Download Computer Systems: Elements, Classification, Hardware, Software, Peopleware, Size, Data and more Summaries Computer Programming in PDF only on Docsity! A Overview of Information and Communications Technology Introduction to Computers Elements of a Computer System Classification of Computers Capabilities and Limitations of a Computer History of Computing SOFTWARE import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class MyCanvas exte public void paint(Graphict Toolkit t=Toolkit.getDefi Image i=t.getImage("p! g.drawImaget(i, public static void mai MyCanvas m=-new My PEOPLEWARE CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS Computer systems can be classified based on the following: 1. According to Size 2. According to Types of Data Handling 3. According to Purpose _ Rel -\ Sze OF COMPUTERS ae 4 ay dace OSS V4 en a Mier bho: (cote) uil elites f : a ame) wa => ; iF BRB. CRAY ' oa | _ Tees 7 wl Watch Japanese Fugaku Supercomputer Is Now World's Fastest, Twice Faster Than IBM Summit CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS Supercomputers » They are used for performing complex mathematical (ore l(eUI elie) alse » Mostly used by scientists and mathematicians » They have huge memories & tremendous processing SJ el=1-10 » They are huge computers installed in space centres, nuclear power stations etc. >» They are used for weather forecasting, animation graphics etc. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS Mainframe Computers >» They are big computer systems sensitive to temperature, humidity, dust etc. > Qualified & trained operators are required to operate them. > They have wide range of peripherals attached. > They have large storage capacity. They can use wide variety of softwares. >» They are not user friendly. They can be used for more mathematical calculations. > They are installed in large commercial places or government organizations. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS Microcomputers >» They are cheap and user friendly. >» The main components are Monitor, CPU, Keyboard, Mouse, Speakers, Modem and Printer. > They have limited peripherals attached to them. » This type of computers can use wide range of softwares. > Their operation can be easily learnt by anyone having logical aptitude. CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS By size Minicomputer Lesser than a mainframe in terms of * Size * Price * Memory * Speed * Functionality eee ete re} CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS By Data Handling Analog Vs. Digital Analog Computers are devices in which continuously variable physical quantities such as electrical potential, fluid pressure, or mechanical motion are represented in a way similar to the corresponding quantities in the problem to be solved. alias Digital Computers performs calculations and logical operations with quantities represented as digits, usually in the binary number system of “0” and “1”, “Computer capable of solving problems by processing information expressed in discrete form. from manipulation of the combinations of the binary digits. Analog devices displays data in continuous form Examples: Speedometer, Oscilloscope Digital devices transform all data into binary form (0 and 1), and then it executes all operations on them. Example : personal computers CLASSIFICATION OF COMPUTERS By Data Handling Hybrid Hybrid computer is a digital computer that accepts analog signals, converts them to digital and processes them in digital form Examples: Gas pump station MRI, ECG machines in hospitals Capabilities and Limitations of Computers USES OF COMPUTERS 3627/processing.htm 1MnguboCFedapgodjmMA_w 2/1 2/types-of-data- processing.html data-processing