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Understanding Coping Strategies and Stress Management: A Comprehensive Guide, Quizzes of Health psychology

Definitions and explanations of various coping strategies and stress management techniques. Topics include emotional-focused and problem-focused coping, psychological control, hardiness, resilience, explanatory style, pessimism and optimism, rumination, personal control, regulatory control, cardiovascular changes, repressive coping, social support, buffering hypothesis, direct effect hypothesis, stress management, biofeedback, and cognitive therapy. Each term is defined and linked to better health outcomes.

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Download Understanding Coping Strategies and Stress Management: A Comprehensive Guide and more Quizzes Health psychology in PDF only on Docsity! TERM 1 Coping DEFINITION 1 The congnitive, behavioral and emotional way in which we manage stressful situations TERM 2 Emotional-Focused DEFINITION 2 Coping strategy in which we try to control our emotional responses through stressors.Behavioral Stratagy- seeking out encouragement , or keeping ourselves busy.Relay on this when we believe little or nothing can be done to alter the situation, TERM 3 Problem-Focused DEFINITION 3 Dealing directly with stressors, in which we either reduce the stressors demand or increase our resources to meet the demands of stressEx. A student who breaks down a course overload by breaking down tasks into more managable ones. or someone who joins a support group that has a problem.More linked with better health outcomes. TERM 4 Psychological Controll DEFINITION 4 Preception that someone can determine one's own behavior and influence the environment to bring out the desired outcome.People with the SES may feel they have a low control. causing them to feel hopelessThose who believe they have controll are much better at handling stress. TERM 5 John Henryism DEFINITION 5 A pattern of prolonged, high effort coping with psychosocial demands and stressors. like barriers of social mobilty TERM 6 Hardiness DEFINITION 6 A cluster of stress-buffering traits consisting of commitment, challanges, and controlView everyday demands of life as a challange rather then a threatCan be healthier because the handle stress better. TERM 7 Resilience DEFINITION 7 Quality of some children to bounce back from environmental stressors that might otherwise disrupt their developmentMost of these children have at least one stable support person TERM 8 Explanatory Style DEFINITION 8 Our general propensity to attribute outcomes always to positive causes or always to negitive causes.People gage there personallity, luck, or other actions eithers positive ot negitive TERM 9 Pessimism DEFINITION 9 Are those who negitive Expl. Styles. Think everything i bad, or everythings my fault way of looking at things TERM 10 Optimism DEFINITION 10 People who are up beat, tend to lead longer and healthier lives.