Download Career Management Exam REVISION UPDATE and more Exams Advanced Education in PDF only on Docsity! Career Management Exam An interest inventory may indicate that the student: - Likes to work with people. Natural or acquired skills or talents describe a person's: - Abilities. Learned abilities to perform tasks or duties of various occupations are: - SCANS skills. Which is an aptitude? - Dexterity SCANS Thinking Skills include: - Problem-solving. SCANS Interpersonal qualities include: - Social skills. A positive self-concept is characterized by: - Easily overcoming self-doubt. A person with a poor self-concept would: - Be afraid of failure. Learning by doing experiments, working with numbers and participating in problem solving identifies which kind of learner? - Logical/mathematical Learning through the use of language in reading and writing is which learning preference? - Linguistic Those that learn best by pursuing interests through an individual pace have which learning preference? - Intrapersonal What might an IQ score suggest about an individual's career goal? - An IQ can give a good indication of success in occupational groups. Having excellent grades in math and science means that a person may be successful in the career field of: - Engineering. Having strong ability in English and Theatre Arts means that a person may be successful in the career field of: - Communications. Having awareness of strengths and weaknesses in skill level helps an individual to: - Set appropriate goals. Which characteristic might be an area of strength for an individual with a Thinker work type personality? - Systematic problem solving Which personality type might be best suited for a career in clothing design? - Artisan An individual who values variety will find satisfaction pursuing a career as a/an: - Animal Control Officer. What would likely be the result if a person who values variety took a job as an assembly line worker? - The person will be unhappy performing the same tasks daily. Because abilities are learned, they will: - Change with experience. Someone who aspires to become a teacher or guidance counselor probably prefers to work with: - People. This act was passed in 1967 and prohibits discrimination against people between forty and seventy years of age: - Age Discrimination Act. A natural reaction to the demands of daily life is: - Stress. You can reap the benefits of exercise by exercising a minimum of: - Three times a week for twenty minutes. Being healthy can help a person's career by: - Giving the energy needed to perform the job. Physical and mental health can affect: - Job performance. Which developmental group is mainly concerned with providing for a family? - Middle- aged adults A law that guarantees financial assistance to workers injured on the job is: - Workers' Compensation. A group of people who are caring for both their parents and their children are called: - The sandwich generation. Putting important items that need to be done first is referred to as: - Prioritizing. According to medical experts, a major cause of stress is: - Change. When a person has a job that is enjoyable, mental health is generally: - Good. Changes that can be planned for are: - Predictable. The Family Medical Leave Act was designed to cover: - Males and females. Life roles are: - The various parts of one's life, such as citizen, parent, spouse, worker, etc. A career cluster is: - A group of jobs that are similar to one another. Making a career choice to work out-of-doors will mean: - Learning to adapt to the environment. Which job requires physical strength? - Brick masonry Occupations in which either gender comprises 25 percent or less of the workforce are: - Nontraditional occupations. A key quality of success for an entrepreneur is: - Being innovative. Unwelcome behavior of a sexual nature is: - Sexual harassment. Which of the following is NOT a form of legal business ownership? - Entrepreneurship. How has the global economy affected employees in the United States? - Has eliminated some jobs in the United States and created others. Which is true of the current workplace? - Increased use of technology Jobs in the future will increasingly involve more: - Employee telecommuting. Which of the following would NOT have been a concern for workers in the 1950s? - Internet Private ownership, profit motive, competition, and freedom of choice are characteristics of a: - Free enterprise system. In the decision-making process, a trade-off is: - Giving up one thing in return for another. The best way to approach your career choice is to: - Follow a logical decision-making process. After identifying interests, skills, and abilities, it is necessary to: - Match them to possible careers. When a student says, "I plan to make an A on Friday's math test," this is an example of a: - Short term goal. Why is it important to consider entry-level work experiences as part of the individual career plan? - Work experiences help connect classroom knowledge with workplace skills. A course of action toward achieving career and educational goals is a: - Career plan. Workers at one level who master that level and then move up to the next level of a job are: - On a career ladder. Jane wants to become a pilot. What should she include as part of her career plan? - Obtain a pilot's license If the interviewer asks about the ability to work with others, he/she is referring to which SCANS skill? - Interpersonal Which response would indicate that the job applicant being interviewed possesses critical thinking skills? - I develop new products and processes based on analysis of data. Which document does NOT provide acceptable proof to an employer of US citizenship? - Copy of birth certificate Which document helps you plan your education, career and life? - Career portfolio In an interview, a portfolio will help you present a: - Believable, accurate description of yourself. A career portfolio is a professional collection of: - Accomplishments.