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BSc Games Technology: Learning Goals and Structure, Exercises of Technology

Information about the BSc Games Technology program offered by UWE. It outlines the specific aims of the program, the educational aims, and the learning outcomes. The document also details the modules and awards at each level, as well as the modes of delivery and assessment. Students can expect to gain skills in game design, implementation, and project management, with a focus on practical work and the use of various software tools.

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Download BSc Games Technology: Learning Goals and Structure and more Exercises Technology in PDF only on Docsity! ACADEMIC SERVICES PROGRAMME SPECIFICATION Part 1: Basic Data Awarding Institution UWE Teaching Institution UWE Delivery Location UWE Faculty responsible for programme Environment and Technology Department responsible for programme Computer Science and Creative Technologies Modular Scheme Title FET Professional Statutory or Regulatory Body Links TIGA Highest Award Title BSc(Hons) Games Technology Default Award Title Interim Award Titles BSc Games Technology Dip HE Games Technology Cert HE Games Technology UWE Progression Route n/a Mode(s) of Delivery Full time and Sandwich Codes UCAS: G611 UCAS: ISIS2: G611 ISIS2: Relevant QAA Subject Benchmark Statements Computing CAP Approval Date Feb 2014 v1.1, June 2015 v1.2, February 2016 v1.3, Jan 2017 v2 Valid From September 2012 Periodic Curriculum Review June 2013 Valid until Date June 2019 Version 2 Part 2: Educational Aims of the Programme The BSc(Hons) Games Technology has the following general aims: 1. To enable students to embark upon professional careers by developing problem- solving and other transferrable skills. 2. To enable students to work effectively and productively as a member of a team. Part 2: Educational Aims of the Programme 3. To develop study skills that will enable students to become independent, lifelong learners. 4. To prepare students for progressing to study for higher degrees in computing and digital media. 5. To encourage the discerning use of reference material from a variety of sources. The BSc (Hons) Games Technology has the following specific aims: 1. To provide skills in the design and implementation of computer games, including an understanding of the mathematical and technological principles required, as well as an exploration of the creative potential presented within the development of electronic games, and the cultural and technological contexts out of which they arise. 2. To provide practical skills in computer games development, including high and low level programming for a variety of deployment environments, such as dedicated consoles, desktop computers and mobile devices. 3. To develop the students’ ability to make efficient, innovative and robust contributions to companies engaged in the development of computer games entertainment and related digital media. 4. To develop the students’ understanding of the importance and mechanisms of project management, and associated tools, within computing, with particular reference to the development of computer games. Part 3: Learning Outcomes of the Programme The award route provides opportunities for students to develop and demonstrate knowledge and understanding, qualities, skills and other attributes in the following areas: Learning Outcomes Teaching, Learning and Assessment Strategies A Knowledge and Understanding A Knowledge and understanding of: 1. Historical and cultural perspectives of computer game development, including principles and applications of games design, interactivity and user involvement, and related supporting technologies. 2. The mathematical foundations of computer games in 2D and 3D, and techniques used to simulate physical events. 3. Software design concepts, programming languages, methods, notations and algorithms, as applicable in modern Computer Games Teaching/learning methods and strategies: Throughout the programme there is a strong emphasis on coupling theory with practice, and all modules have a strong emphasis on studio and/or other practical classroom work. Knowledge and understanding is typically developed initially by giving students the opportunity to implement examples of concepts listed on the left, progressing to more free-form synthesis and implementation of own ideas at levels two and three. The development of knowledge in many of the areas listed pervades the entire programme; nonetheless, specific examples Part 3: Learning Outcomes of the Programme one, continuing through Play & Games at level two, and culminating in Audiovisual Production and Commercial Games Development in the final year. Throughout the programme, the learner is encouraged to undertake independent reading (suggested via module indicative reading lists and staff recommendation) and development to supplement and consolidate what is being taught and learnt to both broaden and deepen their understanding of the overall discipline. NB. It is important to note that sound software development principles and practices are taught throughout, with a firm grounding in modern software engineering, providing transferrable skills in the wider disciplines of Computing/Computer Science/Software Engineering. Assessment: All outcomes are assessed in core modules, through a variety of methods including:  Projects  Exams  Portfolio assignments  Coursework assignments  Presentations  Essays  Vivas B Intellectual Skills B Intellectual Skills Students on this programme will develop their intellectual skills in areas of: 1. Critical thinking 2. Analysis 3. Synthesis of different types of information 4. Evaluation 5. Problem solving 6. Appreciate problem contexts 7. Balance conflicting objectives 8. Creative and interpretive thinking Teaching/learning methods and strategies: Programmes in the general areas of Computer Science and Creative Technologies readily lend themselves to the development of the cognitive skills listed on the left. The central focus of this programme is the development of design and implementation skills relating to the development of Computer Games, requiring students to consider games scenarios and devise solutions that meet associated requirements and constraints throughout. In year 1, the contexts presented are typically well-bounded and defined by the tutor in Part 3: Learning Outcomes of the Programme charge of the module in which it occurs. Advancing through the programme, students are required to be increasingly self-directed, moving towards confidently dealing with problems with conflicting requirements, the resolution of which they need to evaluate and justify. At all levels students are required to synthesise (3) the knowledge and skills required in a range of modules to determine new ways of working. The extent of this progressively increases from level 1, where significant guidance is offered in the process; to year 3, where students are expected to more independently draw on all of their current and previous learning to undertake extensive individual and group projects. At level 1 Analysis (2), Evaluation (4) and Problem Solving (5) are developed through solving small-scale problems across a number of modules. The focus is on conceptual understanding of a problem, its practical solution largely free from the complications and constraints of large-scale projects within commercial environments. This allows students to initially address these issues without the need for in depth examinations of alternative strategies or having to balance conflicting goals. At level 2 there is a move away from small- scale problems to the design of larger systems. With this comes the need to evaluate (4) alternative methods and designs and to balance potentially conflicting objectives (7). Level 3 sees the move to specific application examples, many demonstrating the types of problems and pressures that may be faced in a commercial/professional environment. With these, the ability to appreciate problems contexts (6) and practice creative and interpretive thinking (8) is developed, as well as the skills to strike an appropriate balance when facing conflicting requirements and objectives (7). Assessment: Games development requires demonstration Part 3: Learning Outcomes of the Programme of all of the intellectual skills. At level 1 the focus in coursework assessment, undertaken in a number of modules, is on the skills of Analysis (2), Evaluation (4) and Problem Solving (5). At levels 2 and 3 the emphasis grows to include all the remaining skills. Many of the coursework assessments and exam papers include elements of programming work. Independent reading is used to enable students to focus on their own areas of interest and in the process assess skills 1-4 in the submitted reports, essays and exam answers. Design-work, even when not implemented in a programming language, requires demonstration of skills 1,2,5,6,7 and a number of coursework assessments, project reports and exam questions are devoted to such work. C Subject, Professional and Practical Skills C Subject, Professional and Practical Skills Students will be able to: 1. Create high and low-level game designs corresponding to stated requirements. 2. Interpret game designs to form technical requirements and design code/software that meets them. 3. Write high and low-level games code that fulfill a given design. 4. Utilise professional standard tools and practices throughout the development process, to design, compile, debug, test, profile/optimise, package and quality assure their products. 5. Have a working knowledge of the fundamental mathematics underpinning the development of computer games. 6. Apply a range of techniques from key areas to games development, including: Teaching/learning methods and strategies: By and large, conceptual frameworks and principles are initially delivered through lectures, and further explored in practical, studio-based sessions, with a focus around points 1 - 5 in the list. Progressing through the award, however, there is an increased emphasis on individual and group project work, gathering pace at level 2 and culminating with a range of project modules in the final year, introducing and enhancing, respectively, the skills in points 6 - 8. The delivery of 9 runs throughout the award, with an initial focus on small-scale principles developing into large-scale practices in the final year. Assessment: The possession of these skills is demonstrated by the development of practical pieces of coursework (game and software design, and implementation) and by examination. Skills 1, 2, 3, and 9 form an integral part of Part 3: Learning Outcomes of the Programme  Case studies are used to explore design and implementation issues with students.  Students practice design and programming.  Students design and develop components of large systems.  Students make use of extensive existing software libraries to produce technical demonstrations, tools and games for a range of target platforms.  Students analyse apparently conflicting requirements and devise suitable solutions. 5. Problem formulation skills are developed through a variety of methods and strategies including the following:  Students develop problem- solving algorithms and programs.  Students decompose game development scenarios into appropriate games and technical design components.  Students practice games and software design and programming. 6. Progression to independent learning is developed through a variety of methods and strategies including the following:  Students are encouraged to research relevant topics.  Students are encouraged to use the library, journals and trade literature, the internet and other online facilities to discover information and broaden their knowledge.  Students are encouraged to articulate and reflect upon their own ideas and experiences.  Students negotiate the content and structures of their individual and group projects and portfolios with academic staff and individual tutors.  Students are encouraged to Part 3: Learning Outcomes of the Programme develop their own technical demos, tools, and games outside of taught sessions. 7. Comprehension of professional literature is developed through a variety of methods and strategies including the following:  Students are introduced to key texts, and encouraged to utilise other relevant discipline specific literature available online and through the library.  Material is recommended to the students in module syllabi and by tutors.  Students are required to research and refer to appropriate literature in assignments as well as individual and group projects. Assessment: Communication skills are assessed by a mix of examination, coursework, essays, presentations and group and individual project reports. Other skills are assessed through a number of similar instruments including the following:  Individual and group projects  Practical assignments  Portfolios of exercises In addition, self-management skills are assessed by both peers and tutors through a range of additional activity such as personal tutor sessions throughout the course. Part 4: Programme Structure This structure diagram demonstrates the student journey from Entry through to Graduation for a full time student, including:level and credit requirements;interim award requirements;module diet, including compulsory and optional modules ENTRY Y e a r 1 Compulsory Modules Games Development Evolution (UFCFF5-30-1) Entertainment Software Development (UFCFWA-30-1) Principles of 3D Environments (UFCFY4-30-1) Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (UFCFD3-30-1) Optional Modules None Interim Awards Certificate of Higher Education in Games Technology 120 credits, of which not less than 100 are at Level 1 or above Y e a r 2 Compulsory Modules Low Level Programming (UFCFXG-30-2) Play & Games (UFCFC6-30-2) Game Engine Architecture (UFCFAM-15-2) Game Level Design (UFCF8M-15-2) Optional Modules Game Engine Programming (UFCF9M-30-2) Or Gameplay Programming (UFCF7M-30-2) Interim Awards Diploma of Higher Education in Games Technology 240 credits, of which not less than 100 are at Level 2 or above and a further 120 are at Level 1 or above. Year Out: Students on the Sandwich route complete a placement year. For students completing the optional industrial placement Audiovisual Production (UFCFD6-30-3) is replaced by Mobile Development (UFCFX5-15-3) and Professional Experience (UFCFE6-15- 3) in year 3. Y e a r 3 Compulsory Modules Audiovisual Production (UFCFD6-30-3) Commercial Games Development (UFCFM4-30-3) Advanced Technologies (UFCFW3-30-3) Creative Technologies Project (UFCFS4-30-3) Optional Modules UFCFE6-15-3 Professional Experience (studied during placement year) OR UFCFWJ-15-3 International Experience OR UFCFVJ-15-3 Professional Development (taken with UFCFX5-15- 3 Mobile Device Development in place of UFCFD6-30-3 Audiovisual Production) Interim Awards BSc Games Technology 300 credits with at least 60 credits at level 3, plus a further 100 credits at level 2 or above and a further 120 credits at level 1 or above Highest Award BSc(Hons) Games Technology 360 credits, of which at least 100 must be at Level 3 or above, at least a further 100 at Level 2 or above and a further 140 at Level 1 or above.