correct Answer suprapubic Which medication is appropriate for a woman with bladder sphincter dysfunction and stress incontinence? Correct Answer Urispas (flavoxate) Which condition is associated with chronic, bloody diarrhea? Correct Answer Crohn's disease liveborn twins, and an 8 week elective abortion? Correct Answer G4 T1 P1 A1 L3 The right lymphatic ducts drain into what part of the circulatory system? Correct Answer venous What is the most likely presenting symptom in a pediatric patient with croup? Correct Answer a barking cough Which medication targets postprandial glucose by blocking its transport across the intestine into the bloodstream? Correct Answer acarbose (precose) Which type of insulin will help to reduce nocturnal hypoglycemia? Correct Answer long-acting What symptoms in a college student living in a dorm would be suspicious for atypical community acquired pneumonia? Correct Answer low grade fever, malaise, and crackles audible throughout the lung fields How would you describe the lesions of condyloma accuminata in a male patient? Correct Answer multiple papular lesions with a verrucous appearance What is the biggest side effect of colchicine? Correct Answer diarrhea How would you describe the appearance of molluscum contagiosum? Correct Answer papules that are umbilicated and contain a caseous plug How do we treat a broken clavicle in an infant? Correct Answer no treatment; it should heal on it's own At what week of pregnancy is the uterus palpable just above the pubic symphysis? Correct Answer week 12 At what week of pregnancy is the fundus palpable halfway between the pubic symphysis and umbilicus? Correct Answer week 16 At what week of pregnancy is the fundus of the uterus at the umbilicus? Correct Answer week 20 At what week of pregnancy is the fundus of the uterus halfway between the xiphoid process and umbilicus? Correct Answer week 28 At what week of pregnancy is the fundus just below the xiphoid process? Correct Answer week 34 Increased sweat production is a sign of what endocrine disorder? Correct Answer hyperthyroidism What is Paget's disease? Correct Answer there is localized increased bone turnover and blood flow resulting in the breakdown of bone and replacing it with weakened and highly vascular bone putting the indiv at increased risk of fractures How do we treat Paget's diseease? Correct Answer bisphosphonates How should pregnant women wear their seatbelt? Correct Answer with the shoulder strap like a normal person and then the groin strap below the belly and across the hips What is another name for fifth disease? Correct Answer parvovirus aka slapped cheek disease aka erythema infectiosum Which type of prevention are vaccinations? Correct Answer primary When should patients begin antiretroviral therapy for HIV infection? Correct Answer as soon as it is detected, even if in the acute phase What are the first generation antihistamines? Correct Answer diphenhydramine (benadryl) and chlorpeniramine (actifed) What are s/s of the secondary stage of syphilis? Correct Answer rash on hands and feet, lymphadenopathy, fever What is the recommended treatment for chronic bacterial prostatitis? Correct Answer a fluoroquinolone (cipro or levo) + bactrim What is the recommended treatment for acute prostatitis? Correct Answer cipro (if not STI related) or ceftriaxone If a patient's INR is greater than 5, what should you do? Correct Answer consult cards, likely would hold two doses then decrease the weekly dose An anorexic patient will have a BMI of what? Correct Answer less than 18 What is primary amenorrhea? Correct Answer when the patient has never gotten their period before (there is an absence of menarche) but they have all of their secondary sex characteristics Secondary amenorrhea is a lack of menses after _________ of not having a period; but you have had one before Correct Answer 3 months What do we need to do first when a patient comes in with secondary amenorrhea? Correct Answer rule out pregnancy Anorexia can put you at risk for what? Correct Answer osteoporosis, amenorrhea, cardiac damage Amenorrhea is considered a risk factor for what? Correct Answer osteoporosis What is the best indication of an anorexic patient doing better? They tell you they are eating more, they have weight gain, or they get their period back? Correct Answer they get their period back If a pregnant woman has syphilis, what should we do? Correct Answer treat it with penicillin while she is pregnant because there is risk for spontaneous abortion What is the causative organism of mastitis? Correct Answer staph What is the first line treatment for mastitis? Correct Answer keflex (a cephalosporin). If that doesn't work, then try another antibiotic. If that STILL doesn't work, then refer for an ultrasound What is one of the biggest risk factors for cervical cancer? Correct Answer numerous sexual partners Preeclampsia most commonly shows up at what time in pregnancy? Correct Answer around week 20 How do we treat UTIs in a pregnant woman? Correct Answer can either do penicillin, cephalosporin, or a macrolide (can NOT do doxy or a fluoroquinolone) When do fibrocystic breasts tend to flare up and cause tenderness and lumps? Correct Answer about 10 days before menses What can be a sequelae of an ectopic pregnancy? Correct Answer pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility due to scarring of the fallopian tube (salpingitis) What is the Coomb's test and when is this completed? Correct Answer test given 8 weeks in to pregnancy to determine a woman's RH compatibility If a patient's Coomb's test is positive, what do we do? Correct Answer nothing, she is RH positive so we do not need to treat If a patient's Coomb's test is negative, what do we do? Correct Answer give rhogam at 28 weeks and 72 hours after birth What is the only form of non-hormonal contraception other than barrier methods such as condoms? Correct Answer IUD The vaginal ring for contraception must be taken out how often? Correct Answer every 3 weeks If a patient is on birth control and is currently having breakthrough bleeding, then what do we do? Correct Answer increase the progesterone How do we treat temporal arteritis? Correct Answer steroids If a patient is on birth control and they miss one pill, what should they do? Correct Answer double up If a patient is on birth control and they miss two pills, what should they do? Correct Answer double up for 2 days What is the trendelenburg sign and when is it positive? Correct Answer when the patient is standing straight and the pelvis on the unaffected side drops; this is a sign of a slipped capital femoral epiphysis What is the main characteristic of a slipped capital femoral epiphysis? Correct Answer walking with a limp SCFE is most common in which patient population? Correct Answer adolescents What is legg-calve-perthe disease? Correct Answer avascular necrosis of the femoral head due to a lack of blood supply Legg-calve-perthes disease is most common in which patient population? Correct Answer young children What is the radiographic study of choice for the knee? Correct Answer MRI What is the radiographic study of choice for the back? Correct Answer x ray What is bursitis? Correct Answer a fluid collection in the bursa of a joint How is bursitis treated? Correct Answer a needle to instill intraarticular steroids and then pull off fluid Bursitis can be a __________ issue Correct Answer recurrent The medical term for knock knees Correct Answer genu valgum The medical term for bow legs Correct Answer genu varum What is myasthenia gravis? Correct Answer an autoimmune disorder that causes muscle weakness of the voluntary muscles Genu valgum is caused by a problem with what? Correct Answer the medial collateral ligament; think valgum as in gum makes your knees stick together Genu varum is caused by a problem with what? Correct Answer the lateral collateral ligament What are shin splints? Correct Answer a medial tibial syndrome caused by overuse of the muscles How do we treat shin splints? Correct Answer rest and avoidance of exercise until the pain resolves What is the tell-tale difference between a herniated disc and sciatica? Correct Answer sciatica feels better when you stand, a herniated disc feels better when you sit down When will spinal or lumbar stenosis feel better? Correct Answer when the patient sits down What is Korsakoff syndrome? Correct Answer a deficiency in thiamine and folate caused by alcoholism What changes to the vagina occur with aging? Correct Answer dryness, loss of rugae, less pubic hair What is a navicular fracture? Correct Answer also known as a scaphoid fracture; this impacts the snuff box and causes tenderness there. This will have to be casted to stabilize the fracture Heberden and bouchard's nodes are indicative of what disease process? What about swan neck deformities? Correct Answer osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis What is Morton's neuroma? Correct Answer a mass between the 3rd and 4th toes that feels like a pebble; most common in women who wear high heels or tight shoes How is Morton's neuroma diagnosed? Correct Answer via a positive Muddler's or squeeze test causing pain What is the hook test? Correct Answer used to assess for a bicep tendon issue How do we treat any rotator cuff injuries? Correct Answer wear a sling to stabilize the arm and refer to ortho When can cervical cancer screening stop if no abnormal screening history is present? Correct Answer age 65 When should breast cancer screening begin and end with a biannual mammogram? Correct Answer age 50-74 When should colorectal cancer screening stop? Correct Answer age 85 Who qualifies for a low dose CT scan for lung cancer screening purposes? Correct Answer age 50-80 years anyone who currently smokes or has stopped smoking within the last 5 years What does an ASC-US (atypical squamos cells of undetermined significance) pap smear result necessitate? Correct Answer Do HPV testing with this. If positive, repeat in one year if age 21-24 or send for colposcopy if older than 25. If negative, repeat pap in 3 years. Which pap smear result is considered to be HPV positive? Correct Answer LSIL If a patient has LSIL with a negative HPV test, what would you do? Correct Answer repeat in 1 year If a patient has LSIL with no HPV test or a positive HPV test, what should you do? Correct Answer refer for colposcopy If a patient's pap results show NILM, what should you do? Correct Answer repeat in 3 years If a patient's pap results show ASC-H or HSIL what should you do? Correct Answer refer for colposcopy The valgus stress test assesses what? Correct Answer the medial collateral ligament The varus stress test assesses what? Correct Answer the lateral collateral ligament The Lachman's test assesses what? Correct Answer the ACL The McMurray's test assesses for what? Correct Answer a torn meniscus The anterior drawer test assesses what? Correct Answer the acl The posterior drawer test assesses what? Correct Answer the posterior cruciate ligament (pcl) a normal rise in blood sugar as a person's body prepares to wake up due to a release of cortisol and growth hormone Correct Answer dawn phenomenon How can you tell between the dawn and somogyi effect? Correct Answer If the blood sugar level is low at 2 a.m. to 3 a.m., suspect the Somogyi effect. If the blood sugar level is normal or high at 2 a.m. to 3 a.m., it's likely the dawn phenomenon.